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survivor mains



  • Member Posts: 1,667

    WAS a strategy... with the patch that they want release even slugging now won't be possible anymore

  • Member Posts: 542

    Then why are survivors getting basekit BT and UB instead of growing thicker skin.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Because teabagging doesn’t win you games and tunneling/slugging does.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Which both are legit strategies to use in the game to get a win, survivors have perks to counter camping and slugging they just don't want to use them and rather have BHVR make them basekit for survivors.

    You don't see killers getting basekit perks like corrupt intervention to help out killers more so the slower ones or even BBQ, when someone responds to a post saying "It's just a mindgame, bro! Get thicker skin" then sorry that should apply to survivors also and not needing basekit perks.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    If theyre legit strategies why are the devs implementing things to combat them?

    Killers got basekit STBL and Brutal Strength.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Because survivors ######### when the game gets to hard for them and seeing as there is more survivors then killers of cause they are going to make survivors happy to keep the cash coming in.

    lol those 2 are no where even close to what survivors are getting and killers only got part of those 2 not the full effect of the perk, but they are happy to give survivors UB basekit and you can use it as many times as you want how is that change close to basekit STBL and Brutal Strength.

  • Member Posts: 388

    Cinematic Mori's was talked about for a long time, they are finally implementing them. Play how you want, in the end teabagging literally does nothing to effect the game no matter how hard people want to argue as it's some epidemic causing killers to just be so emotional that they have trouble playing the game. In the end, that's on you. Not going to engage you anymore because you just don't get it.

    I'm not the one trying to compare teabagging to slugging so your argument is invalid. If you feel personally attacked, stressed, anxiety, or extremely emotional because someone is "teabagging" you, there is a hotline you can call. Comparing it to slugging as some killers are trying to do here is insanely preposterous.

  • Member Posts: 810

    you are the one not getting anything. The cinematic moris have been announced in the anniversary stream, because apperantly the mori offerings have been used "out of spite" against specific players. Has nothing to do with slugging at all like you claimed. And yeah sure, its also on you when you BM a killer and he camps you for it. Or does the bleedout.

  • Member Posts: 810

    yeah but then they head to the forums and cry about tunneling and camping, feels like 80% of the survivors playerbase think teabaging is no issiue but then they're mad when they get tunneled in the return. And it not like its happening now and then, i have teabagers every single game. Sometimes i start chill and trying out killers im less experienced with but then some douche comes and BM me like #########. I just find it extremely cowardly to abuse the saftey that anonymity gives those people, its disgusting in my book. in real live people cant act like that, so im not used to it. Its super cringe having some strangers treat you like dogsht because they want to "taunt" you in a videogame.

  • Member Posts: 542

    It's not just teabagging it's also spamming the flash light or having a survivor follow you around all match with one yer it's one less person on a gen but it can get very old and annoying quickly even more when your trying to be fair and not tunnel the same person. And there has been times in the game where killers had to slug and let survivors bleed out remb the breakdown bug.

    What's funny is when i play ghost face and a survivor teabags and when i down them i do the same thing back to them they don't like it, if your slugged and bleeding out then suck it up and wait out the 4 min if your whole team was able to get slugged then your team messed up to allow the killer to do that. It's part of the game and slugging and a valid strategy so maybe it's time for survivors to toughen up a bit and not let valid strategy get to them.

  • Member Posts: 418

    I agree with what you're saying and fully respect your feelings towards BM'ing in the game.

    There are some super annoying/obnoxious survivors who love to teabag/BM but are the first to shout "tunneler" or "camper, get good" in the end-game chat. However, not all survivors are toxic, and many, many of them will play respectfully and won't go out of their way to disrespect killers (and other survivors! Remember, it's also other survivors who are also on the receiving end of it, not just killers).

    Equally, if we start policing teabagging, what other aspects of gameplay need addressing? Killers nodding? Camping/tunelling? Hitting on hook? Farming other survivors? Leaving people to die on hook? The list is quite literally endless, so this is why I don't understand why teabagging is singled out as this ultimate insult.

    As with my conversation with the other forum member, this is why I think people need to lower their expectations of other people's behavior in this game. I don't condone BM'ing in this game whatsoever, and of course, in an ideal world everyone would play nicely and fair and according to the killer/survivor rulebooks. However, it's just not realistic when you consider that 10's of 1000's of people can be online at once: it can't be controlled/monitored in any reasonable or logical way. If you enter every game expecting respect and 'fairness' from other players, you will always be disappointed with the game. It's a sad but true fact of life. This is why genuine offenses (abuse in end-game chat, etc.) are taken seriously and are reportable; whereas BM'ing in the game is just seen as petty and isn't reportable. It can't be controlled.

    Honestly, people think DBD is the most toxic game ever but have some of you ever seen what goes on in Fortnight, COD, League of Legends, etc. 😂

  • Member Posts: 228

    The term camping and tunneling is so broad that what some survivors think is camping and tunneling is not really.Survivors pouncing the hook before a killer leaves and killer stays to get them is not camping.Survivor of the hook with bt body blocking and I take them down is not tunneling.Survivors call everything camping and tunneling.

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