Changing perks according to what you see survivors bringing into match

I just went against a camping pig at start of match 5 Gens face camping I asked him why he said we shouldn't bring flashlights in the lobby I then looked at his build he had light born on Franklin's starstruck the killer should not be able to change perks when in the lobby with the survivors that's unfair
So make franklins and lightborne useless? This is supposed to be a killer advantage so they can prepare for the match and to make their 4 perks more valuable. If you don't want to deal with it. Last second swap.
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Perfect illustration of double standard:
A perk is useless for killer => super unfair, BHVR needs to patch it asap
Survivor items are made useless by said perk => totally fair, survivors need to git gud and adapt
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The survivor is the team of 4 and items are optional.
Does it suck to have your build hard counter by a killer's perk or power? sure
Does it prevent you from completing the objective and escaping? no
Since the beginning of the game's life, the killer has always been able to see the items survivors are bringing into trial. Items can be completely game changing. A flashlight save can really set a killer back on pressure. Toolboxes can mean sabo plays. Med-kits reduce the effectiveness of hit and run. Being able to adapt to a team of flashlights is important for the killer as it's the side with a disadvantage in numbers.
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Can I assume that a survivor also wouldn't be able to change items in the lobby as well?
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If I can't change my perks when I see a 4-flashlight lobby, or put on a sweatier build when I see 4 toolboxes, I'm just going to dodge you. I already have to do that versus maps as Trapper and versus flashlights as Hag because switching killers isn't a thing anymore and there's still some hard counters baked in for whatever reason.
Overall, I think it's fair the killer gets the ability to plan around survivor items, given that survivors are bringing 4x the perks and addons that they can. The game was clearly designed with this decision in mind.
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Double standard again
The survivor is the team of 4,so what? Killer also have powers, which survivors don't have. They already have much more powerful perks and add-ons to compensate for the disadvantage in numbers. As illustrated by the killrate of 61%...
You say that items should be hard-countered because they are optional and getting hard countered doesn't prevent you to reach your objective. OK let's assume that makes sense.
But then, killer perks and add-ons are also optional, right? And they do not prevent you from winning, in fact many streamers got 10+ kill streaks with perkless/addonless M1 killers.
So BY YOUR EXACT SAME LOGIC, survivors should be allowed to see killer perks and add-ons in order to hard counter it.
You are not making an argument, you are just enumerating random survivor advantages, and concluding that killer should have the same advantages, but not realizing that killer also has advantage which survivors don't have.
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Killers have powers, because they are the single player vs a team of 4. Killers also can't opt to not bring their power into a match.
Killers do not get to see the perks and addons of survivors so it wouldn't make any sense that survivors get to see that information of the killer.
You really don't understand that the game is asymmetrical. The killer gets more advantages because they are a single player.
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If you couldn't see what item survivors are bringing they'd need to buff Lightborn.
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You are saying that survivors shouldn't see X because killer cannot see X. So, applying your own logic in reverse: killers get to see the survivors, then survivors should see the killer too. And survivors can't see killer items (since they don't have items), so killers should not be able to see survivor items. I'm literally reusing your own logic.
The fact the game is asymmetrical does not mean one side should have more advantages then the other, no. It means both sides should be balanced differently, but in the end their advantages compensate for each other. And it clearly isn't the case, since the killrate is 61%.
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Completely fine that Killers change their Loadout depending on the Items the Survivors bring. This is the point of the Lobby. And personally, I prefer Killers who alter their Loadout over thsoe who just dodge.
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My logic is that the killer is a single player facing a team of 4. Being able to see items(not addons, not perks) is hardly gamebreaking as items themselves can be very powerful with the right build behind them and being able to adapt your loadout or your game plan before loading into the match is useful to the side that has a numbers disadvantages.
Trying to make this is into "survivors should see killer addons and perks then" when the killer doesn't even see that information in the first place is an irrelevant point. And survivors aren't going to see killer powers, because when that was possible it made playing certain killers practically impossible.
The survivor advantage is being a team of 4. The killer advantage is the element of surprise (not knowing who the killer before loading) and being able to adjust their build based on items survivors are bringing into the trial.
You could simply run Pharamacy or Residual to get a guaranteed med-kit or flashlight during the match and the killer wouldn't know to counter t.
I'm sorry you had a single bad game where the killer counterpicked your build, but that's far from a good reason to remove the ability to see items.
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Not a survivors are a team I can't remember the last time I survived With Friends
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It doesn't matter if you play SWF or not. Playing survivor is still playing with 3 other people who all have the same goal of repairing generators to escape.
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Bro every game when it 2 or more people with flashlights the killer put 9n a build to counter it the killers are made stronger faster and all are anti Loop all we have is a flashlight and pallets and they are nurfin flashlights just like all the good perks survivors use you are wrong if you think that the ability to switch loadout is not game changing if the survivors could do it the killers would have a real hard time if you ask me it shouldn't be a perk like light born because no perk we have can stop being hit with a knife or blades or anything like that at least on Friday the 13 we have real weapons to fight back on this game we are not survival we are sheep led to a Slaughter
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Survivors can switch loadouts and they swap from having no item to an item right before loadouts get locked.
I get you really want to use your flashlight and are really upset that a killer brought a perk to counter it, but that's just the game. Do you get upset when killers look at walls to prevent you from blinding? Because that's also countering flashlights, except doesn't require a perk.
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Dude… it’s literally 4 v 1. There’s not a double standard.
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A killer should not be able to change loadout because he see the survivors try to defend their self that's not fair at all anything survivors use as a weapon get nerfed from perks to items and in change they make the killer more stronger more faster come on bro when the devs say stuff like it's not enough killing going on in the game lmfao
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Yes being asymmetrical is the very reason why one side will have more benefits than the other.
Either the single player will be stronger than the many players, the single will have a advantage to change out loadiuts based on what the many are bringing.
They wouldn't need that if it was a normal 4v4 game style but it's not.
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4v1 ok yesterday I was in a match with 3 friends they are friends I don't know them they body block me so the killer can down me then teabag me while I was on the hook oh yeah not to mention the killer camped me then u DC ok the killer let them live its not team base like you saying bro
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Sorry that’s just a bad idea. Not being able to change your loadout while in lobby? Seriously? All that will do is cause lobby dodging. If I see 4 flashlights, I’m throwing on franklins. If I see 4 toolboxes, Im going to put on more gen defense. That’s the right of the killer because he’s outnumbered 4 to 1.
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Honestly I see no reason to change my perks in the first place. If survivors bring flashlights then it's a wasted slot. Blinded at a pallet? Headphones let me hear exactly where a survivors is going. Trying to blind me while picking up someone? Most of the time I just face a wall, and most survivors get too greedy and end up hit while I pretend to pick up. Playing Wesker helps with that too.
Just in general, if a your goal is to make the killer miserable with a 4 man flashlight build, then don't get upset if the killer makes your life miserable in return. If it's just you with a flashlight, then yes the killer is being toxic if they're running a whole build for it. Not that they need too.
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Outnumbered really you have Supernatural powers use them
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Well I’m sorry you got sandbagged. But that has nothing to do with the topic. That doesn’t happen often. If it does, join a SWF. Problem solved.
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Skill issue
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Really and a stun from the flashlight or pallet last what .1 second come on man no time to get away
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And I do…. But it’s still 4v1. The survivors are easily able to dominate the macro game (game objective / gens.) In return, the killer has to dominate the micro game (1 on 1 interaction / chase).
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OK well how about your teammates that run to the killer at start of match then get down and they kill themselves on the hook
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Bro a killer can literally down or Survivor stand by the hook waiting for another Survivor to come and get the rescue and down another Survivor at the end the killer will have 20K blood points the survivors will barely be pushing 10K
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It isn't toxic to run a perks.
If the killer is running a perk like Lightborn to deal with a single flashlight in lobby who cares. There's no innate toxicity happening and if you think it is that's your own personal issue.
Plus who knows, they could just be running the perk as a meme too. Lightborn Wesker because sunglasses.
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Flashlights aren't useless... all they did was give it a buffer time
Given the macro clicks sucks to listen to... not saying that all Survivors do it but it happens so this will stop that
Also all you need to do is get used to it... Sorry but there isn't much I can say
Plus if you don't want to face off against certain perks then don't bring in the Item in the first place
Franklin's Demise is a perk that makes Survivors drop their Item (rather if it has charges or not) maybe bring an item to fool the Killer
Plus as other Survivors bring "the best" Items a lot... snowball that into Killers just running Franklin's anytime they see an Item (or just in general)
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Still has nothing to do with the topic. As I said, join a SWF.
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Again, nothing to do with the topic. That’s the killer’s right. He can camp if he wants, he can tunnel if he wants. And again… join a SWF. Sounds like either you, your teammates, or both are lacking in skill level. Just practice more. It’s very easy to run a killer for multiple gens.
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Everyone keep saying team unless you know how your so say team play or your on coms with them it's useless
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When talking about toxic I was referring to OP's example which was Lightborn, Franklin's and Star Struck
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You talk about lacking in skill level but praise camping and tuning lmfao get real your off topic
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That's still not toxic.
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I been playing this game for 4 years bro I'm talking from experience not from what I see streamers do or say I completely understand streamers the real Screamers they have advantages cuz they talk to the devs they know a lot of things that we will never know
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One a blind or stun is plenty of time to get away if done correctly. Stun not so much because they can still see but a blind is just that a blind. I have gotten away plenty of time after blinding the Killer.
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Ok don't confuse Fog Whisperers to other streamers those are two totally different entities.
I also highly doubt the Devs would be openly talking about future plans to the Fog Whisperers since you can trust them not to let something slip
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All it takes is the killer to have a set of good headphones and you won't get away so easy
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It's all about skill and a good set of headphones (I love that counter argument it's so funny) can't help if the Killer player dosnt have Skills to figure out the sounds they hear.
From the very beginning of this post you seem to have a counter argument to any one who doesn't agree with you. I'd be careful with that because you may have "4years experience" playing the game but very little experience in the forums because Mods close posts for very similar reasons.
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Your "logic" is not a logic. There's no logical link between all the things you list and the conclusions you draw from them.
The fact that items are powerful and that survivors are a team of 4, does not imply that the killer should be able to "adapt their loadout and game plan". No, it does not imply that. In fact, these 2 statements have ZERO connection to each other. And in fact², if there was a world in which your reasoning was true, then survivor perks should also be revealed to the killer, but they are not, so your logic is not even consistent with itself.
In the end, you might just as well say that killers can see survivor items because water is wet.
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It does.
The killer has a number disadvantages and instead gets other advantages such as seeing the items survivors are bringing into trial.
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I wouldn't bother Crow they are arguing for arguing reasons. Nothing you say will change their minds and they won't even humor looking at it through your eyes. I would just wipe my hands of it and move on.
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I've also been playing the game for 4+ years.
I think you're completely wrong. Speaking from experience.
The killer needs advantages over the 4, that's how its supposed to be.
The survivors have 16 perks, 4 items, and 8 add-ons. That's also not under your current framing of "fair", or do you want to limit each survivor to 1 perk each, 1 item on the entire team, and 2 add-ons?
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The survivor and killer are not equals, and the killer will have various advantages that the survivors don't. That's how this genre works.
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It honestly sounds like you want one survivor to be equal to the killer, in case you get bad teammates.
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I run Devour Hope, but if Survivors run Small Game or Counterforce I should be able to know so I can take the Hex off. Its not fair that a part of my build can be negated by a perk I have no way of knowing is being brought in.
Thats how you sound.
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If you want killers to just dodge when they see 2 or more items then sure what a good change that'll be. Also it'd only be fair for survivors to not be able to swap items or perks once you're in a lobby either.
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How would it only be fair for survivors sir?