Why aren't the devs doing smth about this?


I come back from a few weeks of break from the game to have some fun and participate in the new tome but guess what? It's not possible to complete them without being allowed to play the game.

1st game: Tunneling wesker

2nd game: Facecamping bubba

3rd game: Starstruck nurse

4th game: Facecamping bubba hitting and nodding at hook

5th game: Camping and tunneling wesker

6th game: Tunneling huntress

Tries to go killer: 1st game T bagging 4 man swf sabo squad

disclaimer: by tunneling and camping I mean the "at 5 gen left type"

Players are just allowed to straight up ruin your game and will not hesitate to abuse of it by making everyone's games miserable rather than actually play it since none of this is bannable because they are VaLiD StArTeGiEs.

The game has the most obvious issues of rampant and abusive toxicity , but the devs rather work on "tHe fInIsHiNg mOrI SyStEm".

Devs keep saying that they can't really make changes because of "really limited resources" those same resources that they rather use all of the most stupid stuff that no one cares about rather than actually come up with changes to fix their game.

Am I the only one thinking that the devs would rather work on their own thing instead of doing their jobs properly is absolute BS? Because idk about you but I love this game and recently I'm actually starting to get sick of playing it because the community.


  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I've also had days where games have been a dumpster fire, might that more people are playing now cause of the new tome and Halloween event coming up and it could also be the time of the day. if it's evening you get all sorts of players.

    I played with a Jake earlier who was prestige 9 (meaning he's been playing for a while) and ran No Mither and died first without doing any gens. Go figure.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    Sounds like somebody had some bad matches. Let’s change the game so you can be happy and make it impossible for killers to win.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,382

    Haven't had a single normal match as survivor tonight. And yesterday. And the day before.

    I will admit the facecamping huntress was a surprise, but it was not a good one.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Honestly it can be part of the game. People play for different reasons. People who just want to win, will do whatever is the best strategy to win. Tunneling and camping both can be counter by survivors using teamwork. I get that it will not happen in solo queue but the killer 1) has no way of knowing that and 2) plays in the way thats fun to them.

    Same thing goes for survivor. Constant sabotaging is able to be countered with slugging and means that they aren't working on gens.

    You had games that to you were both rough and unfun, and I am sorry for that. But there is a difference between using a strategy and being toxic. Spamming flashlights, constant t-bagging, intentionally throwing, DCing, suicide on first hook, attacking someone on hook, watching the last survivor bleed out when you can hook them, flaming in chat, etc., these are things that are toxic because they don't do anything for the game but are being done simply to make the game worse for your opponent or teammates.

    In addition the devs are doing things about the less favorable tactics. Sabotaging has been changed multiple times and now the time between basic attack is faster than the sabotage action, Basekit endurance means a lot. They adjusted the gen times. They are reworking the slugging system. I think cutting the devs some slack that tunneling and camping exist and that they do mean different things to different people.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,327
    edited October 2022

    I agree that it's not particularly fun to be camped or tunneled but what can they do about it? To really stop killers from camping and tunneling you would have to massively overhaul the game. Just punishing a killer is not the right way. Killer's do it because it's their best option in many cases. If I can defend a 99% gen, a basement hook and have lines of sight with anyother few nearby generators why would I leave? Why would I not tunnel one person? It is literally the best play style for any killer. What we need are incentives against this, not just punishment.

  • JakeParkSimp
    JakeParkSimp Member Posts: 34

    I absolutely feel you and know where you are coming from. I play both sides and have pretty much given up on solo que survivor (I don't have friends who actively play this game so it is my only option to play survivor). Killer on the other hand feels almost too easy and boring now, apart from facing the most coordinated swf teams.

    I do miss the survivor matches from like half a year ago when the matches felt more fair and enjoyable. Of course solo que had its problems at that point too but the recent changes have made the problems really stick out and solo survivor has become almost unbearably frustrating to play. At the past it didn't even really matter if I survived or not if the match was fun and felt fair. This is becoming increasingly rare and every other match feels like a ridiculous dumpster fire.

    I really hope Behaviour reconsiders some of the changes they have made to this game recently, but considering their history, I have my doubts.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    Looks like with the new rift a lot of less desirable players came back. on the survivor side (bodyblocking and heal tapping) and on the killer side (4 minute whole team bleedout).