Bloodwebs need a new feature for P100 grinders
I'm currently grinding for P100 on Steve and am currently on P76 and what's been really boring while doing this is having to sit in a lobby for 10 minutes or so and spend bloodpoints so I can make room for more (the reason I don't do it while queued is because of the bloodweb bugs)
Something I've been wanting for a while now is a feature where you can click a button and it let's you choose what level/prestige you want to go upto depending on your bloodpoint count and how many bloodpoints you want to spend. It would make it so much easier to avoid having to sit in bloodwebs (that get boring after a while believe me) and just have a couple buttons to click to spend all your bloodpoints on.
You could argue that you won't exactly be able to choose the items you get which to be honest I don't really care for items after playing 2k hours in this game the only thing I care about rn is bloodpoint offerings and killer addons and that's about it but it would be nice after you spent the bloodpoints using the button it tells you what you got a bit like how you type in a code and it says at the bottom how many bloodpoints you got from that code.
I get it might be a hard feature to implement and will take some time if it does get worked on but it's an idea just to make grinding for P100 a little easier.
One click bloodwebs would be awesome.
The sounds the bloodweb makes gives me headaches, so only hearing it once per level would be fantastic.