Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Tunnelling ruin the Game!



  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2022

    Again not even going to entertain the comparison because it isn’t the same thing.

    The simple fact is that we aren’t talking about one requiring more skill than the other. Your whatboutism argument doesn’t justify the absurdity that standing in one place while gaining pressure is.

    Yes I chose to only answer the first line because the rest was not worth responding to. It’s clear you don’t play survivor so I’m just going to assume you think the rubber band on the controller is going to hit every skill check, merciless storm skill checks etc. That is how misinformed you are.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    So to rebut to OP's title

    BHVR's coding ruins the game... That sounds better

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,262
    edited October 2022

    Oh is it?? i guess this wont be proof enough for the like of you right??

    But you are kinda funny, claiming the survivor side have to use MUCH MORE skill by holding M1 and succeding a skill check once in a while.

    While that the campings killer just have to stand still and do nothing when they camp.

    And in the next post you litterly complain that i left out the skillchecks in my comparrison, just like you left out a whole lot in yours, as i adressed in the post you refuse to reply to, because it proves your complains wrong.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2022

    An image of your tome is suppose to prove something? Lol

    I never said survivor’s objective requires more skill. YOU brought that up buddy. You know… when you tried to dismiss my comment by claiming “well what about…survivor’s skill” 😉

    I don’t think you are picking up what I am putting down. You literally (in an attempt to be funny) claim you can put a rubber band around your controller and complete the survivor’s objective completely forgetting that there are skill checks so your whole “rubber band” scenario is bogus at best.

    You seem to be missing the point because you keep attempting to dismiss the main point, which is that by definition standing idle at the hook isn’t only not skillful but also not good game design. But go ahead and pop off 🙌

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,262
    edited October 2022

    I know you were gonna say that, here go and reverse search the image -

    • or better yet, tell me what goes as proof ?

    I guess everyone that are disagreeing with you have to post proof if they play survivors right??

    You kinda missed my point with the rubberband, dbd dosnt require skill, reflexes perhaps.

    (and you said "They are unbalanced because they require 0 skill and are too easily accessible. " btw.)

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 301

    Technically you get three lives with the respawn being the hook. Two of which the killer has the ability to cut extremely short if not outright prevent (like leatherface). Therefore this thread exists... again.

    While you and others are might be correct that tunneling and camping might be necessary and balanced in the current state of the game, I say we should strive for a game that neither makes these tactics easily available nor required to even play. There are times when a soloQ player spends more time investing their meagre BPs in the bloodweb and looking at the loading screen than making decisions in the game. You might even be correct that Konnor24 is most responsible for his experience but do we really want everyone to take a lesson in stoicism to endure a series of matches that last a grand total of eight minutes?

    This game has a major identity crisis. It has been stated that the main point of this game is the chase, not escapes nor kills, the chase, and BHVR advertises the game as 'hide and seek' in their official tournament series. Meanwhile a lot of matches are centered around 3gens, camping, tunneling, hooktrading and leaving people to die or die due to excessive altruism, as in too much teamplay #########, because no communication is possible in average games while tournaments have to introduce artificial rules. Can we establish a disparity here?

    Btw this post is not solely directed at you, Draxlore. You just gave me a hook to enter the discussion and I appreciate you elaborating on ways to deal with some of that in a later post.

    Now, we can all try to address this or continue slinging ######### at each other and drawing penises on the wall with that.

    That being said I doubt there is any 'saving' this game. In my opinion such drastic changes are necessary that they would justify a sequel. Bhvr can try to shuffle numbers, sure, but it will never be enough. Exhibit A: Buffed OTR being negated by triggering basekit BT fresh off the hook instead of, say, removing OTR endurance once fully healed. That is assuming they are even interested in truly balancing their game which, looking at nurse, I believe is not the case and quite a few people even defend her while missing the point completely. In essence: We are all wasting our time here on this board.

    Though I would be down for a seasonal rotation of OP #########. You know, get something new to complain about every 3-6 months. A lot of the game is RNG and 50/50s anyway, so why not?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    They don't have to waste perk slots. They have BT and Guardian for free. If they want extra protection, they use the perks. And solos can still body block. They can do a great many things. They just have to be smart teammates, which the MMR system doesn't give us, because it's based off of kills and escapes, which is what has pushed camping and tunneling to be meta.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 660

    As a solo queuing survivor I see significantly more survivors DCing after 1 down or killing themselves after being hooked in under a minute than I see Killers camping & tunneling.

    It's annoying when it happens, but some people on the forums would have you believe that it happens in every single game & that's not my experience. Out of 10 games it might happen 2-3 times. In the same 10 games you can easily get 4-5 survivors DCing or killing themselves in under 2 mins.

    Solo queue winrates are so abysmal because people just spit the dummy out and DC all the time when the game has barely started!

  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 498

    the killer is playing unfairly.

    Bringing 1 player out of the game as soon as possible is not something that should be considered unfair.