Optimization patch

When it will come in december?


  • Arsoul
    Arsoul Member Posts: 320

    Learn to have some patience

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    @Arsoul said:
    Learn to have some patience

    but the patch came out and usually the next patch would be in a month and they told us december, so we need an answer when it'll come

  • Arsoul
    Arsoul Member Posts: 320

    We "Need"
    Need? Really!

  • thesaltyavenger
    thesaltyavenger Member Posts: 1
    Arsoul what platform do you play on? I have played both on pc and ps4 and I can say the pc experience is amazing on both sides survivor and killer minus a few minor, and major bugs with the new patch. However playing killer on ps4 leaves much to be desired. Most of the killers I love to play are borderline unplayable on ps4 due to the framerate issues. An example being the hag with her low FoV which just makes it immensely annoying to track survivors in a chase.