The Haddonfield 3 gen

The main building on Haddonfield usually has two generators. It's also very common for a generator to be in the dead zone nearby the house. When I lose this map as Survivor, its almost always because of this three gen.
The generator, totem and pallet distribution on Haddonfield is just a mess. Sometimes the houses are completely empty with no generators, totems or chests. Sometimes half the map is a literal dead zone. Sometimes the totems all spawn near the middle of the map in plain sight with almost nothing hiding them.
That specific 3 gen that you're mentioning can be avoided by doing one of those gens early game.
If you can't find a gen inside a house, check behind or around it and you should find one (sometimes they spawn on the top floor of the house). In my opinion pallets are fine since you have very strong houses to loop by using very good windows.
Totems can be sometimes in the middle of the street or sometimes completely hidden in a corner of a house.