Ok, I have to admit camping and tunneling has gotten worse since the perk overhaul.


Before the overhaul, it was still prominent sure but it wasn't as bad I felt. I was actually looking forward to how the changes to perks would affect loadouts since I normally run builds for solo queue so I've been playing a lot more of DBD than usual. While maybe in the first week it was a bit weird to get over not being able to rely on some perks anymore I tried to adapt.

I want to also point out that while I do play mostly solo queue, a lot of solo queue players are not as bad as people think. Most of the time people I come across in solo queue play exceptionally well the only issue is lack of communication beyond using aura perks and spam crouching and the two emotes makes it hard to co-ordinate with them in stressful situations.

Since the perk reworks while I noticed ruin being used less I also see that killers run iridescent addons like... A LOT more than usual. Killers like trickster or Wraith and Blight just dropping into matches with cracked builds like yeesh. Idk if I'm just getting better at the game and end up in sweaty matches but most of the time if I'm found first killers commit to me for way longer than I'd like, so much so that by the time I'm hooked half the pallets are gone and 2 gens are left and teammates are going out of their way to get the killer to come to me. Eventually games just end with me dying, killer sometimes BMing me on hook though 3 people escape or maybe 2 if the killer goes after the person who tries to get me off of hook. Yesterday I was just trying to get my last few rift ranks up and got tunneled 10 + games in a row, all I wanted was to cleanse 20 totems but the killer had other plans to chase me across the map between multiple structures until I was on death hook (no one else was hooked).

And whenever I'm not being chased I'm watching one happen (since I run empathy and trust me it's almost a requirement in solo). One of the games I had yesterday ended in a 4 man escape because the Feng we had was a god, in a single chase before getting hooked they ended up using DH three times and they had to be flash saved after being downed straight off of hook multiple times. Unless godlike teammates like that drop into my squad it's usually a guaranteed 2k if the killer decides to hard tunnel, 4 if the team is too altruistic which in solo queue is mostly the case because understandably people want some points.

I do find it hard to believe that people still say the game is survivor sided at this point, but at least this experience since the overhaul has helped me get better in chases so that's a silver lining.


  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    You're seeing more iridescent add-ons in killer builds because they lowered the price of everything in the bloodweb to help the grind. Commodius toolboxes, ranger med kits, and brand new parts are super common now too

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230
    edited September 2022

    In my opinion they should give an incentive to killers if they're going for different hooks all the time. Right now it's all up to the actual human playing a killer if they play "nice" or not. If they balance certain perks to prevent a gen being done in 15 seconds with 2 brand new parts, 2 players and hyperfocus/stakeout/prove thyself combo, then we can talk about it. Same goes for gens slowdown perks, it's not really nice to hold a button on a gen for over a minute and a half.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    You kill Barbeque and Chili and suddenly there's no reward for getting 1 hook on every survivor, so why not just kill off one guy as early as you can.

    Almost as if that should've been moved to a a core gameplay mechanic instead of being deleted entirely.

    If you're mad about increased tunneling and camping, you should be demanding the BBQ BP mechanic to come back.

  • PyramidFootLicker
    PyramidFootLicker Member Posts: 106

    Not really mad about it since personally I keep the killer busy long enough for others to escape, again if they're not too altruistic others make it out but watching the hook timer deplete gets old pretty fast, especially since only being chased doesn't really give survivors much BP as well. Also camping and tunneling was a thing with old BBQ, I'm just noting that it definitely does feel worse after the perk changes.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited September 2022

    Yeah, camping is a losing strategy for killers. All but one Survivor will always escape a killer who camps as long as the team is doing gens. But since chases take way too long, healing is almost instant, maps make escapes trivial, infinite loops make damage a rarity, and survivor perks give their team 36+ health states, it gets REAL old REAL fast. If people don't feel like climbing that mountain every single time, they're going to take the shortest path towards anything that can be perceived as a win: a single kill.

    This USED to be one hook on each survivor. It encouraged spreading out, leaving the hook, and giving all survivors a chance to participate in every part of the game, resulting in more BP for both sides. And even when you get 4E games, getting that big BP payoff at the end was reward enough. Now? It's nothing. Who cares? Just sit there and zone out till the match is over or the sacrifice is done.

    And yeah, tunneling and camping existed before. But it's WAY more common now. And that's almost entirely because of no BBQ BP.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,543

    It's player decision and saying X perk and Y perk should stop it is weird to say the least

    They should've come up with something different

    They could be working on adding more to basekit Survivor while changing other things

    Why would a Killer leave a Hook they got... Gen regression is number 1... but what else non-perk related