Saw this in a thread about the hag and just seems to cool to not be cannon in her law

redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
edited December 2018 in Lore
So a few  people got togeather and had a theory that the hags claw is in fact a prosthetic given to Lisa Sherwood by the entity to enact her revenge on the cannibals that kept her captive (now this is a few tweaks on it from me as it fits) and I think that's why she survived for so long before taking her revenge on them and how she vanished so fast she was corrupted by the entity from close proximity to the realm of the trials (even if not could it be someday added into her backstory lore of her as it makes more sense then somehow breaking free from chains while weekend diseased and missing chunks of her flesh and near deaths door I mean just look at her)
Post edited by redsopine01 on


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    You wrote the 'bags claw'.
    Also yeah seems like it should be in her lore it'd make sense more then her breaking free.