Survivor is more fun than ever these days

I have been having a great time playing survivor (solo to 2-3 swf) these days. It feels like a larger variety of perks is in play on both sides, save the outliers like pain resonance and eruption. After the perk rework and RE-2 chapter, I have lots of options to combat camping and tunneling. I can run deliverance + off the record or DS to stop myself from getting tunneled. Reassurance to help my teammates resist camping, tenacity is better than ever so I can run flip flop/power struggle with it to counter slugging. Boons are in a balanced spot and dead hard takes skill to use. It really feels like you get more value out of a swf now when each teammate plays a different build, focused on being "the healer" or "the sabo guy" or "the please chase me", etc. sure, bad games still happen. but we are biased to remember the bad over the good. anyone else having a good time?


  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    PR does need a look, but it's not that much of an outlier (honestly, PTS is as strong if not stronger).

    That said, yeah. I'd prefer it if Reassurance has been a base perk (tying the bandaid anti camping 'fix' to RMT is dirty pool), but stuff like baseline BT really does go a ways towards making survivor a lot less frustrating.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I never liked survivor until 6.1.0. I think it was because I quit the game due to seeing the same bot survivors with the same perks everygame. Now I enjoy playing both sides a lot. Though killer is a lot more stressful to play

    I play more survivor than killer at this point, these are the average builds I go against although I usually play around 12:00AM-3:00AM NA. Must be getting ready for that unbreakable update.

    Out of the 100 and something games of survivor I have played I have been hard tunneled once and it lasted for 4 gens.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I’ve been enjoying solo survivor a lot right now. Only issue is that map RNG can lead to boring games

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Wish I could say the same. Only reason that keeps me playing is incentives being on. 24h and trying to grind Quentin to p100.

    Solo Q has been quite trash still, dcs, suicides, people not taking aggro etc.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited September 2022

    If incentives are all that you care I think you should play killers lol

    even with 100% bonus I think killers will generally get more BP than survivors on average, especially with periodical party ribbons/flans/cake, and survivor pudding from your own offering pool.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389

    from what I can tell the learning curve has become much steeper for new people. - But at least they don't know how it used to be (then again: how many people invest 100+ hours into a game before they can actually start playing it in a way that's enjoyable; thats about how long it seems to take to get a hang of things if you do regular 1v1 to practise.)

    The hardest hit are probably casuals who play very infrequently and don't engage with the game outside of being in a match. For them the whole thing just got an awful lot harder and frustrating compared to how it used to be. I guess most just move to a different game to play casually. I know almost all people I know who played that way have moved on.

    And lastly there are veteran players who don't need to catch up cause they've been learning with the game as content got added over time, who like to engage with the game and who were pretty good before - and who are just as good as before after having gotten used to the changes. - I think most people who've been regulars here for a while fall into that category to some degree. And ye, U do think these players are the actual winners precisely because of what you said.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Honestly I’m just used to that at this point. Stopped finding it frustrating since queues are generally fast and I can be in another match quickly

    Only thing I find frustrating is genuine sandbagging but that’s quite rare from my experience

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,286

    Was with you on everything except boons and Dead Hard. I notice how even if I get 3-4 kills in a match that doesn't have boons and/or Dead Hard, I cease to get those results as soon as either of those perks are in play.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I've been using PT and bloodpoint offerings since I had a lot on my survivors and been getting around 50-60k points a match.

    I used to play killer before for BP since I had BBQ on all of them but right now with the slow queues on the killer side, no incentives and BBQ not giving extra BP not worth it.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Oh yeah probably better play survivor as long as you have offerings I guess.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081
    edited September 2022

    After the RE chapter 2, survivor just feels so much better. Better incentives, BT, the new perks. Its a blast, solo queue is still kinda of a ######### show, but i think its the matchmaking system that is ######### and puts you with new players for some reason, but with some friends its definitely the most fun Dbd is since ever probably. Its a breath of fresh air all the perks you can use and how much it feels that i improved because the update forced it. Also the new DH is so satisfying to pull of, the adrenaline you get from getting the timing it just feels so nice, worth even if i only get it about 40% of the time xD, ######### the ps4 delay