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General Discussions

How to abuse new base kit Unbreakable

Member Posts: 1,132
edited September 2022 in General Discussions
  1. run to a spot with no accessible hooks
  2. get downed
  3. recover
  4. repeat

100% abusable on maps with poor hook distribution, e.g. Swamp and Midwich, or with SWFs that run Breakout, Sabo or try to block the killer.

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  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Not just swf if a teamate goes down close to me at a pallet I just have to run out in the open and now the killer has to chase me leaving the downed survivor to pick themselves up or go for the pick up and get stunned. Its the same if I bring a flashlight.

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    "Survivor seems to be getting away with it, so that's not a problem."

    Trivia: This, which I just wrote, is a common sentence that BHVR responded to when a certain killer actually reported an unfavorable bug.

  • Member Posts: 319

    No. You sound like a killer main guessing at how survivors play. If running to a corner always worked to allow you to struggle free EVERY survivor would do it. Hooks are plentiful and many killers run agitation or iron grasp. It doesn’t work and it won’t work with basekit unbreakable.

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    How to never get hooked as survivor:

    Perks: built to last,unbreakable,boilover, saboteur(if you don't bring a toolbox for sabo's) or boon: coh

    Tools: Alex's toolbox or a flashlight with battery add-ons

    Offerings: any offering that takes you to a realm that you can exploit spots in ie badham preschool

    Step 2: have a buddy run a offering that makes the basement spawn in killer shack if you decide to go to badham and run the same build as you with a optional 2nd buddy run a offering that increases the distance between hooks

    Step 3: go to a spot where you know a killer won't be able to hook you if you go down

    Step 4: enjoy getting slugged over and over until you bleedout

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Are you actually serious? LMAO

    Survivors WOULD do this with normal unbreakable. They are not because it's virtually impossible unless everyone (I mean everyone) has build load outs for exactly this purpose.

  • Member Posts: 628

    "slugging the 3rd to get to the 4th" as if the hatch mechanics arn't the ones that force killers to do that.

    the only reason to ever not slug a penultimate survivor is if you don't actually care about the final one escaping through the hatch, which to be fair i rarely bother anymore but if killers want to actually do their objectives its the only thing they can do.

  • Member Posts: 68

    What would you replace hatch with then? Some games as survivor, I really outclass the (probably baby) killer, but my team generally are hopeless (probably also baby) and they get trashed quickly, then there's 1 survivor left slugged and I am stuck looping, healing my downed teammate and trying to cycle 2, 3 or 4 generators on my own for 20 minutes. I guess what I really ought to do is just bend over and accept that this (probably baby) killer is clearly God levels of intelligence with their extremely complex and amazingly well-planned 'just slug everyone' strategy.

    Slugging has just started to become so prevalent that every killer I come up against does it. You can say the hatch mechanic forces it but I don't agree, I even somewhat enjoy the hatch-race and am happy enough losing it as killer to a skilful or lucky survivor. Honestly, the points difference between 3 and 4K as killer is not that big, I think it's the grade pips that make people sweatier and resort to dirty tactics like slugging.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    People adapt to changes. Do you have the numbers for when OTR was buffed and DS nerfed both before and after. I don't believe you need those numbers since you can reasonably infer the usage changes. Just as if corner hooks become this apocalyptic event these doomsayers claim it to be then Killers can just bring one of Agi/IG. Even then it would be similar to now how you bring Unbreakable if you think you will get slugged, but you only get value 1 out of say every 10 matches realistically. That value is typically immense and game shifting, but imo not worth the perk slot unless you are playing for money. Also Agi gets you great value when running Scourge Hooks, so it wouldn't even be a losing proposition to bring it.

  • Member Posts: 1,132
    edited September 2022

    "They are not because it's virtually impossible unless everyone (I mean everyone) has build load outs for exactly this purpose."

    You realize once base kit Unbreakable is added, everyone or at least the swfs will be running builds exactly for this purpose because it will become the meta to run Sabo and other perks to force the killer to drop the survivor and force the killer into a lose-lose situation.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Why? Because you say so?

    Same can be said about all those doom and gloom posts over perks which aren't even ran that often (Boil Over/Power Struggle/etc) where people were losing their minds and yet here we are people are still not using those perks.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    History shows that broken stuff will be used to excess by both sides once the general public catches wind of it.

    Examples were:

    Perma Sabo squads when survivor figured out they could make the whole map a hook dead zone.

    Moonwalking legion, forever Freddy or forever mending legion

    And not too long ago the whole boil over fiasco with multitudes of survivor running offerings and everything to abuse map deficits coupled with the perk.

    Ub right now needs 30 seconds and is single time use. After the possible implementation of the new version (we don't even know if it goes love like it is proposed now) it will be 23 seconds for basekit+perk ub and have up to 10 uses per survivor.

    Right now there isn't a strategy to built around ub but with the time reduction and in combination with other pickup perks (don't know if they will stack with other perks), pallets and/or flashlights even duos will be able do completely deny the majority of the killer roster.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    That doesn't sound like an issue with the ability to recover from the dying state but rather like a map design issue to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,132

    Why? Because it's extremely powerful to make the killer unable to hook the survivor? Forcing the killer to drop the survivor then having the survivor recover with Unbreakable is basically giving the survivor an extra hook state and health state. Survivors are already doing this with Flashlights, body blocks, and pallet drops. The better question is why wouldn't survivors want to force the killer to drop the survivor so they can recover with Unbreakable?

    "Same can be said about all those doom and gloom posts over perks which aren't even ran that often (Boil Over/Power Struggle/etc) where people were losing their minds and yet here we are people are still not using those perks."

    Boil over became the meta and was heavily abused until it was nerfed, so I don't know what you are talking about.

    You are partially right, but Sabo is a major problem. Once you account for that, hook dead zones can be created on most maps.

    It isn't necessarily only the corner of the maps that have no hooks. There are many other locations where it can be hard to hook, such as the underground portion of Badham and The Temple of Purgation and Swamp and Midwich once a hook is removed. You also aren't accounting for Sabo. Say a killer walks to a hook and someone Sabos it, the killer is now forced to drop the survivor because there might be no other hooks or they can't make it to another one in time.

  • Member Posts: 505

    flip flop, power struggle, unbreakable. go down in a pallet, free escape if the killer checks to make sure the pickup is safe, free escape if a survivor is there and the killer realises that they have to literally instantly pick up after the down to be able to get their hook

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Boil Over isn't even remotely meta and people still complain about it. Same as you are about something that hasn't even come out yet.

  • Member Posts: 1,389

    isn't the kinda obvious solution to "hook dead zones" to make it so that hooks spawns allow a killer to always have at least two different hooks they could make it to? aka rework hook spawns.

    (and read the following in a not very impressed sarcastic voice and don't read too much into it - but how exactly will survivors run a full sabo build, a chase build and a genrush build at the same time ? Since according to the forums everyone is already running dh again, has hyperfocus and/or prove and carries a flashlight or BNP.)

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited September 2022

    Simple they won't they will just run sabo/flashlights with break out and boilover

    Kinda like how the swfs just had builds that had flip flop,break out,boilover and unbreakable plus rpd badge during the whole boilover fiasco

  • Member Posts: 1,270

    Legit I can see badham being abused with this like how demi did in this video

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Those maps should get more hooks even now I struggle to get people on hooks in midwich in some part of maps and usually at least one or two can wiggle out every time I play there.

  • Member Posts: 3,910

    Are people forgetting that when Breakdown was bugged to infinitely break hooks/RPD had an unhookable spot, people would take No Mither for infinite self recovery and just camp out that unhookable location???

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    I’m looking forward to seeing how much of a disaster this turns into. It’s like the devs are purposely trying to get more killers to quit to rebalance the number of players in each role since after the last patch there seemed to be a surplus of killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

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