Solo survivor is UNPLAYABLE


3 games in a row i've been matched with a team where a player has gone down to a m1 killer in less than a minute, one in 30 seconds of starting the game ...

why am i being matched with players this bad? it's getting beyond a joke now and ontop of that i'm then matched against blights and nurses that make me just want to die on first hook to get to the next game and roll the dice to see if I get a good team.

Your matchmaking system literally encourages toxic behaviour, dying on first hook or D/C because you know for a fact that it is a waste of time even trying in some of these games.

if you're going to balance the game around SWF then why don't you implement better ways for solo survivors to see what team mates are doing rather than handicapping them before the game even starts.

I'm forced to bring perks like kindred and even then the people I am matched with stand around doing nothing
