Delusional Assumption that GhostFace > Wraith

almofan1001 Member Posts: 291
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

I've been seeing many DBD "influencers" and the general community agreed on the consensus that Ghostface is a better stealth killer than Wraith.

To me, this seems like one of the most ridiculous statements considering how many advantages Wraith has over Ghostface, not only as a stealth killer but also in actual general killer gameplay (addons, maps, etc.)

Wraith is by far the better killer compared to GF for these reasons alone:

1 Actual Map Pressure - Ghostface map pressure is pretty much ZERO.

2 Great Addon Arsenal - most Wraith's addons are very good and synergize with his kit beautifully. Ghostface addons are suffering from niche use cases and barely get game-to-game usefulness.

3 Actual stealth - In comparison, Ghostface is nothing but a pseudo-stealth killer. Ghostface is not a stealth killer, he is a stalking killer. Saying Ghostface is a stealth killer is like saying Myers is a stealth killer. His stealth is so incredibly easy to break that it's basically blood points charity to survivors.

4 Actual Power. Wraith Power is useful, strategic, and interesting. Additionally, it still is not completely eliminated against SWF. Ghostface's power is basically hiding from survivors because you are too scared that they will reveal you. In addition, when you are against SWF, you don't have a power, period. His power is also massively dependent on the map. Using Ghostface's power in some cases becomes a lot of times self-griefing move than actually helping you to win.

5 Map Dependence - Wraith generally can use his stealth and power effectively on most of the maps. In addition, his windstorm add-ons make some of the bigger maps more bearable. He does suffer from pallet-city maps, sure, but so does Ghostface. And even with pallet-infested maps, Wraith has more chance to outplay them at pallets than GF will ever do. Meanwhile, Ghostface has LOTS of bad maps. Anything with an open field or non-indoor map is basically him becoming an M1 bot killer. And there are TONS of maps where GF's power is barely usable and he becomes an useless killer.

6 Hit and Run playstyle - Wraith is MASSIVELY more effective at not only doing hit and run playstyle but also getting the first hit. Getting the first hit as Wraith is not hard and can be done in most cases due to his actual proper stealth, and the speed boost from uncloaking. As Ghostface, you will rarely get the first hit unless survivors are just turning their brains off.

7 VSing SWF Potential - I mean, this should be common sense, but Ghostface is a bot M1 killer with no power when playing against SWF. His stealth is already quite trash, but against SWF the power basically does not exist. An SWF following you around and breaking your stealth is just an absurd but truthful example of how weak GF's power is. Wraith's power in comparison is still largely existent against SWF and doesn't turn you into a bot M1 killer.

8 "Oh but he can insta-down survivors" - the only potential (?) argument you could say GF is better than Wraith. With that being said, marking survivors and then downing them takes a long time because Ghostface has 0 power in the chase. In addition to that, your marking skills are heavily dependent on:

  • The survivors being oblivious and forget to turn their cameras every 2-5 seconds
  • Map (some of the maps make your power obsolete)
  • Survivors not pre-dropping pallets and being greedy while in chase

Even if you succeed at all these 3, you will likely waste so much time that more than 2 gens will be done and since you have no map pressure, you will rely on survivors making mistakes to win the game. Congrats, you got instadown, now look what you have sacrificed for that, lol.

I just provided 7 "for arguments" that Wraith is better than Ghostface and 1 weak "against" argument. Not only Wraith is a better stealth killer than Ghostface (should be common sense), but he's also a better killer overall. Ghostface has arguably been the worst killer in the game since his release.


  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Ghostface is the better stealth killer than Wraith, assuming the optimal condition of Perfectly stalk survivors->free grab->survivor gives up for getting downed in the first 30 seconds

    In every other scenario Wraith is better imo. Ghostface is one of the strongest killers in the game in those first few seconds but it's crazy how hard he falls off. He has to go hard, and fast. Wraith too can play for the Stealth Killer alternate win condition too, but his Snarl+Bell holds that potential back compared to GF.

    If GF doesn't get his optimal start, I'm more scared of a basekit Myers.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2022

    Wraith is so much better than Ghostface mainly because he has mobility, that alone makes him the best stealth Killer. Also Wraith is braindead easy to play, Ghostface requires you to at least know how to approach places so they dont spot you from a mile away.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Huntress is the best killer in the game assuming she can perfectly hit hatchets.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Agreed, but the community constantly underrates Wraith and overrates Ghostface for some reason. For me, GF is one of the worst killers in the game constantly since June 2019 (his release), only competing with Trapper.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Ghostface himself is not THAT bad but the enormous amount of bugs around his reveal mechanic and the fact you need to play with a different mindset makes people who are used to regular M1 Killers missplay with him a lot, he is also very map dependant, maps with very low walls makes the reveal super easy.

    Its the same with Myers, he is my main, Ive seen people bashing him as the worst Killer overall, the weakest of the weakest and I dont find him weak at all but you have to play with him the right way or you are in for a world of pain.

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    Who are those clown "influencers" thinking GF is stronger than Wraith? Spill the beans.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    The most popular DBD streamer has been putting GF above Wraith for idk how many tier lists.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    The funny aspect is ghostface got reworked.I mean if he is worst killer, he might need another rework.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited October 2022

    I won't argue that Ghostface is actually kind of weak unless you're a literal pro at him. I still prefer playing him over Wraith though, since Wraith's speed boost upon uncloaking frustrates me more than anything else. I feel like I need his uncloaking speed addon to actually get an ambush hit. Since Ghostface's addons are pretty niche/versatile as you said, I don't feel like there is any I can't play without to correct his base kit.

    Overall, I think Ghostface is funnier to play.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    As far as my DBD journey is concerned, GF is a noob stomper. I remember many times when I started playing just everyone dying and not being able to counter his power, but the more I've been playing it seems that if you can keep him busy the rest of the team can do gens and some will probably make it out (unless he has NOED or team missplays EGC)

    Wraith does seem to be the better of the two as he has an easier imo time patrolling gens and getting the first hit and he can block entrances or windows with his speed. Currently I see more Wraiths doing better than GF, but when I started out (2 months ago) GF seemed a lot stronger.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Wraith is definitely stronger and much easier to use.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I dont necessarily disagree, but I feel like you're overselling the wraith way too hard, and he's my main killer. He's pretty garbage for a lot of reasons, but the awkwardness of ghostface's reveal is probably the only reason he even has a power to be honest. Its inconsistency is also why it could be argued as both better and worse than the wraith's power.

    So yeah, Wraith is better, but they're both fighting for a pretty low spot on the totem pole.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    The power of Ghostface is the expose. He can mostly stalk a person and then move on to someone else. A good ghost face will 99 someone and when they are in striking distance cloak, stalk, stab. I am not a good GF but I recognize how powerful the exposed is.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I dunno. I play wraith a lot. He is actually my favorite killer now and though he definitely has his weaknesses and is extremely addon dependant, I feel like I can do well with him on almost every situation, even against really good teams.

    I mean I don't know my mmr or if I'm playing top of the crop players or what, but I have definitely been against very efficient teams, who know how to loop and everything and I have managed to get 3 and 4 kills and really fun matches.

    Of course I have also been stomped, but I can tell that I made mistakes that costed me the match. Never felt like I didn't have a chance.

    I don't feel this with Ghostface. So definitely wraith is stronger in my book.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    They're good at different things, imo (beyond the obvious core stealth killer gameplay.)

    Wraith is better at speed (and thus map control) and preemptively cutting people off. He's much simpler to play and you can unga bunga him no problem. He's a pretty good user of gen kick perks and long distance aura reads and his addons are both versatile and useful, enabling a variety of builds. He counters holding W better than any other killer, but has basically zero tools to use in loops.

    Ghostface is better at mindgaming in chase (because he can turn his red stain off at will) and actually sneaking up on people. He's much more map reliant than Wraith, especially with the new prevalence of daytime maps, and he takes more brains to play effectively because you need to plan your approach to minimize chance of being seen and you can't stab everyone in your way if you're effectively 99ing people and making use of partial stalks. He can cause insane snowballs with 99ing because survivors will believe they're safe to take hits and play bold when they're a tap away from an instadown. He's almost as bad at looping as Wraith is (again with the caveat that he can crouch and also hide his red stain freely), but while he can't do anything against holding W, his first hit against an unaware survivor is deadly while Wraith's is not, so his chases are often much shorter (or nonexistent.) He has some good addons, but none as game-changing as Wraith's.

    I enjoy both of them, but they don't play as similarly as you'd think.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Ghost Face is better when he gets lucky for being greedy, as in never ever hitting a survivor unless they're fully stalked, and literally following them around til he gets his power back so he can 1-shot them. And also using the purple speed add-on.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    I love GF, I mained him for 2 years straight but his power isn't versatile enough to even be worth mentioning in a debate against any character. There's times I'm right next to a freshly hooked Survivor and I won't get exposed as I leave and then there's MANY more times where I'm already around a corner from a distance and crouched but still get exposed... all of the addons except for 4-5 are pretty bad or niche as well. There's not much consistency with the Iris or Purples so I just mostly default to Philly and Walleyes. I'm hovering around Prestige 20 and think I'm just gonna park him at 25. There's no room for improvement left for me on GF, its better to just invest my points and time into others which is what I've been doing for the past year and change, unfortunately M1 Killers like GF get little respect in this game most of the time thanks to map design and SWFs. Wraith and others have way better addons and some type of mobility to compensate for their weakness at least

    Against a SWF of any size on GF its hard to dictate the plays you want to make when you want to make them. A lot of your matches against good teams are just a Hold-W simulator. Any good GFs knows that committing to that 99/mindgame playstyle for every single lobby and map is an easy way to get spanked. You have to be unpredictable and aggressive, anything less against good teams is an easy dunk due to him being one of the only Killers that's power often relies in the hands of Survivors. Wraith is slightly better but he still suffers too

    Its basically arguing which team in the league is ranked 21st or 22nd

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    funny that is one of my builds on ghostface, drop-leg+olsen wallet with nemesis+pwyf. I can't really take playing stealth killers seriously in terms of winning but they're funny to play if your ok with losing.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Yeah, with non-top killers you just have to make sure you're getting downs constantly, or you'll have absolutely nothing going for you.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    The only thing Wraith has is mobility.

    Ghost Face is more silent and doesn't need to wind down in order to attack.