Make Daily Ritual log 2 killer and 2 survivor rituals instead of just 3 of a random type

With the upcoming improvement to the Archives where you can have both a survivor challenge and a killer challenge queued up simultaneously, that brings to mind a similar request for the Daily Ritual logs. Namely I think it would be a good idea to, instead of showing 3 rituals of random types like it currently does, always show 2 killer rituals and 2 survivor rituals.

The reason I'm suggesting this is I think it would work better in combination with the matchmaking incentives. Right now, say I have a matchmaking incentive of 100% to play survivor, meaning the game needs more players for that side. If my 3 daily rituals all happen to be for killer characters, though, it's presenting a conflicting interest - on the one hand I can't work on a daily ritual if I play survivor to get the matchmaking incentive, but on the other hand if I work on a daily ritual for killer then I'm playing the opposite side that the matchmaking algorithm says it needs more players for.

If the Daily Ritual log had 2 killer and 2 survivor rituals each day, though, then regardless of which side the matchmaking system would like me to play I can do it and still also be guaranteed to have a daily ritual that I can work on simultaneously. It takes away the conflict and lets me follow the matchmaking incentive request without worrying about losing out on my rituals that day.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    This would only be effective (from incentive-wise viewpoint) if only incentivized-side's dailies would be enabled. Otherwise this barely solves anything.

    I also think that the underlying reason why daily exists is for people to play at least 1-2 maybe 3 games each day on average (no matter which side - it's just so that you at least play).

    So there is possibility to mix these things together - allow dailies for that side, that needs more players. But it contradicts a little with the second goal - to make people play the game on whatever side (to at least be in a game even if you play just 1 side).

    Don't take me wrong. From player's point of view, I would be happy for 4 slots instead of 3 + guaranteed 2 slots for the side that I play more. But I presume that will not work for BHVR. Hopefully I am wrong :)

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The 2 and 2 system still incentivizes playing 1-2 games a day on average. The difference is if you also have a matchmaking incentive now those games would be on that side without losing the ability to do the ritual.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    All I can say is, that I would be happy with the change

  • LiaLight
    LiaLight Member Posts: 75

    I think it would be amazing if the daily rituals had a flip-side, one survivor and one killer. It would definitely encourage me to play more.

    Currently, I log in in the morning before work where there's no point to queue for killer since the queue times are crazy long at that time (understandably). So if I don't get a survivor ritual I just don't play, especially in between rifts.

    By implementing a flip-side so the overall number of available rituals stays the same, it wouldn't impact the "BP economy" that Bhvr references sometimes but would encourage to play more games.