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Which Horror Game Franchise would you rather see?

October's only a few days away, so if you had to pick...
Telltale's: The Walking Dead
The Last of Us
Until Dawn
Slender: The Arrival
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
The Evil Within
Dead Space
Five Nights At Freddy's
Which Horror Game Franchise would you rather see? 95 votes
BioShock - Jack Wynad (I think that's his name.), The Big Daddy (Specifically, the Bouncer, or "Mr. Bubbles".)
I would have chosen The Evil Within, but I'd rather Stefano Valentini as a killer, with Obscura as his power. Would be terrifying!
But as your descriptions stand, The Big Daddy would be a formidable and intimidating killer, so I've gone for Bioshock.
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Outlast - Not sure if you can play as Miles Upshur or Waylon Park, because we've never seen their faces. We have seen Chris Walker's face, though, and it is gorgeous.
First game to truly scare the living crap out of me on my first playthrough, so it's kinda near and dear to my heart. And it is the only game franchise left, which I actively would like to see in Dead by Daylight someday, given Left 4 Dead, Silent Hill and Resident Evil are already here.
Though, I would actually prefer to have Richard Trager as a killer, instead of Chris. Although he's not as physically intimidating, he has much more of that cunning killer instinct that Entity is usually looking for. Besides, similarly to Wesker, I'd love to hear him taunting survivors. And he has a a distinct weapon too, whereas Chris would just feel like Nemesis copycat with his bare fists.
Eddie Gluskin would be a good fit for a killer too, methinks. I'd sure be curious how BHVR'd handle his Mori for male survivors xD
And you are right about survivor complications, with Miles/Waylon/Blake all being pretty much faceless. But I'm sure BHVR could either model a face or, preferably, even create their own original character based on them (making licensed/original fusion, like with Ghosty).
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Outlast - Not sure if you can play as Miles Upshur or Waylon Park, because we've never seen their faces. We have seen Chris Walker's face, though, and it is gorgeous.
Evil within, Dead space and Outlast.
For Outlast I'd like to see Tragger, i really liked the character and I'd love to hear him say stuff like "Buddy" when starting a chase or "nobody likes a quitter!" When losing them 😂
For Dead Space they could add the Ubermorph or The Hunter, another option would be like Ghostface: half original, half licensed, the Entity could create its own twisted necromorph.
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Daniel and The Gatherer
Mine wasn't on here but i would love to see an Alien vs Predator DLC.
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Five Nights At Freddy's (An Easy Win, but I included it anyway.) - Springtrap as the killer, his son Michael Afton as the survivor, and with Fazbear's Fright (FNAF3) or the Pizza Palace (SB) as the map.
Sorry FNAF has gotta be my go to whenever it comes to something the devs can see. The fact that they haven't done it yet is almost a crime. I'd vote Bioshock if we lived in the prime timeline where something FNAF was already added but I've gotta go FNAF so the devs know we're still here.
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Outlast - Not sure if you can play as Miles Upshur or Waylon Park, because we've never seen their faces. We have seen Chris Walker's face, though, and it is gorgeous.
I rather want Marta from Outlast 2 than any of the antagonists from Outlast 1
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Five Nights At Freddy's (An Easy Win, but I included it anyway.) - Springtrap as the killer, his son Michael Afton as the survivor, and with Fazbear's Fright (FNAF3) or the Pizza Palace (SB) as the map.
No offense but I hate this list.
I'd rather have clock tower over all of these.
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Until Dawn (Same as the last one.) - Any one of the characters you play as, and the Wendigo.
Until Dawn, Sam, Mike and Wendigo
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The Evil Within - Easily Sebastian Castellanos and Juli Kidman, with either The Keeper or Ruben "Ruvik" Victoriano as the killer.
Evil Within - the time Sebastian comes into the playground, I would just yell "shut up and take my money".
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Dead Space - Well, Issaac Clarke alone would be the Dead Space paragraph, not sure how they'd implement a Necromorph killer, but they probably have their ways.
Of course i want dead space, second best game franchise ever. The necromorph could kill the survivors and then those survivors turn into necromorphs too.
Bioshock comes as number 4 best franchise so I'd love that too. But the Evil within with Ruvik and slenderman (which is not licensed as far as I know) would be amazing to have.
For slenderman (The Operator would be the name in game) especifically, I'd love if it returned to Marble Hornet's origins. We could have Masky as a Legion skin. Surivor Jay, with skins for Tim and Alex.
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Daniel and The Gatherer
I'd like to see the Brute from Amnesia in DBD because it's weapon sounds and design. Bet he'd fit in.
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BioShock - Jack Wynad (I think that's his name.), The Big Daddy (Specifically, the Bouncer, or "Mr. Bubbles".)
I've always thought a Big Daddy Bouncer skin for Billy would be awesome.
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BioShock - Jack Wynad (I think that's his name.), The Big Daddy (Specifically, the Bouncer, or "Mr. Bubbles".)
I really loved Until Dawn, great game, and I'd love nothing more than a human like feral creature as a killer (I am, after all, very fond of Hag), but at the same time there's already too much cultural appropriation of native folklore going around in horror media.
So I'll say Bioshock ! I think an underwater steampunk map inspired by Bioshock would look freaking awesome.
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Five Nights At Freddy's (An Easy Win, but I included it anyway.) - Springtrap as the killer, his son Michael Afton as the survivor, and with Fazbear's Fright (FNAF3) or the Pizza Palace (SB) as the map.
I went with FNAF.
I don't have any attachment to the series, I just want it for the chaos it would cause in the community.
Imagine it came and the the chapter was actually good like good perks for both sides and the killer is actually strong but interactive after all the hate it gets? Would be amazing.
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Dying Light, the Volatile as the killer would be really scary, and the gameplay could still be, use a flashlight to burn him, he could run fast, the maps would be dark but you would able to use a pocket flashlight while running and maybe when going against him survivors could also do parkour or something similar
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Five Nights At Freddy's (An Easy Win, but I included it anyway.) - Springtrap as the killer, his son Michael Afton as the survivor, and with Fazbear's Fright (FNAF3) or the Pizza Palace (SB) as the map.
You mean night hunter?
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Five Nights At Freddy's (An Easy Win, but I included it anyway.) - Springtrap as the killer, his son Michael Afton as the survivor, and with Fazbear's Fright (FNAF3) or the Pizza Palace (SB) as the map.
i only recently started playing but having a fnaf pack is one of the first things I thought- was pretty surprised it hadn't had it, yet! even having william as the killer with springtrap as a skin- i think something similar to what happened when the RE chapter w/ leon was released (I mean- more traffic, what more could a game want?) a perk that needs activating in some way for springtrap where downing a survivor puts all others in a certain radius into injured state, maybe? idk. I had better ideas but they're gone now lol
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I like the idea of 13 ghosts that would be terrifying seeing the jackal etc or something doll based (annabel, Chucky) or even old school monsters like ware wolves or vampires. Not a huge fan of this list apart from slender but that has its own game. The nun? Candyman? Dbd X DC would be sick though - joker, scarecrow etc would be big money makers imo
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Daniel and The Gatherer
Most wanted would be Clock Tower. After that, A Frictional game like Amnesia, or System Shock would be cool. I'd say Dead Space as well but then it would kind of overlap aesthetically with The Thing, my most wanted license in general.
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BioShock - Jack Wynad (I think that's his name.), The Big Daddy (Specifically, the Bouncer, or "Mr. Bubbles".)
It was a really tough choice between TLoU and Bioshock.
I ultimately went with Bioshock because that has an art style/aesthetic we havent really seen in dbd yet. That and a rapture map would be awesome.
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No, I mean Volatile, he is like humanoid faster zombie with weird jaw, the night hunter looks similar but he has tentacle that act like grapling hook and more present in the online gamemode.
I think the Volatile is more iconic to Dying light and would be cool to have in DbD
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Five Nights At Freddy's (An Easy Win, but I included it anyway.) - Springtrap as the killer, his son Michael Afton as the survivor, and with Fazbear's Fright (FNAF3) or the Pizza Palace (SB) as the map.
Yeah I know it's just the night hunter is meant to be like the apex of volatiles and (spoilers)
Many believe he is Kyle Crane due to the elixir he is forced to drink at the end of the following, so night hunter would probably fit more tbh than a regular one.. besides that's kind of like making a RE zombie the killer instead of Nemesis, lol
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None of the above.
Definately nothing with zombies in it though...
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BioShock - Jack Wynad (I think that's his name.), The Big Daddy (Specifically, the Bouncer, or "Mr. Bubbles".)
I would like anything as long its not five nights.