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Survivors only say gg when they win?



  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 461

    Nah, I just killed a swf group and two of them said GG to me, because I didn't tunnel/camp blablabla (it might be because I have the last one hatch)

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I'm on xbox so no endagme chat for me 🙁 but i usually gg the other player in DMs if they're another xbox player.

  • Havi
    Havi Member Posts: 13

    I always say gg when the game is fun. No matter if I survive or not.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,133

    I say gg moreso when I lose than win, but it's done with the intent to praise specific plays, than just a generalised comment. I'd prefer it to mean something.

  • Superbeasto1974
    Superbeasto1974 Member Posts: 141

    I play on console, as well, and I will usually take the time to DM a "gg wp" to the opposing side, killer or survivor. I just think it's good sportsmanship, something this community seriously lacks.

    I did give a more extensive response to an opponent last night. I'd taken four brutal losses in a row as killer, and as the next game got underway, it looked like it was going be a fifth L. So I hard camped my first hooked survivor to death, then went about my business finishing off the rest of the team. The camped player sent me a slightly salty message asking why I did that, so I told him the truth: I noticed he was a skilled player (and he was), and realized that if I didn't run him out of the game immediately, I was going to get creamed again. Apparently, it made him feel pretty good that I thought he was a significant threat. Suddenly, he wasn't salty anymore, and we shared ggs.

    It's amazing what good manners can accomplish.

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 377

    I usually say gg but... If I die early why would I stick around to say gg to the killer? I'd be in another game by the time the match ends.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    I say gg when I lose if I'm able to. I'm on PSN so I can't always say gg if I'm up against non PSN players.

  • Lamoore
    Lamoore Member Posts: 73

    If i can send messages at all cos I'm on xbox, I always say gg to the killer. And if I can message the other survivors I send " Let's go" if we escape. And even if i dont escape and they do. If we all lose i send BLNT. When lm killer if I lose I send gg if I can but if I win as killer I don't say anything now because survivors think it's bragging

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    i main surv and yea, mostly only say ggs when I win or get a good chase. Basically only if I had fun.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I say gg when i have fun, doesnt matter if i escape or die as long as it's fun,, but yeah from my own killer games they mostly say gg when they escape