BHVR: How about to do something with cheaters finally?

Really, even content creators started adressing this issue. Cheaters have been here but not it's more serious issue than ever.
Normal players: have to face instant gens, instant heals, flying, 200% movement speed, instant flashlight blind, 2 killers in 1 game, survivors disappearing into the ground, etc... not even talking about subtle cheaters that think they can do anything they want (which is true for now...)
TTV and YT: getting held as hostage for hours, getting sniped by multiple cheater groups + same situation as for normal players
Players are annoyed more and more and even some of us, dedicated, on multiple platforms, for years, are disgusted. It's literally better to turn it off and play something else. I am not even streamer and 1/4-1/2 of my games are with cheaters. Without any joke. And sorry, I don't want to waste time to report every one of them. Ofc, I report them in-game but I doubt it will do something.
There are videos from content creators. Everybody from this community know at least one of them. Look at likes, subscribers, if you don't care about players' opinions, look at those data. Those numbers are from 90% players playing your game, BHVR. People are starting leaving just because of cheaters. It's kinda sad.
Please, BHVR, it's time. This game becomes unplayable. Not only for streamers or YouTubers. If you need time to implement some code against this, it's alright. Meanwhile you can give us something we can work with. The possibility to leave the match without a longer and longer ban, or to make the report system more efficient.
Playing this game is kinda exhausting already, because it's not "funny" to face cheaters again and again and again...
Thanks for reading.