We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Why is Wesker so popular compare to the rest of new killers?

By far the most played killer since his realese.I can see him still very offten which is very rare for any new killer that has been in the game for almost a month at this point. Why?


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Then how about Artist? Or Cenobite? Artist is very strong and Cenobite is pretty decent.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    The newest killers have always been the most popular.

    But simply because his ability to move quickly makes him intuitive to use. Relatively low difficulty of use, yet exciting and exhilarating. It is still popular a month later because it satisfies both of these needs.

    Twins, Victor met the requirement of being able to move quickly, but Charlotte was too redundant.

    Artists and pinheads need more proficiency in their abilities.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,419

    cenobite power is unrewarding to use and Artist is traping based killer with range capacity but is not good at ranged gameplay and suffers from hold-w. Sadako is mori-gimmick killer. Dredge is bad stealth killer, its better to play wraith since undetectable and mobility is more consistent then dredge.

    Wesker after his hitbox change has gameplay vs holding-w. just his pallet play is lacking, so dropping pallet is super effective against him. after playing him a lot more, I used to think he was around billy-level in term of strength(lower bottom of roaster) but I think he is a lot better at anti-shift w then I originally gave him credit for, so my opinion changed that he is indeed on upper-part of the roster. Not a perfect killer by any means but far beyond the last 4 killer releases.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 797

    Because he's alot of fun, and he's also a well-known and well-liked existing character.

    The closest we've gotten to that recently is Sadako, but most people don't find her fun.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Game licensed killers tend to be really popular. PH, Nemesis and now Wesker.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,136
    edited September 2022

    Artist is fine but not unbeatable. Pinhead gets countered by a survivor simply picking up the box. Decent would be if Pinhead had both pink add-ons at base or something.

  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    He can be pretty oppressive when playing to his strengths and with certain perk combos. Expanding his terror radius you can get periodic NOEDs throughout the match with starstruck. He can traverse large parts of the map quickly and can inflict a slowdown effect that reveals your location if you try and avoid or remove it. His dash has a built in attack mechanic if it lands which a nurse blink doesn’t.

    He’s a pretty powerful killer. I tend to see fewer DCs when I’m in a match with a Wesker than Nurse, but definitely more than any of the other killers. I don’t DC but have been in a few matches where I’ve just given up after he basically pinballed between survivors, farming us for bp.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Firstly he’s a licensed character which generally means more play time

    Secondly his power has loads of applications, is strong in chase and has a satisfying learning curve

    lastly he has voice lines

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    So many reasons:

    Strong killer, easy to learn but high skill ceiling, very versatile and adaptable for many situations, popular character from a popular series, the high serotonin you get when you grab people, the animation is just satisfying. Fun and interactive for both killer and survivor because for all his upsides he can still be countered with skill expression and mind games.

    Wesker is the best killer behavior has launched in so long, you he is good when he is still this popular and for the most part thats the only complaint survivor have about him, he is too popular.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,944

    Ceno is pretty bad chasing wise, his ability takes more skill than Nurses but the reward is less than a Clown slowdown.

    His chainhunt is purely passive.

    Artist is just boring. Just do the same at every loop and see Survivors hold W across the map.

    Sadako is rather interesting but far to weak.

    Dredge is imo boring as well. His anti loop is mostly bad and requires minimal skill, his tp feels clunky while not in Nightfall and his Nightfall can be decent, but that's all honestly.

    Wesker is the first Killer since a long time which feels fun to use, is strong and is fun to go against, which we get way to little.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,296

    Wesker has a little bit of everything + he's an iconic character from a popular franchise. The thing Wesker gives you the feeling of is you are in control of his power, it's satisfying to use and it's useful in a lot of situations but not overbearing.

    Most of the prior killers released as mean as it is to say - are boring or unfun. Personally I genuinely hate Artist because I get headaches listening to the characters sounds - Not an exaggeration. Every other killer is undertuned in some way but with certain addons become strong but unfun to play against.

    I haven't had as much fun in DBD as killer since Blight released. Wesker is genuinely one of the best designed killers BHVR has released in a while and sets the bar really high to the point where I feel like it's going to be another 2 years before we see something like it if they continue adding content that long.

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Idk as Wesker using the Urobous virus thing I kinda feel like Venom when slamming and throwing survivors.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I actually like playing Dredge more, but that’s just me. I’m more into the stealth and teleportation.

    That said all the other comments are basically on point here. Wesker is still relatively new so there’s still novelty to playing him. He’s also fun to play even after the novelty wears off because he has an effective ability that is also viscerally satisfying to land. And to top it off he’s apparently a popular bad guy from a popular franchise (I’ve never played Resident Evil though so that doesn’t really factor into it for me.)

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 416

    The main reason people paly Wesker more than other new release killers, is because he is fun. He is outright fun to play as.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    He's new, interesting to play and all the resi evil fanboys/girls are horny af for him lol.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    People like resident evil and killers with mobility, side objectives, and fun mechanics like throwing survivors around.

    It helps that he's one of the only killers with voice lines at all, let alone in English. So flavor is also a factor here.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    if bhvr cared to solve the issues with the underplayed killers you'd also them played more often.

    but it seems they just design a chapter and forget about it however once a year or two maybe they can come up with a design that attracts enough people and it's usually a licensed one.

    if sadako got buffed, if dredge had some tweaks to him if artist wasn't so much anti loop they might have been as interesting as wesker.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Because he's releasing uwubuwus

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361
    edited September 2022

    Strong, unique, fun to play, fun to play against, great character, great skill expression, versatile for almost all perks, and lastly insane chase music

  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2022

    For me personally? Resident Evil. I grew up with this game series, having literally purchased the original in 1996 when it released on the original Playstation. I was in the 6th grade, and it was a time when none of the stores knew what game ratings were, much less had policies for the age of the purchaser. As for Wesker himself, he is iconic to the series. Anyone who knows RE, almost assuredly knows Wesker.

    As for his Dead by Daylight incarnation? Top notch design in my opinion. Model and voice lines are fantastic, and his power is by far one of the most fun powers that BHVR has released. I'm currently doing a road to 100 with him, aiming for prestige 100. My two favorite addons by far are the chalice and lion coin. Definitely not his best addons, but they increase the silliness of his power to another level. Often times my games end with wholesome lobby chats with everyone laughing, joking, or just being amazed at some of the grabs I made. There has never been another killer that I have experienced this with. All around, I think he has been one of the healthiest additions to the killer side of the game.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    He is fun, he is interactive for both sides, and his power is not only strong but not super difficult to use. Not only is it strong, but it isn't so strong that it feels awful for survivors because there is quite a bit of counterplay. He is also Wesker. Easy choice for me. Got him to p15

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427
    1. He's Albert freaking Wesker
  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Not weak

    Is fun

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2022

    He can't shoot you fullscreen and then teleport behind you with an overhead in this game :)

  • GhitaIanis
    GhitaIanis Member Posts: 6

    He is just the perfect example of how a killer should be in dbd his power is fun and engaging without being stressful to play as or against while also covering all the problems killers have in dbd. First gens too fast? BOOM build in slowdown that requires some strategy like do you instantly use the spray do you wait and do a gen first and risk being chased or not even focus on the spray very engaging like I said. Second survivors holding W making chases unnecessary long? BOOM really useful and fair gape closer not too strong like blight or nurse but still useful which also adds some kind of map traversal/ map pressure. Third do you feel like chases take too long because survivors just run the same safe and brained loops which take no braincells to think about? BOOM an anti loop which forces survivors think about how they loop creating more fun and interactive plays where it doesn't completely shut down loops but makes them more dangerous so survivors have to be more cautious and less greedy with pallets. This killer is the perfect example of killer balance, if the killer is more skilled than a survivor then you can actually win with wesker and the only times that doesn't happen is if you get some BS map where literally only nurse could manage, or if you run in a 4 man sweat swf all running stake out and hyperfocus but both of these scenarios are just bad game design choices not killer flows. Thank you for coming to my TED talk!

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    A. He's not weak, which is a problem for a lot of licensed killers.

    B. He's really iconic.

    No, she's just...bad. Her only viable playstyle is a complete gimmick that is only really viable on smaller, multilevel maps.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,973

    Most fun killer they've added since blight

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,927

    More of a figure of speech. As sadako it doesn't really feel like you're playing a game because she has absolutely no chase potential with a gimmicky mori mechanic and sub par map traversal.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,701


  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    He’s not trash tier

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,916

    Two main reasons. He's from a mega popular game franchise, and he's also a decent killer. That combo is going to make him a favorite.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, flinging people. XD It's probably just fun to fling people around and be able to move faster and dash at them. Sadako honestly feels unplayable. It's very easy to miss with her attack, and her Condemned is pretty useless. Also Resident Evil is a very, very popular horror series.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,613

    Easy to learn, pretty straightforward (heh), yet strong.

    Yeeting survivors.

    Weskuh/Weskin Time memes.

    Banging chase music

    ”Poor performance, indeed.”

    Need I go on?

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,373
    1. Sunglasses
    2. He's Wesker
    3. I'm going to hit a mf'er with another mf'er

  • pocajohnny
    pocajohnny Member Posts: 219

    Because "7 minutes........7 minutes is all he has to play with you.."

  • My_Aespa
    My_Aespa Member Posts: 545

    That's why I'm taking a break from the game. It's pretty much almost every game with him and it's quite boring. I'll come back probably when the next event starts, maybe he will have quieted down by then.

  • TheUltimateFailer
    TheUltimateFailer Member Posts: 14

    The reason is simple. He is a strong Killer, A-Tier but he isn't broken. Thus, Survivors feel challenged but not oppressed. That's why they like versing him so much.

    As for Killers, it's his kit. Most players like mechanical Killers and Wesker's Power certainly needs skill. And then there is the psychological satisfaction of slamming Survivors against walls. He also has so many viable builds and playstyles as you can see here.

    And lastly, it's because next to every loved the early RE games. BHVR was smart to capitalize on this.