Killers with Joke powers



  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    I’m not ignoring anything, I am sticking the scenario OP presents. If you didn’t hit your knives when you should have that is on you. The survivor is equally punished for not finding LoS and giving him Main Event as a result.

    All I am saying with regards to what OP is talking about is the fact that once you do have Main Event, you shouldn’t expect it just to hit because you have it, you have to be smart about when you are using it. (I.E. open zones, survivor stuck in a long hallway etc)

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited October 2022

    Your last point is absolutely correct, but its not mutually exclusive to the issues that the power itself has. Survivors can simply avoid areas where it is strong and it quickly becomes more of a detriment than useful, which pairs terribly with the amount of limitations it already has to its usage. The power needing to have its versatility improved can be true simultaneously with it not being guaranteed injures/downs. Thats why I use Myers as the example, as no matter what version of T3 he has, he at least has the power to control its activation to greatly increase its chances of being functional. If he pops it randomly then the chances of him getting any use from it (let alone enough to snowball off of) are a lot lower. If Trickster only had a few restrictions removed it would be considerably more useful, and could easily have reasonable sacrifices to compensate.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Guess i'll also try to help this discussion be about something else than Trickster.

    Hag has a pretty joke-y power.

    "BLAAAAGH!.....I'm not teleporting thou- YES I AM!"

    Oh you didn't mean that when you said Joke Power? Well TOO BAD! 😈