The Mori update PTB is exactly what we asked for. Not the changes, but a limited time game mode.

They've already stated the patch isn't going live anytime soon, if ever. But this is BHVR finally doing something the community has been asking for for years: an alternate game mode.

Would people be freaking out about a PTB testing a 2v8 game mode? It would be broken as hell, but it would be fun for a weekend until everyone just ran double nurse.


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    It will not live next patch, but it will happen

  • ThanosPAWG
    ThanosPAWG Member Posts: 412

    I'd imagine that they hopefully balance some stuff before hand.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    I honestly don't think it'll go live as a permanent feature in the game. The feedback is overwhelmingly negative and there will be a mass exodus of killers if they actually implement it. I think it should only activate if all 4 survivors are 'down' (whether that's all 4 on the ground or, for example, 2 on hooks and 2 on the ground). This will really make weaker killers in the game (Trapper, Twins) literally unplayable, and will only make more people turn to the already universally disliked survivor killers: Nurse & Blight.