How to never get hooked as a survivor with the new changes against m1 killers

Perks: built to last,unbreakable,boilover, saboteur(if you don't bring a toolbox for sabo's) or boon: coh

Tools: Alex's toolbox or a flashlight with battery add-ons

Offerings: any offering that takes you to a realm that you can exploit spots in ie badham preschool

Step 2: have a buddy run a offering that makes the basement spawn in killer shack if you decide to go to badham and run the same build as you with a optional 2nd buddy run a offering that increases the distance between hooks

Step 3: go to a spot where you know a killer won't be able to hook you if you go down

Step 4: either you or a buddy sabo the closest hooks if someone gets downed and picked up or go for a flashlight save

Step 5: While killer is chasing after one of you jump into locker and renew your tools durability

Step 6: repeat steps 3-5

Step 7: enjoy getting slugged over and over until you bleedout

Ffs bhvr did you forget about how swfs abused boilover this is just going to be a repeat of that shitshow