Help me pip The Artist
ok I watched some artist videos to get better at the killer but now I have the issue that I keep downing survivors without ever entering chase. I am getting lots of 4ks and delaying the crap out of gens but I keep getting this problem where I only safety pip and my chaser is either silver or bronze. I usually win with 3-4 gens up and occasionally they will get down to 1-2 but it seems the better I do as Artist the worse my emblems are. I am not camping and I am not trying to play in a dick way but it just so happens that a lot of the time I will either injure or down them with the crows and in the former case will usually run into the injured survivor where they have no options and quick down them. I thought getting the fast downs would boost my chaser emblem but it doesn't seem to be working and I think I am getting no credit for the crow downs if I never enter a chase. I am iri 3 atm and keep getting just shy of pips. If I play any nicer I get gen rushed into oblivion and will get 0-1k so I seem to be in this position of dominate and don't pip or get destroyed and don't pip.