MMR is just a big joke !

he's only been playing dbd for 3 days and what's happening ? right match with me xD I'm done... I have over 7k hours and have been playing dbd for years, sadly i have to play swf or killer or something like that will happen I mean there are enough bad players who have thousands of hours, that's bad, but that bhvr really gives me people as mates who didn't even install dbd a week ago is just pathetic...

and NO, this is NOT an individual case !

you see something like that very often, it's just pathetic and ridiculous, I'm out! make dbd pause until at least one normal matchmaking is available,nice, Im one who has almost only played solo q for years, but it's never been as frustrating as it is now


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I see the same thing when playing killer, sometimes having 2k hours survivors, sometimes 10 hours, and sometimes in the same lobby.

    Queueing up as survivor this afternoon I was matched with a SWF with each several thousand hours, making me the Resident Baby(TM) with my 250h.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335
    edited September 2022

    Matchmaking seems to be all over the place for me as well. You never know what you're going to get!

    Probably the funniest match was when I was playing as Legion and TWO of the survivors had absolutely no idea how Legion's power works (they hid in corners or in lockers while I was in Frenzy). They both had less than 10 hours. 🤷‍♂️

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    And yet for some reason people think mmr matters.. eg. using it as an excuse for losing

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,179

    Placement matches have to occur for any system to work. Starting every fresh account from the bottom by default would just lead to widespread smurfing. These games happen to gauge where a fresh account should be placed. If they're actually a fresh account, their MMR will lock in after the X number of matches. If it's a smurf account, the matchmaker can say "Hey, this 2 hour account performed well and escaped at 1500 MMR 50% of the time in 10 matches. There's no way this is a fresh account."

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Maybe it is an smurf account or maybe he is playing with his 5000 hours friend, have you checked that?

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,870

    I think MMR was doing something approximating what it was supposed to for a while this year, but has quickly devolved into a grab bag free for all.

    I am not a patch hater, but to me it seemed to get a lot worse after it dropped.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    no ! i play many time with and against them, they all play the way they look (like newbies) Yesterday I also didn't play a Claudi no skin at the killer, just hid and didn't know what to do (in the chase) she just ran around in panic

    something like that doesn't exist... you only get to max mmr quickly, bhvr lowered the cap, as far as i know, when MMR finally came out, the cap was 1900 and was increased a bit to 2000 after a few months, then it has bhvr said to the B-day stream that they want to change the MMR and have probably set the cap (there are no exact figures for this) to around 1500 or below and since we can fill a lobby with one that has 10k hours, one with 1k hours, another 500 hours, the other 100 hours, 1900, 2000 mmr I have everything from a Fog Whisperer and if you read through and the videos where bhvr talks about the mmr you will find it

    but I have the feeling it's getting worse and worse, which is why I said for myself I love to play dbd or even solo q because I find swf just too easy and as ease I see fashion, I play Killer from time to time (but I'm main survivor) but bhvr just doesn't seem to want to do it for the solo q, so I decided to put dbd aside and only occasionally killers for streaming but I I'm out as a solo queuer

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,179

    That's not how a Glicko system works. You don't gain a set amount of MMR for every win. You gain MMR relative to your opponent. It's why a fraction of the community is above 1800. The Scott Jund video everyone cites was a bit misinformed. The MMR gain and loss was uniform because the test accounts were all fresh at the same MMR.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Man the matchmaking is #########. I had a game last week where my team, 3 of whom had been playing less than a month, (not playtime we got dbd a month ish before this game.) And the other with like 30 days playtime. All in all we are a very mediocre team, with a sub 50% survival rate ended up against a prestige 55 nurse. Who proceeded to take us apart in barely 5 minutes. We had literally zero chance of combatting this nurse. I couldn't view their profile because cross platform but at prestige 55 on a single character i imagine their playtime is insane. No way should low to average skill players be seeing killers like that.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,026

    It's all over the place and it needs fixing sooner rather than later.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    according to 70% of players here MMR doesn't exist

    and according to everyone, its just a skill issue and u aren't going against SWF and they 100% don't have advantage over soloQ players because they are in vc

    this community is a joke.