New Killer Idea - The Druid

Xamerzan Member Posts: 3

Here's a killer idea I had for some time, finally decided to share him. I haven't thought of any perks for him, so you guys feel free to post your own here. :)

The Druid

A haggard old man covered in various moss, fungus, lichen and other types of small foliage. His power allows him to plant either a flower or fungus each doing something different.

Flower - the Druid can plant a flower on a dull, hex, or boon totem. Planting a flower on a totem forces the Survivor to perform an extra action with skill checks in order to remove it from the totem before they can cleanse or boon it. Failing a skill check will cause the Survivor to yelp in pain while pausing progress and causing a noise notification to the Druid. Planting a flower on a boon totem will automatically snuff out the boon.

Any totem-related perks will still function as normal on flowered totems.

Flower Specific Add-ons:

Razor Thorn - Iridescent Quality - if a Survivor misses a skill-check while removing a flower, the progress on removing it is reset and there's a 50% chance that the healthy survivor will become injured. Already injured survivors cannot be put into the dying state. (Survivors wearing gloves will now have to perform skill checks, but cannot be injured if a skill check is missed.)

Main Power - Foul Fungus - The Druid creates a 12m circle of poisonous fungus around him for 15 sec. Survivors who enter the garden will be afflicted with random negative affects (Hindered, Exhausted, etc., but NOT Exposed... yet) for as long as they continue to remain in the fungus and for 5 sec. after leaving the affected area. Certain Add-ons can cause certain negative affects to me more prevalent.

Fungus Specific Add-ons:

Shimmering Spores - The Druid's power no longer creates a fungus garden around him. Instead, for 15 sec., The Druid is surrounded in a 16m sphere of spores debilitating any Survivors within it; this aura follows the Druid. Survivors that remain in the area become Exposed after 5 sec. and will be Exposed for 3 sec. after leaving the zone.

Old Gardening Gloves - if a Survivor finds old gardening gloves in a locker or specific chest, they may remove one flower from a totem without any skill checks and a slight increase in progress speed to removing the flower. Successfully removing a flower will have 50% chance of causing the gloves to disappear, with each subsequent use increasing chances by an additional 10% each use.

So what do you guys think? Would you like to see this killer enter the Fog to chase down survivors?

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