Franklin's Demise ruins solo queue

How is this balanced? Not only do you drop your item in a chase, but it depletes super ######### fast. There is no way in hell you will get back to it in time to save it. That's also assuming it's not a dark ass map with tall grass and you can find it again, and also assuming that one of your teammates doesn't pick it up. I mean ######### this game is becoming so unfun to play it's insane. How is forcing the survivor to drop an item and then DRAINING THE ITEM while it's on the ground justified? I understand that it's supposed to counter troll squads with flashlight but ######### it's not like the majority of the game flashlight trolls, or even has a big enough squad to flashlight troll. I mean I had a medkit with me but had to loop the killer for a bit to get him off me and then unhook my teammate before he got to struggle hook, and by the time I got back to my fully stacked medkit it was ######### empty. So what am I supposed to do? Let my teammate get to struggle hook? And it's not like this is an uncommon scenario, at least 70% of the games I'm in that has a killer that runs this perk happens almost exactly like this. Or I just get tunneled and lose my item charge anyways. This is a stupid ######### perk and is wayyyy too OP. Items are ######### necessary to make up for slow gen and healing times, especially when you're solo queue and the killer is perked tf out with addons. At the very least don't make the item lose its charge, just have them drop it so they cant use it in a chase, there is no way you can justify emptying the item #########
If you don’t want your item to lose all its charges put it down before the killer makes you drop it. Franklins isn’t OP and never has been
42 -
It takes 90 seconds to fully deplete. Not really "super fast"
It's justified, because the killer is a single player who has to deal up to 4 stacked items survivors bring into trial. Being able to attack items at the cost of 25% of perk slots is a fair price. Not like it doesn't have counterplay, survivors can always drop their items in positions to grab when they need it to avoid Franklins.
Plus you have perk options to allow you to heal yourself without a med-kit if not being able to heal yourself is a huge problem.
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Franklin's used to eat your item completely, making it disappear from the match entirely so it's not as bad now. Especially if you have Felix and Build to Last for the moments where you do end up getting your item fully depleted.
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Yeah that implies that they know they have franklin though, which they have no way of communicating if they are in solo queue or if they are the first one to encounter killer. And yeah the killer is only a "single player" because he's ######### powerful, and it's not like it's hard to kill survivors who aren't in a discord call
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So the Killer is supposed to allow Items to reign supreme...
Franklin's is a perk that has uses (like the one you brought up)
But it wouldn't be that big a deal if Survivors didn't bring in their best Items...
You said that your medkit had 90 charges... why would the Killer allow you to use it freely
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You don't need to know the killer has Franklins to be able to drop your item. If running into Franklins is a huge problem for you then just play as if every killer has it.
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90 charges? What? How can a medkit have 90 charges? I've never seen that before, mine only allowed for 4 health state heals so it had 46 charges. And yeah survivors have items because there is no other way to win against a fully stacked, NOED using killer that gains bloodlust if he's trash and is in a loop for too long or gets windows and pallets blocked because a survivor used them 3 times lmao. That's just basekit on all killers, not even including special powers like what nurse has or blight. Killers are not at a disadvantage at all bruh, there is 0 excuse to not let survivors use items...
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64* not 46
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I don't even blame you, it's such a BS perk. Wouldn't be surprised if next update BHVR makes it so survivors have perma expose effect and exit gates don't even open anymore lmao.
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NOED can be cleansed. The totem even gives off its own aura. I don't think I've seen NOED give more than one down at endgame since 6.1 hit. I'd argue Terminus is much better value right now.
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I don't wanna stray from the Franklin's demise topic but na NOED is dumb AF. It's hard as hell to find the totems anyway and I rarely see the aura, not the only one with that problem either. NOED is the killer's pre-nerfed dead hard lmao
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There's plenty of reasons to disallow items to be used. They are a tool to aid the survivors get a bigger chance of escaping, and the killer is supposed to prevent that from happening. I personally only see Franklin's come up if there's a flashlight in the lobby (I even had a Deathslinger down me, shot at my flashlight, and shook no at picking it up), mostly because killers want to avoid a flashlight save/sabo play.
The killer has to pressure the survivors, and targeting their items is one of many effective ways to do. They can be at a disadvantage when a survivor is capable of looping them for long periods of time while their teammates works on completing gens efficiently.
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Looks at title.
Reads Post.
"Sigh... SSDD.." (Same #########, Different Day)
My Primary response to this, Banal, and often repeated whining about Franklin's Demise is first of all: Wait a while, you're young yet 😋/s. Second, There are far better targets of contention among the killer perks that have some actual merit in their debates, due to how imbalanced they are/seem. Finally 3rd, If you're gonna pick on one of the few perks the killers have that are meager counters to survivors items, FIRST get your Facts straight:
- Franklin's Demise USED to destroy items after 90 seconds instead of removing charges, giving you no opportunity to reclaim them, much less leave the game with them after the fact. This was changed with the Nemesis DLC update to only removing items charges in order to keep it from destroying Vaccine syringes, for obvious reasons.
- FD Was the ONLY counter to keys for the longest time, and while that doesn't matter as much anymore due to the changes to the hatch mechanic and survivors using less of them, it still is.
- FD is the most EASILY countered killer perk ever! Once you realize the killer has it, Simply DROP the item yourself before you enter a chase, or even during a chase, and retrieve it afterwards, or when you need it. FD cannot harm the items charges, or affect it in any way unless the killer knocks them out of your hand with it. You can do this in .5 seconds, but if you leave the match without re-acquiring your item, that's on you, not the killer, even if they knock it out of your hands at the gate (it takes less time to pick your item back up and escape at the gate than it does for the killer to finish their strike recovery animation). When keys were THE go-to OP mechanic/item of the game, this counter made equipping FD extra useless, as survivors would simply hide their keys in a corner of the map until the hatch spawned, retrieve it and escape anyways.
- Survivors acquire Items from both the Blood Webs AND Chests in the trial grounds. Add in all of the survivor perks that center around ITEMS such as Plunderers Instinct, or Appraisal (which can give you 6 random items to pick and choose from, as well as having the bonus benefit of searching the chests a 2nd time 80% faster), or Built to Last (which basically gives you 3x the charges on an item, that you recharge any time an item is depleted, so, extra powerful against FD), it's not like LOSING an item/Items charges is such a TRADGEDY that you have to come on the forums to whine about it!
- "Oh my GOD... I LOST AN EVENT ITEM TO FD! THIS PERK IS BROKEN AND NEEDS TO BE REMOVED!" Please... As if you don't already have a plethora of them in stock, and it's not like they were a "1 time unique item" that you'll never see again (holiday event items return every year, and by the time the event is over, your inventory is typically overstuffed with them)! Regardless EVERY survivor item is easily replaced via spending blood points in the blood web, or collecting them from chests in the trials, and with the aforementioned survivor perks that focus on looting and even tripling your chances of getting good items to pick from out of those chests... you don't have a leg to stand on with this complaint. FD killed your item, so what? You can get more just like it easily enough that you really shouldn't be so sentimental. For crying out loud, my survivor has so many items in stock it's impossible to believe I'll ever run out. Honestly it's the add-ons I'm lacking, but that only seems fair since the killers lose add-on's every match as well, and only a black ward can save them. Survivors on the other hand have both the White Ward AND Ace in the Hole to keep theirs, so there's no point in getting all butt hurt over losing your add-ons/items to a perk that counters the survivors options to keep them. Overall, Items are a dime a dozen, accept the loss as you would even if you hadn't brought in a white ward, and move on. TBH, with how easy it is to collect/replace items in this game these days, I'm surprised White Ward sees any use at all.
With these facts, I HARDLY see how Franklin's Demise is "OP" when there are SO many other things in this game that have so little counterplay... You picked the wrong perk to mess with my dude, FD is fine as it is, and ultimately used for WHAT it is: A MEME PERK... rarely seen, sometimes funny, and as far from meta as they get.
Post edited by TWiXT on7 -
Don't rely on items ig
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There are many reasons that solo is bad, but franklins is not one of them lol.
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Once you get out of low MMR NOED is almost useless. Run Small Game to learn the totem spawns over a few games and you'll never have problems finding NOED again (unless the downed person is unfortunate enough to be right by the totem which is rare).
I hate to mention this but Franklin's Demise isn't that strong either. Just drop your item by the gen as soon as you hear the TR. Pick it up again after escaping or being unhooked. If you'd rather not risk your item being yoinked by another survivor do a gen solo. 90% of the time it's the best move to split up on gens anyway.
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Franklins was reworked and apparently its still OP, lol
I see that over the summer the inexperienced Survivor-only players found a new trendy tag to add to all of their complaints. They just attach SoloQ to anything they can find that slightly inconveniences them and think that'll magically make their complaints valid. Perhaps they should also receive a weekly paycheck and free auric cells from BHVR for playing SoloQ since people apparently can't go without mentioning it 😐️
Anyway the last time I checked, SoloQ makes up most of the DBD lobby population yet people wanna act like they're some oppressed minority doing an impossible task by playing it. This game really isn't this hard lmaoo...We're talking about Franklins Demise for crying out loud
Post edited by AJStyIez on8 -
Sorry... my mistake
But still... you had a medkit that had 64 charges... to heal yourself 4 times
And you are complaining about a perk.... look at the pot call the kettle black
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Then run Built to Last.
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A tool box or medkit is WAAAAYYY more OP than you claim franklins to be.
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Imagine complaining about Franklin's. I hope everyone you play against runs it.
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Kinda need to be able to heal yourself in solo queue. Idk if you main killer or only play with a SWF or something but medkits are almost a necessity in solo queue, and it's not like healing yourself is done instantly. It takes time and you still need to get yourself to a position to heal, which is unlikely with the vast amount of tunneling in the game now. Plus you either risk losing a really rare medkit or a white ward when you run this build, and you don't have the option of bringing in a flashlight, map, toolbox, etc. So yeah it's powerful, but there are tradeoffs and it's not like you always get to use it.
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No one is acting like they're in the minority lmao. The whole argument is that the game should stop catering entirely to 4 person SWF because THEY are the minority.
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Franklin's Demise is usually brought by the killer when he see there are a lot of toolboxes, medkits or flashlights, the best counter to Franklin's Demise aside dropping the item in the match before a hit is not bringing any item if you see there are three toolboxes, flashligts or medkits.
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- I said it only removed charges, not items. Doesn't matter if you have the item but it doesn't have a charge though so idk what the point of this was
- I mean you can only use keys for so long, it's not like they have an infinite charge. Besides you can still catch survivors if they can see your aura so having FD to counter keys is a weak argument, especially after the nerfs.
- The point is you won't know if the killer has FD early game, and it's not like you want to just drop an item before every chase. Especially if the item is a flashlight which is used mainly for chases, besides flashlight saving. Killers lacking the skill to counter items, one of the few things survivors can bring in to counter killers (especially powerful killers like nurse), should cause them to have harder chases. I've never complained about survivors having items when I'm killer, and it only seems fair. Also it's a pain in the ass to go back and retrieve the item, especially if one of your ass ######### rank 10 teammate steals it because the MMR is garbage in this game.
- Yes we can get items from the bloodweb, but that doesn't excuse not letting you use the item lmao. Also chests is a weak argument because you still have to escape, and putting in item gathering perks takes up slots for gen rushing or looping perks. And I'm not whining about having to buy the item again, I'm "whining" about the match being ruined with this garbage OP perk that no decent killer needs. It ruins the fun of the match and I swear I've never heard a survivor disagree, only killers going like "omg survivors can heal what a BS OP item".
- Pretty much the same as point 4.
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You have perk options.
CoH, Inner Healing, Pharmacy, Renewal (requires healing another survivor), technically Self-Care. Adrenaline does heal you once last gen pops.
Reactive Healing, Resurgence, and Solidarity all provide ways to increase your own healing progress.
You can use perks like Bond, Blood Pact, Kindred, Empathy, Situational Awareness to locate other survivors to heal you.
These things might not be better than having a med-kit on you, but that's because Med-kits are really strong items and the killer has a perk option to make bringing stacked med-kits less effective.
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I play both sides (solo as Survivor)
I understand why you bring in a medkit (I do as well... but not a 64 charge medkit)
But do you play Killer? And face off against really strong Items...
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Yeah I do, that's the only hard part about killer lmao. I get 3ks and 4ks every time as ######### pig against prestige 10s bruh. Solo queue is mad underpowered
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Only killer I every see Franklin's on are hag woho has a pretty good reason to use it and Pinhead that's it
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Until medkits get nerfed franklins is literally the killers best tool against it.
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Funny... I play Pig as well
This game wasn't designed with comms in mind (hence why Discord is used)
Also in game comms would be hard to code
But complaining about a perk when you bring a strong Item...
"The pot calling the kettle black"
Also you might want to edit that F word out
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This is why survivors hate Franklin's so much they bring there purple fully decked out medkit and then Franklin's destroys it. Imagine 4 people bring the best medkits fully decked with built without Franklin's the killer is probably going to lose that because they are going to heal themselves so fast over and over they cant build pressure.
BTW it is a huge pain when I'm trying to deplete x toolboxes fully but if you pick it backup before it's complete gone it still counts.
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1 and 2 can be addressed by simply bringing in Felix's Built to Last. Works not only as a Franklin's counter, but you can just use it for any item/add-on combo (minus syringes, BNP, and other add-ons that disappear after use). And it was stated that FD used to delete items entirely to show that it's current iteration is not as bad.
For 3, you won't know right off the back, but based on who brings what in the lobby you can either assume OR just test it out if you get chased first. You don't want to drop your item before every chase, but depending on what item it is, you don't have to hold onto it all game. You can drop it in a corner of the map and go back to it when you need to vs leaving it in an open area any survivor can get to. Leave it by an exit gate so you can keep it when you leave if you actually care about the item.
With 4 once again, Built to Last if you want to keep using your dead items. Nea even has a perk that lets you consume less charges for if you get a chance to pick up your item that's partially drained. Even if you don't have those perks unlocked, if you're able to escape with your item you can just use it next game.
Franklin's is not stupid busted OP.
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Youve convinced me Im going to put franklins and noed in all my builds for the next month just to get some salty survivors.
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Now think of the Killer... any hit they get can/will be healed in 8 seconds (give or take)
Hence why Camping and Tunneling are a thing... and why Franklin's is a thing
Yes I know that Solo sucks right now
Also have you opened a chest at the start of a match and switching the items out? that also counters Franklin's
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The only time I run Franklin's is when I see four survivors bringing toolboxes or flashlights. That or I'm running Pinhead. If you think the killer is gonna run Franklin's, just don't bring an item that match.
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Franklin's isn't remotely OP, and isn't run nearly enough to be an issue, imo.
Yeah, medkits in particular are busted. And now that BW prices are down, survs have more of them than ever. I feel like I have a neverending well of green medkits on my mains, and those (specially with their add-ons) are busted. If the killer hits me and loses sight of me for even 10 seconds, I'm healed, and their time was wasted.
So I don't have any malice toward a killer trying whatever they can to circumvent that.
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Current Franklin objectively is stronger though.
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I say this every time this comes up, Franklin's isn't fair.
If the survivors had a perk that would eat the killer's add-ons they would throw a fit, but they are perfectly find with wasting the blood of the survivors.
Also, White Ward doesn't save an item that isn't in your hands when you die, so Franklin's goes around that. Again, imagine you as killer bring a black ward and the survivor hits you with a pallet and deletes your add-ons. WOULD THAT BE FAIR?!
NO! It is not fair.
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Thanks for that...
Now it's convincing the OP that's why Franklin's exists
And counters to the perk
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Yeah and it’s the killers job to make sure you don’t heal.In fact the more survivors heal the less bp killers get.So if a killer knocks your medkit out of your hand he is doing his job.If I use nurses calling and interrupt your healing us that op?I guess lightborn is op too.But medkits and toolboxes and flashlights that last forever are fine.
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Lmao imagine you pallet stun the killer and they drop their weapon. ######### would be on reddit and this forum every day going "BHVR ONLY CARES ABOUT SURVIVORS THIS IS SOOOOOO OP".
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It's a 1v4 game. The killer of course has more power over the survivors than survivors have over the killer. There's a reason why killers knocking out items from the survivors hands is fair compared to this theoretical perk where you disable the killer's innate M1 ability.
Items are optional whereas the killer being able to damage survivors is not.
If you want a 1v1 game, you aren't going to find that here in DBD.
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There is no way this game wasn't designed with comms in mind. It's not like voice chat was unheard of in 2016 bruh they 100% knew people would be in voice chat, and saying otherwise is just an excuse for poor game design. This game should've had built in voice chat since day 1, but the only argument against it is that "oh toxicity is bad someone might cry".
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Never said I wanted a 1v1 game, and for solo queue items really aren't an option. I don't think you will find any survivor mains saying that solo queue is possible if survivors go in empty handed, considering it's already complete aids now. If solo queue survivors can lose horribly with fully stacked medkits imagine what happens without them, and before you say it's a "skill issue" remember that there is literally 0 way to communicate with your teammates. Plus the ######### MMR already stacks the odds wildly against your favor in 9/10 games, so it doesn't really matter how skilled you are if you are paired with a brand new dwight that can't hit a skill check.
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I go into plenty of solo q games without items and still escape at a decent rate. I'm sorry you are crutching hard on having a med-kit that heal yourself 4 times. But you are heavily conflating what items do compared to the killers having the basic ability to damage survivors.
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Same here. What kills me isn't the lack of items but currently I'm facing so many whiny babies throwing hissy fits DCing or Suicide on the hook because thing don't go thier way. "NO MY ITEM THEY HAVE FD IM DCING"
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I know I agree it's needed or they have to completely gut most items(let's not).
I was just saying I understand why survivors find it so annoying.
It's not even really strong unless survivors are running 4 medkits or toolboxes anything less then that imo is a waste of a perk slot.
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LMAO this is just a funny post to read. It appears you are super triggered over the loss of your items and no offence but thats just sad.
Now i'm a killer main. I run franklins as base in every build because Items are very OP in this game and franklins just evens the playing field.
Now if survivors can say "remove franklins its to OP it ruins my games" Can us killers say "remove endurance perks they are to OP it ruins my games"? No we can't because its the way of the game and we find a way to play around them. Maybe instead of complaining about a perk that isn't overly used and isnt very powerful you focus your energy on getting better at identifying and playing around franklins.
This sort of posts feels like another one of those posts that is complaining for the sake of complaining.
Chances are you have made this post in responce to losing a really good item at the exit gate because you didnt leave the trial. FYI this is the most satisfying thing in the world when survivors are bming at the exit gate to steal their items just before they leave :)
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I play solo queue without perks or items, if you need a 64 charge medkit to play normally then that's a gamesense issue of not knowing where your fellow survivors are to go to them and get a heal from