I had a nasty thought (FOMO and recent decisions)



  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited October 2022

    I’m only giving you one example. Also, going back to the “turning off chat” we could say the same and suggest that those people you talk about just not play the game. Why would anyone with bad anxiety want to play an anxiety ridden game?

    You are trying to squeeze every bit of an excuse into something that really isn’t that impactful, when you think about the rest of the things the game has which could also jeopardize one’s mental health. Not to mention the fact that the Battlepass is already doing this.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited October 2022

    You don't have to question it, it's not like I am out here trying to change your mind. I am simply not in agreement, and especially when people like the comment I responded to bring Mental Health into the mix. At this point they are reaching and as I already explained the game is riddled with anxiety inducing issues. I question the legitimacy of that kind of concern when if we start to decipher the game and it's content as a whole.

    Why do you care about what my horse is doing in this race, when you're not bothering to put yours before your cart? As you yourself aren't even sure what the "Available for a limited time only" really means (based on your previous comments), yet proceed to lash against it as if you did.

  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    It's not impactful for you and me, but it's impactful for someone. But why should we care, yeah?

    And suggesting people not play the game because it might prey on their anxieties is an awful, gatekeeping method of thinking. Very abhorrent.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    @Johnny_XMan: "As you yourself aren't even sure what the "Available for a limited time only" really means (based on your previous comments), yet proceed to lash against it as if you did."

    From the blogpost:

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    There is a lot of things that people with anxiety avoid.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654
  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Some skins being limited time only is not the end of the world. If they did this for everything, yes it would be an issue and big turn off, but for now that doesn't seem like the case. Plus for all we know the Halloween skins are limited for Halloween season. They could be back next year, and at a discounted price to make way for newer cosmetics.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Do we know that these 'limited time event items' will be auric cells?

    Limited time event items so far have been free.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    edited October 2022

    I usually find myself disagreeing with a lot of your opinions

    But this comment is very much ######### perfect and hits a lot of nails straight on the head

    If we allow BHVR in doing this for event skins, they will not stop there, I guarantee you.

    Next thing you know any interesting skin is a time-limited exclusive, and they'll never be back after that timeframe. No. We need to push back hard on this.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    Not the end of the world, but it could be the beginning of the end of the game we love.

  • LichQueen
    LichQueen Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2022

    On the event page on Steam it says that the Mikaela and Doctor skins from last year will be returning alongside the new Dwight and Jane skins from October 11th to November 3rd. So, being those two are coming for the event duration makes me believe that the Dwight and Jane skins will also return during next years Halloween event just like Mikaelas and Doctors are.

    If that is the case, it is HORRIBLE wording, it makes it sound like they'll be gone forever.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Do you even know what I meant when I alluded to the fact that they themselves didn’t know? Or are you simply trying to intervene when you aren’t aware of the context?

    Also, I’ll respond to your second post seeing as you tagged me twice in two different posts.

    Yes, people with anxiety DO avoid things that trigger anxiety. It isn’t uncommon, nor is it limited to one thing. Games can be induced with anxiety triggers so people tend to avoid them.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250
    edited October 2022

    That is letting panic take over- we don't know until we know. @LichQueen also just made a really good point supporting my comment that the skins are most likely limited to the Halloween season, not a one-shot and gone forever. It makes sense given bhvr has said time and time again that they do not want exclusives (after legacy skins).

    Ultimately, it's just cosmetics. The point isn't to 'collect em' all'.

    I may be a minority but I have always enjoyed how bhvr runs their shop. If I want something I can just buy it. No loot boxes, no rng. Sometimes those cosmetics are 'free' with shards, and that is a nice bonus.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    I am basing my fears on the current Chinese version of Dead by Daylight mobile. That game has gacha mechanics, a bigger amount of unmixable outfits and time-limited cosmetics. Everything in that monetization system repulses me.

    I am here because I do not want the core game to become like this. And I agree with your sentiment on the current shop: I I want something, I'll buy it. With my money. When I want. When I can. We are now living in a world with a recession and money isn't always as easy come as before. And now BHVR is introducing unjustifiable imaginary timeframes to force us to buy, otherwise we would miss it. I say no. Even if it comes back to a later date, this is still manipulative, something I didn't expect this company to do.

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 235

    They're part of the same collection as Mikaela's last year, something a lot of people are completely overlooking. I'd say it's safe to assume that holiday themed cosmetics will only be around for their specific holiday.

    Kate and Hag's event tome skins will probably be on the store next October, along with Mikaela, Dwight, Jane, and Doctor.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,326

    At this point since many have voiced concerns/disappointment/frustration/etc. with Dwight and Jane being listed as "time limited in store from Oct 11 - Nov 3" someone from BHVR could've come in by now to ease players worries by clarifying what exactly they mean. Like if these will be available for shards and be back next year then say something like "no worries players, we aren't trying to get around our recent announcement that original cosmetics will be available for shards after 4 weeks in store by having these cosmetics only available for 3 weeks then pulling them from the store - these will be available for shards because we want a happy event. Also these cosmetics will be back in the store next year for players that missed out because FOMO feels bad." Buuut BHVR has been silent and that's generally not a great sign from them.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,714

    I see the cause for alarm here, and I think some clarification on this matter is necessary, but I'm not too worried about BHVR trying to pull the wool over our eyes. They don't always make the best decisions (imo), but they're not this negligent or malicious.

    Personally, I find the current cosmetic store format stale and uninspiring. Everything always being available might be better for my purchasing habits, but I've no motivation to purchase any cosmetics for my characters because everything looks like unwanted, outdated fashion that has been hanging on display a little too long.

    I'll wait patiently to see which direction they are going here, and voice my concerns if it is revealed they are doing something I strongly oppose.

    BHVR has a business to run--I don't blame them for exploring sales tactics that will help their bottom line.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Its not their problem if people can't control themselves with how they spend their money. Its also not their responsibility to accommodate for anyone who can't afford their products. If they wanted to make $100 skins for their most popular characters it would be perfectly fine. Some people love exclusive or expensive cosmetics in games because it makes them stand out from other players. People with more money simply have access to more and better things in this world. If someone wants that kind of access then they should work towards getting to the point where they can afford it. I know everyone's situation is different, but the truth is if you have internet, own a computer and are able to invest time in playing a video game you're probably not starving and have some kind of opportunity to work towards financial freedom or at least have a little extra money to spend on things you're not entitled to. If not, they might want to spend less time playing a video game and more time doing things that will let them play their games and buy things they want in them.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    edited October 2022

    No, that's following sales logic.

    If you release something, and it makes you money, you double down on that to make even more money.

    We have two scenarios: either this thing fails hard with the community giving them #########, or this is successful and they double down on it.

    And even if they say they won't double down, why take the risk, as a community? What do we have to gain from limited time cosmetics?

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    Mikaela and the Doctor are their own collection. Kate and the Hag belong to the sale collection as Dwight & Jane. And there are no guarantees they will return next year.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I'll eat my words if I'm wrong, but right now all the puzzle pieces are leading to a very worrying picture. BHVR's potential reasons to want to do this, recent shop decisions, recent and increasingly specific survey topics - these are not shedding an innocent light on what's coming next, especially if we extrapolate from the last survey that BHVR wants to do this on every holiday and event. Or do we believe that BHVR just axed its cosmetic revenue out of sheer confidence and the goodness of their hearts?

    At best, this is unnecessarily gating content and making things less accessible to newbies, players on breaks, and players with bad financial situations. At worst, it's a highly manipulative marketing tactic meant to induce panic buying.

    You don't really seem to have any reason for this other than "you're all screaming at nothing, shut up", which... okay, if you want to go around stirring the pot, that's your prerogative.

    If they bring in FOMO, it's not going to be Halloween only. Might start that way, but it becomes constant, because there's no reason for them not to do it when it makes more short-term money. Again, the last survey gave a big checklist of events and said "when do you want your limited cosmetic sets?" I genuinely cannot envision them taking anything other than 'all of them' as an answer, because... why wouldn't they? They already release cosmetics for all of them.

    I'm also not convinced that cosmetics being in the same set means anything, because most Amazon Prime exclusives were pulled from sets - everlasting frost Blight, Valentines Dwight, Lunar New Year Jake, spring Meg, insect Jeff. There are other outfits that belong to sets that are primarily shop-based but ended up in the Rift - see Greek Ace and Mikaela, or waterfront Feng and Kate.

    This. While it's possible the mods never asked for clarification or haven't gotten an answer yet, the fact that nobody's corrected what would otherwise be mass fearmongering kinda implies that the answer isn't one that would pacify the masses.

    Believe me, I'd be overjoyed to be wrong about all of this.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    I can assure the alternative to our current store format would be a rotation store like in Fortnite or Apex Legends. That would leaves us with not a single cosmetic being available to buy at anytime, having to depends on twitter feeds or tierce apps or having to log in daily to see what is currently available, and very probably seeing the cosmetic you want in such a tiny time-frame that you can't guarantee the opportunity you'll be free that day so you can buy it.

    Again, it ######### sucks.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited October 2022

    You are basically drowning in a cup of water.

    The devs haven't even given clarity to whether they mean the timeframe is going to be on rotation or not. How is it that you are telling me I am stirring the pot but you're out here claiming false claims against them for things that haven't even happened not stirring the pot? Please... Funny how you are claiming FOMO and yet you are acting as an alarmist doing the same thing.

    At least complain when they ACTUALLY pull whatever you claim they are trying to do. By the way, my reason for defending them is because these devs as much as I don't agree with everything they do (see my feedback on patch 6.1.0) I understand that they are a company. I see no issue in selling exclusives when we have so many cosmetics in game ALREADY. Like I main Dwight, and if I happen to not be able to buy this outfit, trust, it is not going to kill me. I have plenty of other outfits that I can rock.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    The devs haven't even given clarity to whether they mean the timeframe is going to be on rotation or not.

    That's the worst part though

    They had ample time to clarify "Yes, these outfits will come back next year" but didn't yet. They didn't say a single word about it.

    What's the most likely reason? They still haven't decided yet, and they're waiting to see the community's reaction before saying "Yes, we'll bring them back" or "No, they'll be gone forever"

    Maybe, MAYBE we even have a chance of making them change their mind and throw out this anti-consumer tactic, but only if we are cohesive enough in saying "No. We don't want this crap in DbD."

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,552

    Want to know what's causing the fear in Fear Of Missing Out? It's the people raging about the Fear Of Missing Out as if it's the end of the game as we know it.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Fear of missing out in what way? Like, is FOMO being used to describe a marketing manipulation? Like, using FOMO to get you to participate in an event or something?

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Nevermind, my question in general just answered it! ty

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Well they can't get you to participate in anything. Its entirely up to the consumer to choose what they will consume in entertainment. Offering limited time cosmetics may persuade people to buy it more rather than if it were always available, but its always a personal choice. People forget that the main goal of any business selling a product is to make profit. Limited time and exclusive items is one way to do that especially in video games. Its clear though that a lot of people don't like it, but theres also a lot of people that don't care. If something is offered in a video game I play and I like it then I will buy it, limited time or not. I will say if it does have exclusivity attached to it then it does add a level of value to it that always available shop items don't have. Being "limited time" isn't enough for me to buy something though. The cosmetic has to be good enough for me to want to buy it.