What would you change about the licensed chapters?

I'd keep Halloween, Resident Evil Part 1 exactly the same.
I kinda like that the survivor that goes with Freddy is Quentin because it suprised me but we all know Nancy makes more sense
I'd make the survivor of Saw Adam or Eric Matthews and keep Amanda as killer.
I'd keep Stranger Things the same but maybe make the map more outdoor
Pyramid Head would obvs stay killer but I'd make James the survivor and alter the map to be more outdoor
I prefer the American version of The Ring but I understand why they went with the original, I'd still make the mom character the survivor either way.
Resident Evil Part Two was too soon imo but I think it would've been cool if they made the newer games the focus to have one chapter focusing on the OG games and one on the reboot timeline. I'd make Killer Lady Dimitrescu, Survivors Ethan and make Chris his own survivor
I'd add Erin Hardesty, Kirsty Cotton and especially Sidney Prescott to go with their respective Solo killers
I prefer OG chapters, they are usually way better in terms of balance, cosmetics and customization (Map, survivors, etc.)
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I just wish they spent more time on them, Licensed chapters are meant to be bigger. but they always usually feel Boring after a while
They did a fantastic job with Pyramid head
Sadako chapter was fun but no map really bummed me out.
I don't feel like there is an excuse to not have a map with a licensed killer anymore especially since it seems they have given up on "the realm beyond"
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Just more maps in general
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Hard agree, they should rarely if ever not give a licensed property the full chapter treatment imo. Every time a license is announced I get tensed up in anticipation for there not being a survivor that goes with the killer lol
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Like we missed out on Cotton with The pinhead chapter, and a map could be really anything weird and gross.
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I would make so the perks from then already start unlocked for everyone so they need to offer an really unique and more than decent power to justify they being paid
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre gets a full chapter with Sally Hardesty as a survivor instead of just Leatherface and the Sawyer house as a map.
ANOES gets the original license instead of the remake.
Silent Hill replaces Cheryl with James so it doesn't have to tie Pyramid Head to an unrelated character.
No Hellraiser NFTs.
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I disagree. Last 4 original chapters was so bad. Twins, Trickster, Artist and Dredge. Last original maps also has a lot balance issues. Eyrie and Garden of Joy. For survivors, Yun and Elodie were good. But Jonah and Haddie very lame survivors.
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Saw, tapp as survivor, but mark hoffman shares the killer role of the pig with Amanda young (like the legion)
silent hill James replaces Cheryl so it actually makes sense
Texas chainsaw gets full chapter with stretch/vanita Brock as the survivor with the sawyer house as a map.
stranger things replaces Nancy wheeler with Billy Hargrove (it would be more interesting with Steve surviving in the entity’s realm with his rival and having to put aside his rivalry with Billy and work with Billy to survive, vice versa for Billy) with demogorgon still being the killer for the chapter, Jonathan still being a Steve skin obviously (despite him being my favorite stranger things character)
left for dead gets a chapter with bill as survivor still but the tank as the killer but no map (don’t know which map would fit best in dbd lol)
anoes chapter gets og Freddy instead of remake one with Nancy as survivor instead of Quentin.
everything else stays the same.
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Nightmare on Elm Street:
Well, what would I NOT change in this chapter? I would make it about the original movie and not the remake, make Nancy the survivor, give Freddy voicelines and a power that actually resembles the crazy stuff he does in dreams.
I would rename it The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and add Sally Hardesty as a survivor.
I would like to see a chapter about the movie with Sidney Prescott as a survivor and a map on the house after the party or the school. But to be honest, I lreally like this original Ghostface character DbD created. A movie license wouldn't come with the original lore and many cool cosmetics.
Resident Evil (Part 1)
I would make the Nemesis power and add-ons different, but would keep the zombies. Also, a classic Nemesis skin should be available from start.
I would add Kirsty Cotton as a survivor and a map on the Cenobite's dimension.
Sadako Rising
Add a map: the house with the well where Sadako's body is found in the first movie.
Resident Evil: Project W
I would add The Hangar as a map and give Wesker a mutated skin resembling his form in the final battle (I still have hopes a similar skin will be added for the Halloween event, though).
Halloween, Saw, Silent Hill and Stranger Things had everything a chapter needs. I wouldn't change a thing beside making some of their maps more balanced (By the way, Gideon's awful map design came with the rework. When the chapter came out on early 2018, it was much better).
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I disagree about the latest two original chapters. The only thing I really disliked about them were the maps (great visuals, terrible gameplay), but I loved both the killers and the survivors. Artist is really fun to learn to play as and Dredge competes with Demogorgon for the most balanced killer in the game. Haddie is also a survivor that comes from the tomes' lore, which is great.
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Leatherface: Sally Hardesty as a survivor and The Sawyer House as a map (Could be in the Colwind Realm)
A Nightmare On Elm Street: The killer would be the original Freddy Krueger and the survivor would be Nancy Thompson.
Ghostface: Sidney Prescott as a survivor and the movie set as a map.
Ringu: A woodsy type of map with the well. Maybe with a cabin in it too. The survivor would be Reiko instead of Yoichi.
Hellraiser: Kirsty Cotton as a survivor and maybe a house in the Cenobite's dimension.
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Only change that would truly matter is adding Carl the Cashier as the Survivor to ghostface's chapter.
Any other potential changes is secondary to this.
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Depends on what you mean by bad ? As in weak killers ?
I am not saying ALL OG chapters are better but if you consider a ratio licensed/OG in terms of quality, i am pretty sure OG wins by a good margin. I mean the strongest killers/most played survivors are mostly OGs.
Not against licensed DLCs, i just feel Devs have more room for "Creativity" when it comes to OG chapters/killers powers.
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I'd add a way to play Old Freddy again.
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I see so many say replace Cheryl with James...and I can't help but laugh. Y'all doin it wrong. I wouldn't replace Cheryl, I'd ADD James as a 2nd survivor. along with Legendary skins for Harry and other male Silent Hill Characters. Possibly add Maria and Angela as skins for Cheryl as well.
Also, as much as I love Midwich...I'd replace it with Nowhere. Considering what Nowhere actually is, the entity would struggle to understand or comprehend the location, if it could at all. With The Entity unable understand or accurately recreate it for its realms, this would give the Devs the freedom they need to make a truly balanced map and add in multiple areas of popular Silent Hill locations. Plus...I am interested in seeing how The Entity interprets a location such as Nowhere. either that...OR I'd add in the Silent Hill outdoor area, both the fog version AND the nightmare version as separate variants.
For Ghost Face....I'd add in the //cashier from the trailer and a home depot style of map.
Can't think of anything else, except give maps for those that don't have one.