The REAL reason this game will ALWAYS be SURVIVOR SIDED . . .
that was the total kill rate for nurse, and FYI i don't even play nurse im a sucker for low tier killers and stealth
stats don't mean anything because they are unfiltered k bud?
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dcs don't count and no its because she's played a lot by both 6k hours dbd players and newbies, that's why u find killer that you barely encounter with high kill rate, only their mains are playing them, or even if a new player plays them they will like try them for one game and never touch them again, that would be ur sadako, twins and i think dredge
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Otz's ability to do 50 win streaks on most killers says otherwise.
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Otz got most of those win streaks before MMR was a thing. His artist win streak had over half of it finished on a day where MMR was effectively turned off. He rushed it because he didn't want to do it "normally".
He is very strong with mechanics but he plays at odd hours and that gives him easier survivors and as a side benefit more NA viewers (and some of the EU audience).
Otz has 50 win streaks - cool. There are survivor mains who had 500 win streaks (with no keys or BNP) and got bored so they stopped counting.
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That would be great if survivor win streaks meant 3-4 people survive every single game. Which they don't.
Survivor win streak = 1 person out of 4 survives
Killer win streak = at least 3 out of 4 people die
Let's not pretend they're by any means the same thing.
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I'm pretty sure BHVR said that a 2k is a draw when they discussed MMR.
A draw is balance on both sides. Hence why that's the balance success point, not what defines a win.
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Yikes, all the people trying to use borked statistics as an actual counter argument.
Guess we better nerf Pig, Myers, and Pinhead and Buff Nurse since that's the same data pool their getting the kill rate from.
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It is still concerning though. Killer mains would scream as well if it said "61% escape rate" instead.
It's all about causation and what you do with the stats. The main reason why Nurse is so low is cause one is probably going to have a really bad time the first times they play her, which is why her kill rate was the lowest in the stats.
Ofc, 61% COULD say that most survs are just bad, need to "git gud" and are low MMR , but it COULD also mean that the killer role is currently too powerful or dominate in certain areas a little too much.
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Considering Pinhead was at the top of the kill bracket with Pig not far behind, I'm going to say it's extremely likely that most of the player base isn't good at the game and its inflating the kill rate to make killers look better than they actually are with competent players.
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Is Nurse’s kill rate really so low? I thought her killer rate, while the lowest of all killers, was just a few points below 50%. It’s not like it was 20% or something; it was actually pretty good…
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I only remember a statistic they released a good while back where her kill rate was around 47% or so, the only killer with a kill rate less than 50%. It may have not been that bad, but when you compare it to the other killers, who all had a kill rate above 50%, some even reaching 60%, it is still significant.
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Hmm. That’s the number I remember, too. But wasn’t there something off or different about her that made her kill rate misleading? It may have been linked to the notion that playing her required great skill. She just wasn’t/isn’t really viewed or weighted like other killers.
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I actually agree on that that it's not too bad and most of it is coming from survs who are quick to give up on hook if they get downed first OR certain killers who over-perform at the moment (Blight with his best addons for instance), but certainly not the killer role itself. I would love to see some buffs for Pig and Myers, especially since I love Myers power, but I would also like to see changes to Blights addons and Nurse.
It's all about knowing what is currently over-performing and under-performing, which BHVR, has a hard time figuring out.
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I don't personally think that she takes great skill, but she certainly doesn't play like your average M1 killer. You don't "loop" around stuff by holding W, you use her power as the main way of ending chases and sometimes to traverse the map more quickly, which can take a good while to get used to, which is I why I believe the main reason why Nurse has the lowest winrate is cause of the first games one plays as her. You will not get a good or even decent kill rate in the beginning as her, but it will for sure pop off after you get used to her power.
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I agree. But is that whole ‘great skill’ bit still an argument people make in defense of her brokenness?
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61% kill rate across all ranks/mmr ratings. Including new players.
From the same stat: SC still most used survivor perk.
Conclusion: increased kill rate caused by SC challenge from the current tome and absolutely no reflection of the current state of the game.
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yeah this guy gets it.
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What im gonna say right now is a fact no one can deny. If you find a very good team with 4 proves, adrenalines, lithes, dead hards. They are pretty much unstoppable.
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I was being facetious, not serious.
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you forgot to add 4 flashlights
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Some still use it, but most of the people I have seen in Nurse discussions would say that she doesn't take that much skill.
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Survivor mains are mentioning 61 percent before hyperfocus and reassurance came out. Along with all of the dcs and whiny survivors that abused those numbers.
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IMO, this game has way too many variables to conclusively claim if it is survivor or killer sided. If you play starstruck, agi, awakened awareness, lethal nurse on the game with range addons, you have every right to claim the game is killer sided. But if you play wraith on garden of joy against 4 brand new parts you have every right to believe this game is survivor sided. My issue with the game now is how easy it is to have "ez" games on either side by bringing the strongest items, addons etc. As of right now for most of the cast I'd say the game is survivor sided, but the top tier killers make the game undoubtedly killer sided.
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The devs have stated that around 60% is where they want the kill rate to be.
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the real reason its survivor sided is that only 1 killer in the game can tbag.