can we nerf pallets a bit?



  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012
    edited October 2022

    ah yes i lied, were u with me in that game?

    because im seeking attention or something i dunno but i guess everyone here who complains about nurse are lying too...right

    and also FYI i actually got a 4K.....

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    i think he is a bit faster than pig while crouching im not sure as well but i don't feel any slow down like pig, actually im pretty sure its the same speed since i've seen youtubers literally chase while crouching lol

  • Haven414
    Haven414 Member Posts: 97

    When I clicked the link to general discussions, this said "Can we nerf p..."

    You have a pig pfp so I assumed you said to nerf the pig XD

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just out of curiosity I looked up the numbers

    • Survivor running - 4 m/s
    • Pig Crouched - 3.6m/s crouched, 3.815 m/s crouched with John's Medical File
    • Ghost Face - 4.6 m/s standing, 3.6 m/s crouched (same as Pig), 3.96 m/s crouched with Leather Knife Strap (it's a little faster than Pig with her add-on but Pig's is a brown add-on and Ghost Face's add-on is green so that's ok.)
    • Nurse - 3.85 m/s walking

    So TLDR both Pig and Ghost Face move the same speed while crouched without add-ons and that speed is slightly slower than Nurse's walking speed. With their add-ons the walking speed is comparable to Nurse's walking speed (so it's still a bit slow but better.)

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,177

    The issue is not pallets, the issue was how the tile sets spawned. Which has been a pretty huge issue for a long time. Sometimes you get too many pallets, sometimes you get too little pallets, just depends on how RNG and the Entity favors you.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    so basically ghostface is a more sneaky but more venerable to survivors exposing him while pig is slow but always sneaky

    tbh is it weird i find crouching as ghostface feel a little too short, when you see him he isn't crouching that far, but in pov it feels like u are proning lol

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    In fact I've played as Ghost Face crouching with that green add-on and it's kind of fun. 🙂 You sacrifice some movement speed crouching around a lot but it does noticeably help you remain hidden and actually sneak up on survivors because of the lower profile.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012
    edited October 2022

    my ghostfaces are usually 2 things, either murder everyone or go friend the moment a survivor stares into their soul, and that goes the same for me either murder everyone or go friendly xd

    i should try short ghostface someday lol

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    While I agree loops that connect to other loops are a bit stupid, I feel like this image isn't really the best example.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    ik but tbh i couldn't get any since 90% of the time i was in chase or hunting someone

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371
    edited October 2022

    It sounds like you had one bad game and decided to vent it all which is understandable, I've been there but sometimes there's not much you can do against a good team if you dont get a good initial start early on in the game. I recommend you try to improve your skills as dbd is a lot more balanced these days and is very winnable even against swfs if you know what youre doing,

  • MTB207
    MTB207 Member Posts: 12

    thats just rng problems and we know to damn well that bhvr doesnt care enough to fix rng

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    The biggest issue with Pallets are their hitboxes!

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I win so many times, but this unsafe pallet made me have to try a little bit harder to still win with a low tier killer against swf, please nerf survivors more - you right now.

  • MrFrost102
    MrFrost102 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2022

    I am a survivor main, an below average one. I play SWF maybe I can give you tips.

    One of us always is bad/scared/panicking pick that one and make them waste pallets :)

    Abuse our altruism ( I leave no one behind personally ).

    Take a look who is the weakest chase them through pallets the SWF team will do their best to protect them trust me :p

    EDIT: Don't tunnel it will make the good ones furious and will make your game even worse. Just pick the weakest one to be your "Helper" in clearing the map.

  • The_Scarlet_Witch
    The_Scarlet_Witch Member Posts: 209

    That is a pretty good build

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    The problem is more the pig than the map in this case. She is one of the weakest killers, one of her powers is for slowdown the match and it is one of the few powers with limited uses (only along with Myers stalk if I remember correctly), the other power is a dash which is awfully bad and with addons it only raise to mediocre and her stealth is the worst of all the stealths. Also that build is bad, bring at least a good slowdown perk. Iron works is not even one of the most survivor sided maps if you have to rant about the pallets of a map The Game, Cowshed and Eyrie of crows are better objetives for ranting.

  • Hexonthebeach
    Hexonthebeach Member Posts: 449
    edited October 2022

    Just get the new killer perk:


    wrap any 2 pallets on the map so they can't hurt you anymore.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    2 busted medkits 2 busted flashlights, i would say its just fine to pressure them

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    Thats exactly why you are able to make a lie like this. You can do this without repercussions because you know other people werent there, yet im a person that uses logic so im sorry that i can see right through this.

    Dont you see the irony in this? Here you are making a thread about nerfing pallets, yet in this match that felt unfair to you, you still had a 4k WITH all the "unfair" pallets (not to forget as a pig who is 1 of the few killers that is very weak against pallets). Dont you see how biassed this is?

    Killer gameplay is very stressfull, stressfull killer gameplay in dbd has almost NO link with how balanced the game is. you can 4k 10 games in a row and still have a ######### time as killer. So because you dont like killer gameplay but nonetheless still play it, you want to add changes that unbalance the game even more than its current state?

    Since you play killer you should be very familiar with the feeling of how ######### it feels if youre not able to do anything regardless of how perfect you play. Do you understand that this happening ALOT more to survivors than to killers with the current state of the game? yet you want MORE survivor nerfs. The killrate stats show this, the steamcharts started to show this, people are leaving and YET YOU STILL WANT MORE NERFS.

    i please ask you to take a step back and look at it with a less unbiassed view, and you will realize how bad the game currently is for survivors (not even talking about just SOLO qeue). i know its hard to do from a biassed view, but at least try.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    This. This right here is the entire problem with this community. "This is BS. I still won easily, but it wasn't easy enough. Nerf X!"

    There are some legitimate complaints, especially when it comes to SWF bully squads, but these kinds of posts should just be thrown in the trash. It's why we get the impression that killers will not be happy until survivors just spawn on hooks. You already win the game, but you complain it wasn't easy enough.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    Busted connected tiles ? Sure, a few maps have those and am fine with reworking but also rework shelter woods that have like 24m dead zone in the middle :D

    However, the post is a clear case of "git gud". This map is relatively very balanced compared to most other maps.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    This is almost always the case. Every time when killers shows endgame lobby pictures to prove a point in how survivors use the same strong perks and how they are OP it also shows all those survivors died in the same game. I just dont understand what goes through these people their mind apart from being blinded by bias. Seems like that in this community not many people are able to look at things objectively.

    If you just look at FACTS this is all so ridiculous:

    -Stats show that the average killer kills more compared to survivors escapes. People (main killers) also say these stats dont mean anything, meanwhile its a FACT that 60+% see more death screens than escape screens WHILE DC's ARE EXCLUDED FROM THESE STATS, which means surviors experience this even more than 60%, alot more.

    -OP says he had an unfair match.

    -OP says he 4kd in this same match.

    -Also OP, asks for pallet nerf.


  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436
  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Pallets don't need nerfing. Map RNG needs fixing.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    You're winning this game with a suboptimal build

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Okay, thanks. I had just had a game with someone with your name so I was curious if it was you.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Just reduce the Hitbox a bit.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    How you have time? Shouldn't you be focused on the game?

  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280

    So you want to nerf pallets even though you still got the 4K at the end....that's the most entitled thing I've read recently. You want the get 4ks faster is what you're saying instead of having to work for it...please tell me you understand how ridiculous that sounds...

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    But YOU STILL WON. So you're main complaint is that you just want it to be easier to win???

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited October 2022

    OP definitely didn't do themselves any favors with the title, but im pretty sure the topic was intended to be about how the pallet into pallet restrictions lately seem to be as lax as they used to be years ago, with pallets being able to (and somewhat often) spawn in ways that turn unsafe pallets to chain with and make loops out of combining tiles rather than just tiles themselves. Tiles that chain together are considerably more powerful than they are without being able to, even stuff like that weak pallet in the first image.

    If I had to guess, part of the frustration might also come from the fact that hooks are as awful as every about pathing by comparison, especially on maps like midwitch or the game. Makes the two seem pretty contrasting when compared, at least to me personally.

  • JayDoesGames
    JayDoesGames Member Posts: 264

    Not to be funny or anything but for starters your ping is a problem which will make gettings hits harder sometimes (although most times it favors the killer) and if you're letting people tie those bad loops together you arent playing very well. that map, like most these days, has a few good pallets and thats it. the rest are easy hits.

  • DattPugg
    DattPugg Member Posts: 30

    Flashlights are nothing to be stressed about, literally the easiest thing in the game to bait out. Pretend to pick up, turn around while they go for the save, and probably get a free hit. As for blinding at pallets, they actually lose distance as long as you listen to then. Also, swf doesn't really mean much. Most solo q survivors run info perks that do the job of a swf anyway. If anything, all it means is that there's a group of survivors who are all better than you. Not a game issue. From your responses, it kinda just sounds like you aren't very skilled yet (no offense, I don't expect you to be a 2000 hour basement dweller like me lmao). Ironworks is one of the more balanced maps, and if anything, that string of pallets means that after you break them (probably in one chase) that side of the map is a dead zone. Other than the main building, which isn't very strong after you break a breakable wall. Have a good one