Forced Penance is underrated

Man this perk is so powerful against good survivors, while yes you are not gonna get many protection hits from bad teams you are gonna roll them anyways (unless they got the Hyperfocus build...). Also on trapper it is extra good because survivors rescuing others from traps will get inflicted with the broken status.
Try it out for a couple matches on weak M1 killers
Forced peni- penance is just such a random perk. Have you every seen a perk build with forced penance in it? If so lmk
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I run it sometimes, it's an odd perk but it gets the job done when dealing with body blockers.
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It really isn’t, at all. 🤣
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I've always been an advocate for FP. Pair it with STBFL, Hysteria, maybe Sloppy or maybe even Blood Echo? Make the injuries MEAN SOMETHING. Make them a THREAT.
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It works great with a backpack build (e.g. Agitation, Mad Grit, Forced Penance, Awakened Awareness) because hits you make while carrying someone trigger it. 🙂
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It's situational and situational perks are usually not popular nor meta.
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I really enjoy using it on Trickster whenever I play him, people like to crowd around and take knives for their mates so that's when you go apeshit on everyone really punish them for taking protection hits.
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This perk is like you said very good (in some situations), but unfortunately you can no longer pair it with Thanatophobia. It's actually quite good on Deathslinger since shooting a Survivor with the Reedemer also counts as a protection hit (and will trigger Forced Penance, even on healthy Survivors). And because Deathslinger can garantuee a hit to some degree, it's actually quite scary (and also works well against hyper-alrustic SwF, especially on the new PTB).
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It's a lose-lose, not using Forced Penance vs using it. You use it, you get 1 or 2 broken and that's it, no more body blocks, and those people stick to gens instead. You don't use it, free body blocks for everyone. Either way, the survivors waste too much time or are too efficient anyway.
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It's a tunneling/camping perk, I use it often to injure the unhooker and tunnel the hooked survivor, its good for when you want to really make survivors hurt.
-Hag main
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Not a bad perk but Starstruck outperforms it in every single posible way except on hits after unhooks which isnt very useful either, if you go for the unhooker he isnt going to heal anyway so broken doesnt give you any advantage.
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It is extremely good on twins since victor can apply the broken from forced and staying injured against twins is a death sentence.
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I enjoy using it in this medkit meta
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It's not though.
First, it's hard to activate yourself, pretty much in the survivors control.
Secondly, what does it actually do? It prevents someone from healing for 80 seconds. What are your options here:
- You keep chasing that survivor. They wouldn't be able to heal anyway, so it gives 0 value.
- You stop chasing that survivor and go after a different one. That survivor can no longer heal, and then just goes and does a gen instead.
The point of injuring another survivor you aren't chasing, is to discourage them from doing a gen and make them go heal. All this does is give them no choice, so they just work a gen.
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I like Forced Penance too. When my random build brings it up, there have been dozens of times since it came out where it has made an impact. Granted, to compare it with perks like Pain Resonance, Devour Hope and BBQ, and it isn't anywhere on that par. But it's underrated, absolutely.
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It's a pretty brutal perk. Sets up snowball scenarios like very few other perks can.
I enjoy running it on many killers.
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I've seen it regarded as a good choice for Twins builds since Victor can proc it.