Which is more fun, playing as Demogorgon or Wesker

dugman Member Posts: 9,713

Now that Wesker’s been out for three weeks or so and most people who wanted to try him out have given him a shot, which killer do you think is more fun to play as, Demogorgon or Wesker?

The two obviously have kind of similar playstyles in chase and in a way Wesker is a spiritual mechanical successor to Demogorgon who’s no longer available in the store. So who do you enjoy more off the top of your head?

Which is more fun, playing as Demogorgon or Wesker 18 votes

Demogorgon is more fun to play
AdelooMarc_go_solotliffShame_Wizard 4 votes
Wesker is more fun to play
calebmcgtenoresaxFilthyLegionMaindugmanFobboBasementDwellerGuiltiiAurelleCodeDBxni6_ForestOfForests 11 votes
I haven’t played both characters
HanselpupValaryynKotelettphantom 3 votes


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    Wesker is more fun to play

    To me this is really close but at the moment I just barely give the edge to Wesker. Demogorgon has much better tracking which is great, but I just like using Wesker’s Bound more than Demo’s Shred because it can go around corners, has a much longer range and landing it looks and feels a lot more satisfying. Plus the vault over pallets is surprisingly useful sometimes, the trick being timing it right as a survivor finishes dropping the pallet and then vaulting over it during its final bounce. If you time that vault right you can pretty easily catch the survivor for a hit on any loop that isn’t a super small mindgameable one. (And if it’s that small you can get the hit anyway.) Plus playing around with Wesker’s overcompensating-for-something Terror Radius is fun. 😄

    As far as actual overall effectiveness, they’re pretty close. I think both characters are 4 out of 5 stars. I might give the edge to Wesker but it’s really hard to tell, Demo’s tracking shouldn’t be underestimated and he also charges up his attack a bit more quickly which can be handy. But Wesker’s infections cause a lot of indirect slowdown as survivor keeping running around grabbing and using sprays, and if they don’t use sprays or run out being fully infected is really bad for them. So they definitely each have their own pros and cons.