Chapter concept: the xenomorph

The_Scarlet_Witch Member Posts: 209
edited November 2022 in Creations

Name: Xenomorph

TR: 32m

Speed: 4.6m/s

Height: average

Power: Ultimate Lifeform

Passive: facehugger

Speed: 5m/s

Leap range 2 meters

Life time-20 seconds upon starting to move

Passive: Parasite

After a survivor has been caught they will be impregnated with an embryo, the embryo activates after the face hugger has left the survivor for 10 seconds. It takes 5 seconds to impregnate a survivor. Survivors affected by an embryo cant leave the trail, they are unable to hear the xenomorphs TR but can hear its sound effects and Can be moried if they are at the second hook stage and have had the parasite for approximately 30 seconds.

Parasites can be removed by taking the medication across the map... yes this wouldn't work in the alien franchise but the entity has Nerfed the alien and given survivors a second chance at life.

Special ability one: Hive

Start the trail with 5 eggs, two eggs are in your inventory, the other 3 are scattered throughout the trail with their auras revealed. Hold the active ability button to place/remove an egg sac. Eggs release facehuggers which track survivors, eggs have a detection range of 3 meters and open if a survivor runs past it, performs a rushed action/loud noise notification, is injured or fails a skill check when trying to remove one. After an egg has opened it is removed from the trail and a random new egg spawns in a locker. This locker cant be entered by survivors. After deploying a face hugger it locks on to the nearest survivor within 15 meters of the egg and pursues them. Upon catching a survivor they are effected with parasite. Face huggers leap to survivors the same as victor, missing will cause it to become stunned for a few seconds. Survivors can light fire to eggs once standing next to them where they will be given a difficult skill check. Hitting it you remove the egg, missing it activates the egg and the face hugger chases that survivor.z

*opened eggs activate killer instinct for three seconds*

Second ability: perfect organism

All eggs in the trail open. Locking onto any survivor within 10 meters of the egg. Face huggers living state is now 25 seconds. Also for the next 25 seconds you gain a hyper mobility state, during which your fov is increased by 15 degrees, your movement speed is increased by 0.1m/s for each opened egg and increased by an additional 0.2m/s for each survivor infected with parasite or face hugger. You cant damage generators, pallets, totems or walls. You can however jump over pallets as fast as a survivor and vault the same speed as survivors while vaulting windows.

I don't necessarily think the xenomorph needs a special attack, I think instead it should be two or more unique animations when hitting survivors.

I was thinking about incorporating a face hugger queen into its kit but I decided to leave it as an addon.


Iridescent queen facehugger-Reduce the maxumin eggs allowed in the trail by four, the remaining egg is now a queen facehugger. Its lifespan is now 60 seconds, egg detection range is 9 meters and opens if a survivor is within a seven meter range no matter what. The face hugger doesnt die after implanting an embryo it locks onto the nearest survivor.

Iridescent cat (goose): after impregnatining an embryo survivors lose one health state, cant be downed

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