Match Timer; Hacker/Immersive Gamers Holding game hostage.

Okay, so I had a few matches in which one was pretty much held hostage by a obvious Cheater whom can fly, instant heal themselves/and downed teammates in front of my killer face; etc. They also kept my game hostage even though all other Survivors escape or died, and I open the exit gate to start the collapse timer. Somehow, not sure if it is bugged; or a mechanical issue; they are able to bypass the Endgame Collapse 2 minutes timer and keep my stuck in the match for 10 minutes before I need to quit and eat the 3 minutes DC Penalty. (I have challenges and battle pass to complete, so I do not want to wait 2 hours for the DC to happen agaisnt the cheater.)
Then I have another match, in which I got 10 hooks, 3 gens left that needs to be completed by the Survivors; yet the last two decided to play immersive and spend the entire Match playing Hiding and Seek and not touch a single gen for the past 15 minutes, when it was 10 minutes of gameplay where I did good pressuring as Wesker on RPD.
I do not like that fact, that i cannot always relie on Endgame Collapse to properly end the match as soon as I can. And also, how the heck can Hacker exploit the timer and hold the game hostage. So I propose a Rework/Buff to Endgame Collapse.
Endgame Collapse doesn't just start as soon as the exit gates are powered or the hatch just got close by the killer; as soon as the match starts, there is now a 30 minute timer. All the hook spawns, as well as Generators; will have a clear indicator of the Countdown, maded by the entity. It can be a giant Clock, that slowly Countdown; to 30 minutes total; once it reaches 10 minutes left; it will make a loud Ding, that is map wise and will remind all remaining Survivors that they need to finished up the gens or escape before then. After 5 minutes left, a second round dings which will make two loud dings; as well as the beginning of the Endgame Collapse will trigger. If no Survivors have left the trial by then, they will be killed and automatically DC, regardless of the situation.
My Proposal will ensure that all Matches have a clear Match Timer, in a form of a Countdown; if no Survivors refuse to play the game or attempting to hold the game hostage by not playing at all; they will eat a DC Penalty and will die.
EGC should automatically start after a match has been going on for 25 minutes.
If the match does not end within 1 minute of the EGC ending, the match should instantly be ended regardless of its current state.