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Otz New Perk Tier Lists

I finally got my laptop with me, so making comments and posts are so much easier than being on a phone Haha. But now to the discussion.

He released a brand-new video on ranking perks, in my opinion there are so many placements in his list that I highly disagree with.

For survivor, Reactive Healing is WAY too low, this perk has saved me so much time, I find it to be worth running in any build as long as you have a healing perk or Boon/Med kit.

Same with Low Profile, that perk can come in clutch sometimes, with the new mori changes, there is now more reasons to run this perk.

Object Of Obsession shouldn't be that low either, it isn't good. But it's not Terrible.

The rest for the survivor perks in the list is fine for me.

Now for killer:

Dissolution is also way to low; this perk is so good on killers like Sadako, Clown, etc. I get value from this perk a lot on Spirit.

Dark Devotion is clearly also way too underrated, shouldn't be that low either.

Merciless Storm being better then perks like Bamboozle or Infectious makes no sense to me.

The rest seems okay, I guess.

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  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I did not watch the video because I knew I would disagree too much. Thank you for the photos.

    Outright I can say with absolute certainty that two best killer perks in 6.2.2 are Pain Resonance and STBFL. Seeing STBFL below Corrupt Intervention just does not mesh with my understanding of killers.

    Seeing Whispers, the best tracking perk in the game, in ‘Weak’ tier also aint jiving so I’ll take a pass on analyzing this further.

    Thanks again for the photo recap.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Save the Best for Last is IMO the best killer perk right now. It's great because it helps you tunnel more effectively. You hit the dude right off the hook, get a stack, get rid of his OTR/DH, down him again. If he has DS, oh well, move on to the next target, if not, one step closer to victory!

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    Merciless Storm on the same tier as DMS doesn't even make sense. It procs way less and the effect it has isn't even that good, not to mention the skill checks are not that hard to deal with.

  • Member Posts: 194

    I'm surprised to see NOED so high still. It seems so much easier to deal with after the changes that I haven't had a problem with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,067

    Against solos it can be extremely annoying and powerful, against SWF's it's still decent. I don't think it's bad at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,437
    edited September 2022

    Let's just make one tiny adjustment to Eruption : when a survivor goes down the gen starts regressing and can't be interacted with for 20 seconds even if nobody was touching it.

    Long time fan of Otz but I don't believe a lot of what he says/does as I play in a different region. Some of the strategies you see in DBD are regional.

    Play any moba and you see : A is countered by B, is countered by C is countered by D is countered by A. If nobody is playing B then A is overpowered

  • Member Posts: 1,067
    edited September 2022

    I'm down for a change like this, as long as the 10% regression and the scream is removed.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Ho boy.

    PR and Eruption aren't that super strong, especially against a competent team and doubly so if you don't play Nurse, Blight or a Killer with a busted addon. But if you are downing survivors every ten seconds, do you even need perks?

    Huge agree on Corrupt being slept on though! It's still insanely strong and can give you very much needed delay at the start of the match.

    Devour my totem, Pop, Sloppy are also super overrated.

    OTR: Only insanely strong in SWFs where you can tank a hit for someone else. If the Killer is actually tunneling you, they'll hit you through your built in BT and then down you afterwards, unless you are going against a complete potato that can't track.

    Adrenaline: A perk that helps you when you are already winning, very rarely giving you actual value. Sure, it's super exciting when you are injured, in a chase and the last gen pops. But for general use, you are better off with something that gives you value consistently.

    Those are my major gripes.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Please don't needlessly buff Eruption any further. Even if on SWF you would have to let go multiple times per chase, risking the random skillcheck tanking another 10%. The current version is already 9+25/surv gen seconds being blocked, that is enough. There really isn't proper counter play when you can apply it to unlimited number of gens, making 3 gens just all too cheesy.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    You name veeery onorthodox perks no one uses. Remember that he made this with Hens and they both play at a very high level. Any perk at low level is "Excellent" with 5 stars. Not a single comp player will ever use the perks you named.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Therr's a fair few I disagree with, but then again everyone's opinion on which perks are better than others is going to be subjective and garnered through their experience, so really it's fun to know which perks are better in his eyes.

    Not saying anyone is saying this, but these lists really should be seen as one person's experience and opinion, and not the ultimate truth.

  • Member Posts: 5,607

    Yea I disagree with some of it... but isn't that the beauty of it though

    It's just one players thoughts on the perks

    On paper some of them seem strong (Oppression) -up to 3 Gens can be regressing on one Gen kick- but that cooldown sucks so bad

    While other aren't as strong on paper (Surveillance) -information of a Gen's regression and potential repair- but Call Of Brine does more in terms on information

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    The problem with the 40 perk rework is that overall they tuned the killer perks to obliterate solo players but made the perks do almost nothing vs SWF groups. Overcharge is amazing if you chase someone away from a generator and one person is down and another person is on the hook. The last person can't run touch the gen then go get the unhook then go pick the person off the floor.

    Being able to avoid 90% of the eruption effect makes it a strong perk vs solo but a weak perk vs SWF. I play against almost exclusively 3-4 man SWF teams so eruption would be nearly worthless for me to use.

    Let me try to imagine a more balanced perk for you :

    Kick the gen and when you down someone the generator begins regressing. The regression cannot be interrupted for 30 seconds Any survivor that was working on an eruption generator after it was kicked by the killer is "marked" by a NE-α parasite. Marked survivors cannot heal themselves/others, open chests, or cleanse totems for 20 seconds.

    Note: Any regression speed perks such as Overcharge or Call of Brine will be applied to the generator when a survivor is downed. Perks like Dragon's Grip will not be activated by Eruption. If ruin is active it will slow down the generator as normal (but would not stack with Overcharge/CoB).

    In before anyone says applying Overcharge/CoB is OP :

    The killer should have a 1:1 regression/repair speed ratio with survivors as there are 4 survivors. The only way a killer can "catch up" in the current system is to tunnel people out so that repair speed goes from 100% to 50% potential. This is because the killer has 1/4th the repair speed of one survivor. In other words : the killer has 1/16 the repair capacity of the survivor team.

    Why bother kicking gens when you can tunnel someone out?

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I probably would put the perks in more or less the same spots give or take. 🤷‍♂️ Just at a glance

    • I'd probably move Unrelenting to 2 star from 1 star. It actually save quite a bit of distance on a miss, it's basically Save the Best for Last for misses. I think it's not valuable for Otz because he rarely misses attacks, but average players might miss one or two attacks against juking survivors a match and Unrelenting can mean the difference between following up on those for a hit and the survivor getting enough distance to reach a vault or pallet. I don't think it's better than 2 stars but I do think it's better than the other 1 star perks.
    • I could maybe see Dying Light going to 2 stars in certain loadouts with certain killers. It pairs well with Dark Devotion, for instance, because with that combo you can hit-and-run against the Obsession and hook the others more quickly due to the Undetectability you get. It's still not a great perk even then though so I wouldn't go higher than 2 either way.
    • I think Shadowborn is a solid 2. It helps with spotting things at long vision range and also helps get hits on point blank juking and 360'ing survivors. Otz hedged his bet by putting it in between 1 and 2 but I'd side with 2.
  • Member Posts: 575

    Fairly inaccurate, as per usual. Especially on killer.

  • Member Posts: 335
  • Member Posts: 2

    I know it’s your opinion but remember that Save the Best for Last does not work on every killer. Killers like Legion and Plague don’t get a lot of value from it because you want to injure them with your power for the most part. So I think this is why otz put Save the Best for Last on 4 stars rather than 5. The 5 stars perks works on every killer, specially Deadlock and Pain Resonance.

  • Member Posts: 1,384

    This is the DBD forum. People here obviously know more than a guy with a 300+ survivor escape streak and a killer main with 10k hours.

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