Killers with Joke powers

You know who I'm going to say, recently I played Trickster and managed to get his 'Main Event' power.
Hit the control key and found it absolutely useless as the survivor just has to go around a small rock/object and due to the heavily reduced speed you can't hit them with any of those hundred and thousands of cards he throws...
Anyone else think of any?
Trapper springs to mind with swfs on comms
Trickster throws knives, not cards.
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Every power is a joke when you use them wrong
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Need to get good...
How do i remove those small objects for Trickster?
Stop swfs telling each other where my traps are with Trapper?
... is it just killers beginning with T that have joke powers?
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*Nemesus has entered the Chat*
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Erm... exactly what is his power btw?
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Maybe that's why that teacher killer never got made
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Why are you using it at a rock loop, trickster weakest loop
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It is where the survivor chooses to run to
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Even nurse can look like a clown if the players is bad.
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Don't use it then.
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Trickster's main event is not weak. You shouldn't underestimate the damage you can deal with it. The main problem is that you have to micro manage exactly when you want to charge and use it. Charge it too early and it might run out without you getting any use out of it. Use it at the wrong loop or tile and you can't really hit a survivor. But if done right, there is pretty much no chance the survivor gets out of this situation without at least getting injured. Have you ever seen what main event does in basement scenarios? It's incredible how strong it gets.
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you cant just use it willy nilly, if used correctly it can mow down 2-3 survivors mostly likely only 1 but still it can
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Well, we have insta down killers, m1 killers and then there is Nemesus. Who needs 3 hits to down someone with his power.
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You can't always use your power in every situation. Survivors will try to counterplay to avoid getting hit/downed by your power, and you have to adapt accordingly.
In the case of Trickster, yes, Main Event is annoying because you often have to let the timer go down without getting any use out of it. But it CAN be very strong in certain situations.
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Main event is only 'useful' where the survivor has no object to hide behind, the most easiest object for a survivor to use is a small object like a rocket to totally make the killers main power useless. Lets not kid ourselves, it isn't for the killer to be good, just for the survivor to know not to run in a straight line away from a small rock
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The key with Trickster's main event is timing. You move too slowly while throwing knives for you to be able to hit survivors around objects like large rocks. You need to catch them in open areas or dead zones where little cover is available for the power to be effective. It's incredibly strong if you manage to use it in that position. But you don't get to necessarily choose when you activate it unless you keep your power '99'd' and hold off on using it at all until you get survivors in an open area. Which I wouldn't advise doing. If it happens to activate while you're in a covered area, try the best you can to steer the survivor out of it and try to main event them. If you use it pre-emptively they have no reason to leave the covered area.
As for Trapper I've got nothing. He's one of the weakest killers because his power can be denied so easily, especially by SWFs in communication. Bloody Coil can disincentivise people from disarming your traps or at the very least make chases easier at the cost of your traps, but it is an iri addon.
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"The key with Trickster's main event is timing. You move too slowly while throwing knives for you to be able to hit survivors around objects like large rocks. You need to catch them in open areas or dead zones where little cover is available for the power to be effective. "
That is everything that has just been said in the post?
"It's incredibly strong if you manage to use it in that position."
I'm not here to defend just Trickster, I'm after what other killers have joke powers but I'm seeing so many posts not getting the point already covered here... Tricksters power is a joke power as there is nearly always something to hide behind, can we move on to other killers with joke powers?
"But you don't get to necessarily choose when you activate it unless you keep your power '99'd' and hold off on using it at all until you get survivors in an open area."
But once ready to use doesn't it just ... vanish? Even if you don't use it? That kinda makes it even worst? Why are we just talking about Tricksters joke powers???
"As for Trapper I've got nothing. He's one of the weakest killers because his power can be denied so easily, especially by SWFs in communication. Bloody Coil can disincentivise people from disarming your traps or at the very least make chases easier at the cost of your traps, but it is an iri addon."
Any other killers with joke powers? I'd have a look but just felt people would know
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Now I want a Seto Kaiba skin for Trickster.
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Tricksters Main Event is very situational but far from useless
It shines best when Survivors are out in the open or at short wall loops, as its pretty much impossible for a Survivor to avoid all knives, but of course this is very situational and you wont be able to pull it off every time, or and depending on the map not at all
what is more consistent is turning a corner, activating Main Event and getting as many Knife hits as possible, yes youre only activating it for a few seconds (if even that) but youre still putting progress towards max laceration at pretty much no cost.
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Main event knives should ricochet by default, since the power basically guarantees they get to some type of LoS blocker in time to keep it between you and your slow moving machine gun ass. Its basically just for synergizing with the addon that uses it to replenish knives, and if someone is extremely out positioned
(which that forced timerreallyhelps with.)a power that situational really should be either storable or have more utility baked in to help it actually live up to a name like "main event."0 -
Trickster's power isn't a 'joke' providing you recognise when it is effective to use. That's the point I am trying to make. It's not automatically redundant just because it gets denied by a rock loop. It's strong to the point that for balancing purposes you are unable to save his main event exactly for when you would get max value out of it through natural gameplay. It really isn't a 'joke' because the survivors can counter it. You need to use it when survivors are in a position where it cannot be easily countered eg: where little cover is available, around a low cover loop, during an unhook, while someone is running to a window. Then it becomes one of the most lethal ranged attacks in the game. It is map dependent to an extent though as how useful it can be.
When I say 99'd, I mean keeping your power bar one knife hit off of being able to activate main event. You can't save a main event for later once you reach the threshold that allows it to be activated. You have a short window to use it and if you don't you have to build the power back up again. So by keeping the power level just under that threshold you can in theory have a main event ready for whenever it would be most effective (I don't know if you've ever played Myers but he is the closest example - you can '99' your stalk bar to have a Tier 3 ready, then pop it when you are close enough to a survivor to guarantee the insta-down). I say this is a bad idea because a Trickster not using his knives on the chance that he will be able to pop main event soon to make up for it means you're handicapping yourself for an unreliable payoff. It isn't worth it.
As for other killers, I guess Pig. Her RBT power is RNG dependent as to whether it can make a survivor's head explode or do practically nothing in terms of keeping them off gens in moments where you desperately need pressure. It's the only power in the game to my knowledge where you need to down a survivor to get any use out of it at all, and any remaining traps not yet used become useless once the doors are powered. It's a dice throw, and coupled with her poor Ambush ability it's no wonder why she's also considered one of the worst killers in the game.
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What I hate about Trickster's main event is that it's designed in a way that almost never has any value.
Sure, the ability is situational. Sure, you should wait for the right moment to use, so you can just shoot survivors in a straight line and quickly get downs.
But there is one problem: you need to work to be able to even use it. When the bar is filled, it only remains active for 30 seconds, but there is a good chance this timer will start right when you down a survivor, so you have to slug to have any hope of getting value from it.
So, Main Event only becomes usable for 30 seconds a few times in a match, but even when you finally CAN use it there are many situations and tiles where you SHOULDN'T use it. By the time you find a good position to use it, it will probably be gone.
An ability that almost never does anything and can even backfire is just badly designed.
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The problem is, Trickster is a 110% killer that charges main event by simply using his damaging ability. That leaves you with little room to control when to charge it, and after it charges it's gone after 30 seconds and there is a good chance you will be in no good position to use it during this time.
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WRAITH: You can now flashlight the Wraith even when he pushes up against you now making his power of coming out of stealth even more weak since the nerf. The survivor simply has to back off as they push up and the survivor keep the flashlight on them which previously couldn't happen as the Wraith could fully pushup against them whilst uncloaking before.
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Main event is so strong in open field you can down 3 Survivors easily, I know because Ive done it, do you want to press a button and get a guaranteed down in every single situation?. And Wraith isnt weak in the slightest, the burn mechanic can be easily bypassed by straffing or zigzaging.
This thread sounds like a "git gud" problem to me.
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So you regularly find yourself in open fields on lerys? is it often enough that you are able to find a perfect time within the 30 second auto expire to be able to activate the power, sit through the little flourish, and still land all of your knives you need to before they break LoS and you slowly try to get around that same corner?
Its extremely situational, extremely limiting, very map geometry specific, and it has too short of a storage duration for any of the previous points. At least with killers like mikey you can 99 your power and keep it there until you're ready to use it instantly, trickster's power just doesn't have enough killer agency tied to its impact strength: to many factors are beyond your control concerning it.
If all 4 survivors stand in a line and just keep teabagging, yeah sure it'll get some good damage in, but good survivors won't even be anywhere near an open area without having an escape route and LoS blockers to cover their angles.
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I've always said that Trickster's main event should make him 115% and able to vault windows. Otherwise, literally what the OP explains happens. Survivors go behind 1 rock or wall, and you can never hit them again as long as you're in main event.
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Wraith is so hard against players who know his counterplay. Are you kidding me? The burn mechanic is stupid in itself, and what you're suggesting, zigzagging, only works to an extent, because at some point you need to uncloak which means standing almost still. He is nowhere near Nurse or Blight's level and can easily be beaten by solos. That's the skill issue, y'all acting like he's some kind of strong killer.
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Freddy. Teleport is helpful, but that's all about it.
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Trickster would be better if you could store main event
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That is exactly what I meant. You sometimes need to play M1 killer just so you don't waste Main Event. Other times you need to throw knives to charge it even though you could go for an easy M1. But having Main Event at the ready for the right moment means you shred through health states.
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There is more than weak and super strong Killer, there is an inbetween Wraith isnt weak in the slightest and if you play Wraith and get consistently burnt then is a problem in your end.
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Of course not, I know the skill has a very limited use and you can spend a few games in a row without being able to use it but when it has the right conditions it can down several people in seconds with almost zero effort and nothing they can do against it, if it was to be made much less situational it would need to be nerfed too because right now whenever I get something out of it is almost always a game winner.
But of course people want the Main Event as it is now but running at 115% speed, vaulting pallets, windows and shooting lasers out of their eyes, which is absurd, especially for a skill that charges passively without much hassle.
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prevents TR so no Stake Out stacks for Hyperfocus
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No, instead of whatever that hyperbole you made up is, maybe they'd rather have it more effective and less limited with a tradeoff to something like the duration? Why do you assume people want it to become god mode when all they want is for it to be functional outside of all of the planets lining up or a solstace or two? It needs more versatility and it can lose duration to compensate for that and people would still be much happier with that than its current form.
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There is literally people in this thread asking for 115% and vault windows during main event or being able to store it and its not the first time I see people going bonkers talking about it.
And yes we agree, if it were to be made more versatile it should get a nerf in some way, I dont agree with duration because the ability is still a free down if used in a ideal place, making it more versatile broadens the amount of ideal places and that can escalate to a point where once he has it at least someone is going to go down no matter what.
By the way is not THAT hard to get a point where main event guarantees a down, unless very specific maps like Lery's or The Game (hills tiles are deathtraps for it), the problem is having it close to ready to activate when you are there it but thats the problem how the bar charges and then again, related to how powerful the ability itself is.
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You're taking ideas from multiple people and conflating them together, then assuming none of them are willing to compromise in exchange. You're strawmanning everyone who disagrees with you. Its not productive and all you're doing is working yourself up. Also you're not giving enough credit to what "duration" means, it could literally mean that getting a down instantly ends it so that it can't be used to snowball, but it could be used both to spread pressure to multiple people if grouped, while still being able to secure a single down in a reasonable manner.
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Im not strawmaning anyone, I dont think you know what strawman argument is, Im not using extreme conditions and arguing only against them, I acknowledge Main Event is situational but when used correctly it gives you a lot of value.
My first post was a direct answer to OP saying main event is useless and I retorted saying is not useless, it can be super strong but its situational and people shouldnt expect to just press a button and get downs effortlessly then I got quoted by you saying what we all have been saying in this thread, the thing is situational and not always gives value, then again I agreed about the situational problem and noted OP and some others are just asking for a buff and now you come about strawmans, me getting worked up or assuming I didnt gave credit to duration, I just think it should be changed in another way instead of just tweaking how much it lasts.
I think you are the one getting worked up.
You're taking ideas from multiple people and conflating them together, then assuming none of them are willing to compromise in exchange.
They are not writting any single downgrade in exchange for the buffs they suggested, I have to assume they are not willing to give them or they should have posted them too. Also I didnt even merge the ideas, the 115% speed and vault is on the same post, the other one is storing the one I ommited on my "hyperbole", are you even reading the posts or do you just come charge at me for some reason?
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You literally just started complaining about every extreme thing people want and lumped them all together, while offering no room for nuance, separation, nor compromise from any of them. Thats strawmanning, you're misrepresenting the other position to try to make your own look more sane.
Also you don't have to directly offer a negative to offer a positive. Nobody has stated they weren't willing to compromise in a manner like i discussed, or any other tradeoffs that are fair and reasonable. The fact you just tried to project any of that onto me means you're not trying to actually get any discussion from this though, so i guess further discussion is pointless.
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No, I complained after seeing the buff posts and OP general attitude in the thread and unwillingness to listen to anyone tips about Trickster event. Im not missrepresenting anything, OP finds it useless, several people tell him how to use it to get some value out of it and also point (myself included) the skill is very unreliable as a tradeoff for its huge potential for game winning actions, some people suggested some buffs without any tradeoff, then you came up and started arguing with me while agreeing with me to some extent which is weird because it seems a bit hellbent on arguing with me.
Nobody has stated they weren't willing to compromise in a manner like i discussed, or any other tradeoffs that are fair and reasonable.
They should have stated they were willing to compromise if they are, if someone says you "Im going to give you this" and nothing else the logical tought is to think he isnt going to demand anything in exchange, this is the exact same, someone asks for a buff/nerf and doesnt state a tradeoff its safe to assume they dont think a tradeoff is needed (shops have price tags under the products so thats the signal they are going to ask you for money).
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Didn't think of that. Nerf Freddy.
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I never use Main Event unless I am certain it will at least injure the survivor.
There is also legit areas when a survivor literally cannot have enough time to react, so it’s fair to say that there should be scenarios where if the survivor plays smart Main Event shouldn’t be as powerful if you decide to use it right there and then.
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Did you ever stop and think they might have just been trying to find ways to make the power less worthless than it currently is and throwing out ideas? The fact you keep forcing their unwillingness to negotiate on them, even now, was exactly my point. Collaboration requires cooperation, and all you have been doing is being argumentative, and you have refused to hold yourself to the same standards by not trying to offer similar concessions that could make decent middle grounds. This is getting pretty off topic so I'm not going to continue that conversation.
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You're ignoring the simple fact that the killer has very little control over when main event is triggered. They activate it manually, but its buildup requires landing ranged hits, of which you need multiple to even do damage, and of which also heal naturally if a certain amount of time passes between hits. it also starts a timer of 30 seconds once filled, and the power must be used during that time or it is completely wasted and reset before even activating. All of this on a 110% with no mobility, which means they have a considerably harder time getting into a proper position to make use of it in the first place, especially since they are slowed during its active phase.
If you are a survivor vs trickster you literally just have to play against him like a less effective huntress, all of the same looping and tile traversal tactics apply. It's called "main event" and yet most trickster players can go entire matches without ever getting a single opportunity to use it effectively, which is what needs to change considering its literally half of his power. As i compared earlier, even mikey at least has control over his power, and thats one that can outright grab and mori people with the right addons.
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You assumed I didnt offer any sugestion because I didnt want to cooperate while in reality its because I dont really know what kind of change could get the ability to make it go in a direction like more versatile but less powerful, I just stated I didnt like tampering with the timer because I usually dont like that kind of solutions, especially to stuff with a very broad spectrum of power. Thats also the reason I didnt offer any downgrade either but I did express my refusal to have egregious buffs without making it weaker.
I think Main event should be changed? not really, its not even Trickster power, IMO its jut a gimmick slapped to him for reasons but nowhere in any of my posts I stated it should stay the way it is nor the devs shouldnt try to find another use for it if they want or find the time altough there are more pressing matters in the game than a secondary skill. And again, its not as useless as OP thinks.
P.D. its not our job to offer solutions or suggestions, we are costumers, our job is to complain about stuff we think should be better, we can have an idea or a suggestion on how we want something fixed or give eachother tips about perceived problems but ultimately its the people selling the service the ones that have to come with a solution, thats why we are paying them for, the "if you complain come with a solution too" motto goes invalid once someone is getting paid to fix the problem.
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He adds two cosmetics to the map
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yeah i was trying to go for an adept with him. ######### impossible. a nightmare i gave up closed the game. thats me done with dbd for a while his power is weak as piss lol
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Trapper actually used to only have 1 trap basekit. I know he might not seem amazing now, but he actually used to be a lot worse, and not even that long ago. I still remember people saboing his traps to just outright disable them and he would have to wait for them to respawn.
I actually think his power is in a pretty good spot at the moment, but he's like hag in that he suffers tremendously for how much the first few minutes of the match matter in terms of pressure. He basically has to set up around a 3gen most of the time or he just doesn't get gen pressure.
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Just a reminder to keep the discussion on the forums civil, and pertaining the topic at hand, and not other players.
If you disagree with another player, you do not have to argue with them about it and make it personal if it becomes clear that you both believe different things. Constantly arguing with another player brings the thread off-topic and disrupts actual discussion.
Thank you!
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I’m not ignoring anything, I am sticking the scenario OP presents. If you didn’t hit your knives when you should have that is on you. The survivor is equally punished for not finding LoS and giving him Main Event as a result.
All I am saying with regards to what OP is talking about is the fact that once you do have Main Event, you shouldn’t expect it just to hit because you have it, you have to be smart about when you are using it. (I.E. open zones, survivor stuck in a long hallway etc)