What are your thoughts on the Nurse, and why?

Hanselpup Member Posts: 187

What are your thoughts on the Nurse, and why? 93 votes

Her power is fairly balanced
WalterBlackViktor1256Viktor1853KittenthebossFBD_WalterClements71xni6_StroggzduyguSlingshot47HugTheHagArchol123KroseBuzz 13 votes
She is too strong
CamoRangergnehehebrokedownpalacead19970ShapedHanselpupScary_Punk_GhostBenOfMilamPega6FobboArthurVelosoHavocusdarkcloudlinkRchumley11Herachi_SakuraVenusaGuiltiic0ug4rHannaciasizzlingmario4 38 votes
She is too weak
INoLuvRunningMan 2 votes
Her power needs a rework
Aven_Fallenmaximo99ac[Deleted User]musstang62MrPenguinfakeMaxwellFilthyLegionMainYatolArchAbhorUndershotdugmanNoOneKnowsNovaadirgeforthedeadBigDaddyPhilSwiftTheArbiterThat_One_FriendMondhirschAurelleIron_Cutlass 31 votes
Something else...
foodieBlueberrypizzaduffyhp90DonleovTeabaggingGhostfaceN8dogAlex_drSpockwaChiky 9 votes


    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800
    She is too strong

    too overpowered, needs addon nerfs, special attack and perhaps a longer cooldown on power (a faster movement speed can be done as a compensation).

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250
    Her power needs a rework

    First of all, of course, the blink attack is a special attack.

    And the main problem with her is that her ability can pass through walls. This makes it extremely difficult for the survivor to make use of pallets and windows to buy time, unlike other killers.

    The aspect of buying time should be of utmost importance.

    A successful blink attack will extend the stun time slightly. At the same time, a successful blink attack will increase the recharge time. This increases the chances of the survivor gaining time.

    The stun and cooldown time if the survivor does not attack after the blink or if the survivor misses the blink attack will remain the same as they are now. I would like you to test with that first.

  • Hanselpup
    Hanselpup Member Posts: 187
    edited October 2022
    She is too strong

    The Nurse breaks all the rules of Dead by Daylight by completely invalidating windows, pallets, and any kind of distance-maker. To the Nurse, there is no such thing as distance. "Distance" is simply related to the inaccuracy of her blinks, but there is no such thing as "gaining too much distance" during a chase (especially on multi-floored indoor maps like The Game, RCPD, and Midwich) since walls, elevation, and other obstacles don't block a Nurse at all. Every other killer's power is meant to play around pallets and windows, not completely invalidate them. The best form of counter-play against a Nurse is "hide behind a wall and make her guess where to blink," but this counter-strategy isn't fun or consistent, especially against Nurses who stack four information perks such that every survivor is essentially a walking beacon. Skilled Nurses are simply impossible to escape against. MAYBE you'll get the hatch if you're lucky, but if she finds you, your chances of survival drop to 0.01% regardless of your surroundings. Her power needs to be changed. Desperately.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    Her power needs a rework

    She needs a whole rework. There is no way you can nerf her power without destroying her, because her power design is the issue. So the best option would be to rework her.

  • Kittentheboss
    Kittentheboss Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2022
    Her power is fairly balanced

    I do enjoy playing nurse a lot. I love her power as i believe it's the last remnants of old DBD where the designers were passionate and just came up with ideas and threw them to the wall. I like her the way she is however that doesn't mean her addons are perfect. They nerfed the ranged addons which i was happy with. More addons may need nerfing.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    Her power needs a rework

    I think she needs a rework.

    That being said, I don't like that against a good SWF, Blight and Her are your only options. I also don't like the idea of changing her, and Blight being the only option should it not go well, which it overwhelmingly likely wont.

    Making the other killers better should take priority over the 6% of the killer roster that can compete IMO.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    Her power needs a rework

    Nurse is the only killer I actively don't play because I can't stand looking at the ground half the match. Wesker's release really emphasizes for me how, even though his ability is strategically weaker than hers but they both essentially lunge forward in straight lines twice in a row, he's a lot more fun to play partly because he keeps his head up after a Bound.

    On top of that, she'd also be more new player friendly if they made Plaid Flannel base kit (but also made the Plaid Flannel indicator smaller and less intrusive on the screen, it's kind of distracting sometimes the way it's done).

    And finally at the high end her Blink attacks just kind of break the game in some ways. I could probably get behind making her Blink attacks be counted as Special attacks and not basic attacks to rein it in a bit.

    So yeah, I'm not a fan, I'd love to see her get a revamp to make her more fun, more new player friendly and also a touch less powerful at the high end.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    Something else...

    Give her a top hat

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    Her power needs a rework

    making her Blink a special attack would at least get rid of Starstruck Nurse.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    She is too weak

    exactly my nerf would be this, normal speed and teleport, but after a down, 35/40 seconds cooldown as a m1 killer, then a normal speed nurse with teleport again

  • Havocus
    Havocus Member Posts: 29
    She is too strong

    Ex Nurse main here, I stopped playing her because I knew it just wasn't fun for anyone to play against. I would only use Shadowborn and BBQ with no addons or just brown ones and still stomp most lobbies without ever hooking the same person twice in a row or camping a hook. I know it doesn't speak for all nurses (there may be some with honor somewhere), but every--single--nurse I've played against recently after coming back to the game (quit when mmr released) uses bs gen regression, starstruck, or smooth brain "muh power lets me return to hook quickly i'll use this to muh abantage". Simply over powered and not fun to play against, hence DC or suicide on first hook for most.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 745
    Something else...

    idk if she got reworked lately, but her second blink doesn't work anymore most of the times, and she cant go through most of the terrain now... It's now horrible to play with

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866
    She is too strong

    In the right hands she's too powerful. Which means most nurses I face. I find her impossible to play with controller and motion sickness.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437
    Something else...

    She is fun to run from )

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955
    edited October 2022
    Her power needs a rework

    BHVR are stuck in a situation where they can't touch her without making her too weak or too strong. IMO a killer who cause other killers perk to be nerfed because of how effective they are on the killer means a rework is needed.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901
    Something else...

    I don't have a problem with her like most people. Sure she can end games quickly and neglates loops but, I think it's nice we have some a strong killer that can shut down loops

  • Hanselpup
    Hanselpup Member Posts: 187
    edited October 2022
    She is too strong

    Other killers like Trapper, Hag, Artist, Dredge (to an extent) can "shut down loops" fairly decently. Nurse ignores loops altogether, and distance means nothing to her. In a game where distance is the difference between getting hit or reaching the window just in time, that's pretty important.

  • Donleov
    Donleov Member Posts: 117
    Something else...

    I think her power is okay, but the things she can bring to complement it is what makes her broken: maps, adddons and perks. Maybe reduce the sinergy she has.

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    She 100% depends on the person playing her.

  • maximo99ac
    maximo99ac Member Posts: 164
    edited December 2022
    Her power needs a rework

    59 votes in favor of nerfing nurse and 12 in favor of buffing/keep his power as it is.... GOD I LOVE DEMOCRACY

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    Her power is fairly balanced

    Most Nurses are really okay. She might need a tweak or two to her addons, but she's only too strong at the top of mmr. Everywhere else she's actually quite fun to face !