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Legion is a Fun Casual Killer

Alright, we know the Legion are underpowered and get absolutely bodied by competent SWF groups, but my first match with them was actually really fun. Playing at rank 8, I almost managed to pull off a 4k, the last man barely managing to crawl to the hatch in time. I expect that part of the reason I was able to do so well is that these specific survivors haven't learned how to deal with the Legion yet, but let me go through what I like about how the Legion changes up the gameplay.

The biggest change is that the Legion's ability discourages tunneling. If you rush into a generator area with your Frenzy and manage to score a hit on one or more survivors, you've already slowed the game down significantly. Each survivor has to mend the Deep Wound effect and heal before they can go about their business. This means that if they all rush off and you feel like downing someone with the Legion's power is too much of a hassle in that particular moment, you can just...not. You can let everyone escape, damage the generator, and move off either to other generators or to try and catch people mending off-guard. You become a patrolling killer, moving around the map and harassing survivors, slowing things down. If you find yourself in the right situation, you down someone and hook them, then go off to harry the survivors' generator efforts again or tag them if they try and rush the hook. The chases you engage in feel more tactical as you consider whether you want to push for the down or move off to continue spreading the pain elsewhere. To me, this is a fun and refreshing way of experiencing the chase. As a survivor, I can imagine it would also be nice to have an easier time getting out of individual chases. Matches change from the obnoxiously drawn-out individual chases to a tense game of cat-and-mouse.

Obviously, this rosy conception of the Legion's gameplay doesn't hold up in high-ranked competent SWF lobbies, as I admitted at the beginning, but I think that Legion can really be a fun change of pace at the lower ranks or in casual KYF situations. Maybe Behavior could buff their kit more to make them more of a threat, but even now and especially with add-ons they can still make their presence felt to a degree. Let me know how much you agree with this or if you think I'm completely wrong! Friendly discussion is encouraged.

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  • Member Posts: 157
    edited December 2018

    Latest video by scottjund linked here in this text just says it all.
    Which is sad, because I love the character design (the Susie cosmetics are my favorite, but Joe looks awesome too) and the pallet-vaulting madness.

  • Member Posts: 526

    I personally think Legion is just fine as is. But instead of going crazy on buffs like insta downing already injured survivors. Or giving them 115% movement speed etc. I think the only buff I'd give the killer that actually would make a pretty decent difference. Is when you are frenzied and you smack a survivor already inflicted with Deep wounds. That he doesn't get stunned. Meaning you smack someone, smack them again, but instead of the stun they just get the sprint burst from the hit and you can chase them normally with his 110% movement speed.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited December 2018

    people who say the legion is fine as it is are obviously survivors mains wearing trapper masks and saying OH BTW KILLER MAIN~

    No one can actually in any realistic ideal state the legion is fine as it is when legion is making Freddy's tier go up 1.

  • Member Posts: 33

    @AlexAnarchy said:
    people who say the legion is fine as it is are obviously survivors mains wearing trapper masks and saying OH BTW KILLER MAIN~

    No one can actually in any realistic ideal state the legion is fine as it is when legion is making Freddy's tier go up 1.

    I'm not saying Legion is competitively viable, just that they're fun both to play as and against at lower ranks.

  • Member Posts: 4,167
    For the ones that don't know how to use legion, all his design is doing is prolong tunneling even more. It works out great for 3 survivors as they ko gens but #4 gets wrecked in the bp department. Regular tunneling feels bad (no hate for those that can't hunt) but with the additional hits required it feels like an entire match is done before your off the first hook.
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