Woooo! Engaging Gameplay That Should Totally Be Promoted!

Gonna keep saying it until something is done about it. Survivor is an absolutely miserable experience. Included a long video just so that it was clear that this isn't some gen rushing squad and that I wasn't being toxic.
Anybody wanna guess what happened after I got unhooked? If you guessed, "He tunnels straight off of hook through BT and bodyblocks", then congrats, you'd be right.
First misplay: queueing up for solo.
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You posted a video of your first hook.... Not of you getting tunneled. In fact the person who got unhooked in the clip didn't get tunneled.
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Did the leatherface have award winning chili?
that makes borrowed time completely irrelevant
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My man is just trollin' with some Bubba, having some fun. Let it go
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It would be fairly impressive if the Bubba managed to both facecamp me and tunnel the person who got unhooked.
No, for some reason, he chose to camp me and then tunnel me off of hook twice. He ignored injured people, he ignored people out in the open, he ignored BT and OTR, I guess he just hated me for some reason.
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Watches Bubba stick around the hook hitting Pulsar over and over for no reason
"I dunno guys, this one might be legit."
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That's the purple one, right?
If so, yeah, he did.
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Yep It makes going through endurance pretty easy with that it's basically impossible to get away unless there's a pallet or vault near the hook
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Lots of fun evidently.
He sent me, "Idiot Steve" after the match.
Pretty sure he was out to ruin matches.
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Maybe he doesn't like Steve. Also you didn't show the video from the beginning, you could have been teabagging and emoting that boy before the video starts
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OP said and i quote "He tunnels straight off of hook through BT and bodyblocks".
I didn't say anything about getting face camped. All I said is the video doesn't show any tunneling.
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When could I have possibly done that?
You can literally see the gen that got blocked when he came to me and I had to let go in the middle of Merciless Storm. You can hear it's almost done, despite me messing up on the skill check. That indicates I was on that gen for at least 85 seconds prior to Bubba arriving. Likewise, Merciless Storm was Tier I, meaning it only blocks for 16 seconds. It is still blocked when I run away at 0:12, meaning that there was ZERO time for me to t-bag prior to the start of the video.
Likewise, because gens take 90 seconds and Kate is about to 2nd stage, you can literally see how long it's been since the match started. I spawned next to that gen and did that gen up until the video starts.
My apologies, I forgot that doing gens is extremely toxic.
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I'd show you my point totals, but I already closed DBD for the day.
I don't think it was more than 3K
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Lol, for real the Bubba probably got dumpstered his last couple of matches and got BMed by 4 stacks while playing fair so he's just playing Bubba and trying to ruin games cause he's mad lol. I know that's the only time I play facecamp bubba
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There was a pallet near me but my rescuer ran to it and dropped it immediately, so I had to play the window which he Bamboozle'd. Ran back to the pallet, he breaks it, obviously, and then he saws through Endurance and downs me again.
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And that makes it okay to just completely ruin my experience?
Because he wasn't good enough?
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Looks like decisive strike needs another nerf.
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Again I am not saying you didn't get tunneled. All i said is the video didn't show any tunneling.
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No it doesn't make it okay but it's funny and helps you cool off if you keep losing and getting BMed by toxic survivors
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If he's that upset that he needs to knowingly and deliberately set out to ruin other people's games, first off, that's some psycho stuff. Secondly, he should take a break.
Post edited by BoxGhost on8 -
Dude it's a video game lol. It's not like he beat his son after a hard day of work
Post edited by BoxGhost on3 -
One thing I find helps is to remember that children play this game. When I get someone like that I just assume they're young
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Bubba is hot.
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He's just knowingly using other people to alleviate his own insecurity by sabotaging any fun they could have had.
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To both of you I say this, maybe this is how they have fun, and if it is who cares, move on.
Your playing a multiplayer game, this means you have to deal with how other people play, as long as it isnt against the rules, which it isnt.
Also at 42 secondsish you were greedy and should of thrown the pallet
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Wouldn't have made it anywhere else though, no other pallets. All I'd accomplish by throwing it is making a big deadzone.
If you have fun by ruining other people's fun, that's some psychopathic behavior right there, sorry.
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Yeah it would be great if you Pulsar could upload the full video to prove your claims. It's extremely hard to believe someone who plays Bubba would camp and tunnel a survivor.
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Never said I did, and you may even be right although psychopathic may be a tad strong. Point is they arent breaking any rules, so there isnt anything to be done.
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Did you call the police?
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It's always after really mediocre chases that killers do this too. Like there's no way killers are that upset that a console feng looped them for 20 seconds.
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Lucky you, i would never be mad with a facecamping tunnel bubba (For real).
That's a true bubba right there, respect <3
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I mean...its Bubba... 95% of Bubbas play like this or they facecamp / insidious camp. Nothing new here.
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That's just a typical match against Bubba. But honestly, solo survivor desperately needs some buffs.
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You know, funnily enough, I have actually filed a police report because of DBD before. Fun times.
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Like I'm not some mf god gamer steve player. I suck as Survivor.
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He had multiple opportunities to down injured people who were bodyblocking for me (in solo q, that's wild). He chose to not even hit them and go after me.
He would've had more points and more pressure if he had downed them. It doesn't make any sense tactically.
People have this weird notion that being tunneled off of hook at 4 gens is what people log on to DBD for.
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1 gen pops between three teammates in a one minute chase. Auras of 3 survivors standing in no man's land doing nothing. Crazy that survivor is almost always at 100% bonus. There's literally nothing else for survivors to do besides gens if they aren't healing or in a chase. I will never understand it.
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To be fair, my gen was close to done and wasn't the one finished. One girl was also on the hook. But yeah, with an efficient SWF, this could've been 3 and a half gens easily. Maybe if that had happened, I wouldn't be as upset. I would've thought, "well, we did pop 3 gens, what else is he gonna do?" But, he literally did this to everyone. Slugged the 2nd to last guy almost to death while he was looking for the last guy then he picked him up.
Idk if he was offended that we popped a gen or what.
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Always hard to say. Bubba tends to attract the griefer types. There's like a 10% chance of having a normal game against a Bubba.
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I just don't understand how you can think that's good design?
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I don't like to straight up profile Killers but yeah.
I took stats last year and something like 75% of the Bubba's we encountered just facecamped off of first hook.
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I don't understand what are you advocating for?
I do get a lot of toxic survivors too that do ensure I'm having the worst experience in a match. People will always find ways to piss off other players.
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Two wrongs don't make a right. What a terrible take on this situation.
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Less toxic gameplay?
Make it less appealing?
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First mistake : Playing solo Q
Second mistake: Thinking most of the users of this forums see this as any sort of issue (this forum is heavily killer biased).
Yeah, this is pretty much the average solo Q experience, with 1 exception: Most of the randoms are probably way more incompetent than you are, thus will go down faster, thus there's less time for gens, so less gens done, so everyone dies at 4 gens.
Sincerely, Behaviour "We were unhappy with kill rates" game Studio.
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It's gotta be the shirt. Bubbas have ongoining nightmares of getting tormented by countless Scoops Stevies. It is the one thing a Bubba fears!
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People who defend others going out of their way to ruin someone's gameplay experience just because they can are what's wrong with this community, right next to the people who actively do it tbh.
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Well....his form could've been better. I personally don't facecamp AND continuously hit the survivor. But hey, each our own.
Being real. Camping? It sucks, no real way to completely balance(?) It without it breaking the game. I already dislike basekit BT.
Other than that, yeah he probably did in one of the few instances I'd say, tunnelled you afterward.
The whole interaction of facecamping and tunnelling do probably need a change.
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This content has been removed.
Being bm'ed was what is wrong in that clip.
But it happens to killers also.
I disagree about the way pulsar made this thread to be tho. Too dramatic for something that is normal dbd experience since forever. We all get tilted and frustrated but did this really warrant a thread and calling someone a psychopath because they hit someone on a hook in a video game? Also swfs get bm'ed too it is not a solo q experience.
Solo q bad is becoming a meme and people just say it to say it. Yeah surv is rough atm because of the game design and because of our own mistakes but it is not like killer is fine either.
I just don't see the point in these threads that promote us vs them mentality even more.
Also kindred basekit won't help that meg to let go for pain res or our own mistakes. It should happen but it won't fix solo q in a slightest.
Can we just stop chanting the same stuff over and over like zealots in re4 just because someone else said it?