My Morning - A perfect example of Solo Survivor Hell


Playing some games, people keep DC’ing, quitting, leaving me in an unwinnable game. I hold out as long as I can but keep losing at endgame so I switch to an endgame build that includes Sole Survivor and Low Profile and Deliverance. This is how it went:

Ormond vs Plague. Hard, well fought game. 3rd survivor deliberately runs the killer to me after I leave the last gen that I cant finish in time. I get hooked. Deliverance. She leaves him slugged and searches for me. Eventually Low Profile wears out and I get found. Dead.

Red Forest vs Legion. Terrible team. Bad killer. But again end up in last 2 with one gen left. He slugs her and searches for me. Eventually he gives up and gets her to turn traitor to lead him to me. Dead.

Yamaoka vs Ghostface. Terrible team. 2 dead in about 4 minutes. Third is stalked into 1 hit. I hide. He doesn’t down her and instead I hear a gen pop. I know that now I’m the ‘hider’ that will be killed so I can’t win. Another gen pops and then I just take my chance and work on the last gen. Doors activate, he kills me while my teammate teabags and points at me.

Analysis - Bad matchmaking puts us in unwinnable situations but if we adjust for the unwinnable situation and focus on the inevitable endgame situation, teammates work against us or the killer slugs. Now I’ve had some days with success with Sole Survivor but this morning has been an absolute shitshow. Nothing works. And this isn’t what this game should be. Instead of balanced games of killers vs survivors it’s killers exploiting game weaknesses to decimate weak teams, turn weak players against their teammates, and just take the fun out of the whole experience. I’m THRILLED for unbreakable basekit. It would have helped 2 of 3 of these situations.


  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    it wasnt like this before 6.1 at least not to this degree. we all know where the problem is....they just dont want to admit it

  • Voodewcat
    Voodewcat Member Posts: 18

    I've been tunneled out most of the morning, save for a game where I had to d/c because I suddenly got very sick to my stomach (yay being home with flu?). By the time I am tunneled out, and yes running killer a while sometimes...sometimes not... no gens pop. Then had a game against a Nemi, we were not in a bad spot at all.. Claud gets downed and guess what she does? Puts herself to second stage immediately. We save her, she just points and stands under hook. Nemi downs her and goes for me, trying to let her get some points... she holds 'shift' so no one can heal her and she almost bleeds out before Nemi hooks her again, in the same spot she went down.

    Another game Nurse, one d/c'd as soon as they heard her screech. She proceeds to slug Leon, he gives up.. gets unhooked.. stands there afk. She ends up slugging all of us in the end, I had done the only two gens myself and run her a bit.

    Matchmaking is.... I dunno. I am not great at survivor, but yeah... I either get paired with teammates that have no idea what a gen are.... or I get paired against a killer where we are all dead at 4-5 gens. I know, skill issue. Solo queue is wild.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,253

    Why did you not pick up the other slugged survivors? You sound as if you're throwing the match so you can try for hatch after sacrificing your teammates.

    Also, why did you wait until both other survivors were dead before Deliverance was used instead of getting into the Killer's face and disrupt their momentum by saving someone on death hook and then using Deliverance to break the Killer's momentum? Keeping other survivors in the match when you can afford a hook increases your chance of escaping.

    You say Killers are exploiting weaknesses but it sounds like you're sabotaging your chances of success. There's a reason SWFs hook trade and pick up slugs and that's because it works. It's not as near as efficient in solo but perhaps you'll find better luck if you try those strategies.

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I actually don't have a problem with people DC'ing. Maybe I am lucky, but it's not a problem in my games. People only DC when killers facecamp og hard tunnel.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    Wait, they are actually real people playing behind those solo queue survivors?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    We really don't know where the problem is, care to elaborate?

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,810
    edited October 2022

    Probably that the patch made survivor unplayable, killer op, game's broken, no choice but to DC, yada, yada. You know, the usual garbage.

    It's mostly so much self-fulfilling prophecy; you go into a match, something bad happens to you and the rationalization portion of the lizard brain is like "see? the game's busted now, I might as well DC" (but then they just load into another game 5 minutes later). Which leads to unwinnable games for those left behind, which makes everyone miserable, and the whole thing propagates.

    It's like a whiny ragequitter ouroboros eating its own arse.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Sounds like 3 pretty average games of DBD that went almost the full distance.

    Gotta ask yourself do you enjoy playing or just winning?

    because I would have had fun playing all those games as you describe.

    Couple of issues with your games that may improve your experience and can all be fixed by you...

    "3rd survivor deliberately runs the killer to me" really or are you just assuming its deliberate so you have someone to blame if you lose?

    "Terrible team. Bad killer." Random match ups don't play the game to your expectation maybe you should curb your solo expectation.

    "Terrible team. 2 dead in about 4 minutes. Third is stalked into 1 hit. I hide. He doesn’t down her and instead I hear a gen pop. I know that now I’m the ‘hider’ that will be killed so I can’t win." - Why didn't you stop hiding sooner and again you immediately give up on the idea of playing the game because its now unwinnable, if you start with a negative mindset, you'll end with a negative mindset doesn't matter what happens in game at that point.

    While they were by no means perfect games it sounds like some of the "games" problem live in your head and are easily fixed with a lil introspection.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,542

    Time spent in game also add to this... If everyone was "fresh" then would it have been better... Don't know

    But yes there are things that make this game frustrating (but one of the Devs said as much)

    Players that just want to "win", Players that just want "fun", Players that want a "fair" match are all saying different things

    Some players want interaction with the Killer (but not Tunneling or Camping), Some players don't want to be the only one working on Gens (but they are 90 charges)

    It'll be hard to come to a conclusion to make this game "winnable", "fair" and "fun"... without doing major things to the game (such as making more gamemodes -including unranked-, making builds be "one of each", improving servers and implementing server sided things, more perk changes -within reason- and fixing Maps)

    Trying to make this game be 50/50 isn't fair due to the asymmetric nature of the game (but this 61/39 isn't it either)

    At this point I wouldn't want to be a Dev on this game... I do feel for them

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    This is why I just adore these forums. Ryuhi, I don’t disagree with you in general. But you have to accept that there is, in fact, a large percentage of games where 1 person or even 2 cannot carry the team. It’s pretty obvious… the game is theoretically balanced to be fair with 4 strong survivors vs 1 strong killer. If you get the strong killer and 1-3 weak teammates you are likely to either die or be the last one standing. There is a limit to what one or 2 can do to carry a team. I don’t usually run endgame builds. But when you play as many hours as I do you need to mix it up for variety’s sake. And you also have to account for peak and non-peak play. Sometimes I go through horrible stretches in off peak hours so that an endgame build is worth playing. Mostly I run altruistic, run, or gen builds.

    As for pseudochis… I’m just tired of hearing your bad analyses. 1) you can tell when someone deliberately runs someone to you. When they actually follow you and pause on you while the killer is right on them. 2) lol #########. I know randoms will usually suck. Should I curb that expectation? I’m talking about bad matchmaking which clearly exists but you’re going to disagree. Fine buddy. Feel free. 3) It’s not a negative mindset, it’s fng EXPERIENCE. I know these situations like the back of my hand. If the killer hasn’t found you and then lets the 3rd guy go while you are unaccounted for, you get screwed. You feel free to argue with me all you want… i know of what I speak. But you just want to disagree with me like you always do… have fun dude. I’m done responding to anything you say. It’s a waste of my time.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,047

    My problem with soloQ are the poor looping skills my soloQ teammates have.

    I am not a good looper, but i try to last at least 30sec in chase against any killer, yet most my teammates last 10-15sec in chase, so its common for me to have a second surv hooked by the time i am unhooking the first.

    And i am not refering to matches against the strongest killers, i cant blame a teammate for being downed quickly against a nurse or a blight, but against a trapper? A ghostface?

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Sounds like you're hiding all game and expecting everyone else to run the killer while you hold m1.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    You may be on to something and that’s some scary, ######### bro. If that’s the case, shame on me for sticking around with all these damn ragequitters.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 532

    Honestly playing survivor does suck a lot these days, even with the base kit buffs. My fellow killer mains will never admit how much easier it has became and they will even use the random SWF gods to deny that it has become so much easier. Truth is I went from being an average killer to not having fun playing killer anymore unless I do get those SWF gods.

    Playing Killer is just as bad as survivor for different reasons. I try to 3 hook everyone, every single game. This isn't even hard to accomplish, I don't slug for the 4k either. If someone gets hatch good for them. What makes playing killer bad is the sandbagging I see, the dc's. When I get 2 dc's in a game I can't enjoy the match at that point I just let the last two finish the gens and escape. Especially if they stuck through the bull.

    Then there are the games where it gets down to 2 survivors left and one of them is just off hiding while the other one is trying to complete the goal even though they're likely going to die. In that scenario I'll leave the one on the gen alone and hunt for the one trying to go for the hatch. I have zero respect for those players and make sure they do not get an escape. Sandbagging so you can solo escape is one of the only reasons I ever tunnel, that and when I see one survivor sandbagging another.

    The overall survivor experience is miserable, so many survivors are toxic to their own team mates. I had a game this morning where a mikaela just stood infront of me on hook and stared at me while I died, nemy was on the other side of rpd and there was no excuse other than to troll. These occurrences are so common now. Probably because so many feel that hatch is the only way to escape. It has gotten to the point where I wish the hatch mechanic would change again. Players shouldn't be rewarded for sandbagging their team and letting them die just so they can get the hatch.

    I think the hatch should only open for people who reached a certain amount of blood points in the game. So that 8k pt feng doesn't befriend the killer and get out while the other survivors struggle to complete the objective. Something has to give here.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited October 2022

    I did already acknowledge that, but I'll reiterate to agree: You're still going to have plenty of uncarryable matches. The goal is to win more than you lose, and to make the most of your personal agency to improve your odds of (unfortunately specifically) escaping through exit gates. Its unfortunately the hardest part of climbing out of matchmaking hell, because the people ragequitting on hook and throwing matches will always be a heavy burden to offset. My point is that if you only focus on the unwinnable ones, you're just going to continue to get frustrated and leave the potential to get better matches up to chance. I mentioned the perks simply because the way they work is counterintuitive to what BHVR uses in their MMR win/lose binary.

    Whether my advice helps or not, the mindset has done wonders to help with the anxiety of being held back by other players, but the more I climbed the less I see them. And to reiterate, I never want to use my own perspectives to nullify anyone else's, we all have different planet alignments in each of our games. I just want to see people find ways to be less angry with this damn game, even when its justified. Tends to make them a lot more reasonable to each other's perspectives, since its so easy to accidentally internalize a lot of the game's issues.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,947

    I hate being in the third situation as the 'hider,' especially when I was anything but! Sometimes it happens, and the team does turn on you, and The Killer assumes you were being useless all game. It's exonerating when you die with 22k, and the escapees have 11k, lol. Unbreakable base kit will be interesting, but there's a chance that those two scenarios would've played out differently due to it.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Yeah it's definitely .2 second faster cooldown recovery and pallet smashing that caused all this. It's matchmaking that is garbage in this game. That's why I stopped playing solo queue. I'm mediocre at survivor getting matched with total newbs and we're playing against 5k hour streamers like Ralph and One Pump Willie. ######### that

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    What exactly is the problem though? Because one can't only balance this game around survivor teams where two players are complete newbies. And the buffs killers got, while noticeable, didn't suddenly make killers unbeateable or anything. Not even close. In fact, the buffs that killers got were great, and needed. Survivors just neede some counterbalancing as well.

    Balance is surely a problem as well, at least when it comes to camping and tunneling. Those tactics need to be nerfed. Solo survivors could also use some information buffs finally. But balance isn't THE problem, matchmaking is a problem as well at the moment.

    And solo queue was complained about before 6.1.0 as well.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    I think MMR sucks too.

    I'm not disagreeing with you, because there is nothing to disagree with... you haven't actually made any kind of point or argument to disagree with.

    All you did was have a whinge on the forum about the game and I offered some suggestions that could improve your player mindset and maybe your fun. A lot of the negative experience is in your own head, only you have the power to fix that.

    Try it or don't try it doesn't really matter, your fun is meaningless to me, I'll just continue to chuckle at folks like you whinge about everything and everyone else but themselves.