How to end tunneling and camping:

giku99 Member Posts: 14
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

And an alternative to the new Moris System

The Problem:

Since I play both sides equally, I understand why killers camp and tunnel, and I understand why survivors don’t like it.

As a killer you have a pretty stressful job and getting a survivor out of the game makes it way more ez to deal with the game.

As a survivor its just not fun to be downed first and then have absolutely no gameplay for the rest of the match.

Here is my Solution:

A new base kit system for the killer. Every time you hook a survivor you get a stack for the system. Unless you hook the same survivor 2 times in a row, if you do that you lose a stack. Depending on the number of stacks you have, you get buffs in the game. If you kill a survivor or a survivor DC’s, the system deactivates. Here are a couple of examples for buffs that you could get through that system:

2 stacks: 5% slower gen speed

3 stacks: 3% haste

4 stacks: 8% faster pallet/wall/gen breaking speed

6 stacks: Exit gates takes take 7 extra seconds to open

8 stacks (or 7stacks): You can Mori survivors in the dying state and the system does no longer deactivates

And then the game can be rebalanced around that system. After all, this is not meant to be a pure Killer buff. You would have to take a look on the core mechanics of the game again, like gens speed etc, so a killer who tunnels would not profit from the system and therefore underperform while a killer who does not tunnel will overperform.

With such a system the Killer would no longer have a motivation to camp and tunnel since he would nerf himself.

What do you guys think?

PS: keep in mind that all the numbers that I gave in my example are not based on a calculation that I did. It’s just an example. 

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    If they implemented this system and i was a survivor who got off hook, i would do gens in front of the killer and literally chase the killer to body block. Whats the worst thats gonna happen? That i get slugged? Big deal.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited October 2022

    As it is obvious at current state, and as I stated dozen times before, "carrot" would not help to force bad killers from camping. We have tons of perks that work against camping, we have strong SWF teams (that would wipe floor with camping killer). The only way to stop camping is the "stick" (like make Reassurance base kit, or stop timer when killer nearby, or something else). People (especially bad ones) would never go for hard way in most cases, when you can get benefit here and now, no matter if it would be more beneficial in the future.

    Literally, 5 minutes ago, some clown (killer character too) accused everyone of "genrushing", although he would not leave the hook entire match, and not leave the "slugged" survivor in the end. Luckily, I was matched with great team, that changed hooks 1v1 and that way we got to the end.

  • giku99
    giku99 Member Posts: 14

    Well, yes you could do that. But I don’t think that this would work out very well. Since the killer has no motivation to camp, he will most likely be in a chase with the next survivor when you get rescued. Once he hooked that new survivor you become a potential target again. And I would argue that being slugged is a big deal. You are not only inefficient for your team, another player has to come for you and get you up witch leads to 2 people that are not doing anything while one person is being chased.

    And you are also forgetting that the killer still has the ability to kill you. If you just throw yourself on to the killer, and therefore making the game an 3 v 1, the killer will also have an advantage. 

  • giku99
    giku99 Member Posts: 14

    For sure, but not in every game you have a great SWF as a team. I absolutely agree that it would also make sense to implement some more “stick like” motivation for the killer to leave the hook and to stop tunneling.

    However, you are saying that this would not help against camping killers. While this might be true in some cases, it surely does not apply for tunneling killer's. I see a lot of very good killer’s that tunnel the first survivor out of the game. I would even say that the majority of good killer’s play that way because it is the logical thing to do from the pure winning oriented perspective. And those killers would now put them self in a disadvantage for the rest of the game. 

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Reward the killer for chasing multiple Survivors. Give him a hint where to go after hooking someone.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,916

    There's no real way to stop it. Unless you bump those value WAY up which shouldn't even be considered.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Sigh. There is no silver bullet single solution to stop camping and tunneling while still being fair to everyone involved. Just like most complex issues (and it is actually a complex issue), it requires a balanced solution with multiple measured approaches. To put it in terms used in this thread, you need carrots and sticks, spread over a number of game systems.

    Even then, it won't ever completely go away because you'll still have the players who don't care at all about winning or bloodpoints or anything other than trolling other players for their own amusement. However, you CAN make it so it is never the most efficient, effective way to win the match.

  • cluxdx
    cluxdx Member Posts: 168

    IMO tunneling is exactly fine where it is. The 10s base-kit BT is working wonders to disincentivize tunneling in your average game, and even when the killer does tunnel it makes it pretty inconvenient compared to before. If the survivor has OTR they literally have a shield as long as they want it as well.

    In regards to camping, I don't know that there's really a catch-all fix. Personally I disagree with the existence of Reassurance just the same as I do Shattered Hope because I don't like perks being the solution to a problem with actual game mechanics, but Reassurance is technically still an option. If you want a base-game fix, I'd make it so that if the killer is within 12-18m of the hook for more than 20 seconds and is not in chase, the sacrifice timer goes 50% slower until they leave. This doesn't hurt light proxy camping all that much, but directly punishes face camping enough that Deadlock isn't enough to camp someone to death.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Problem is the hooks, remove them.