New player and face camping...

I play Survivor and Killer but have only been playing for a couple of weeks. I have found it frustrating as a survivor to be face camped. What I hear from the community is only hooks matter. That doesn't seem to be accurate, though. I can put people on hooks, but they get saved when trying not to play as a face camping killer. Sometimes they get saved right in front of me; That is frustrating, and unless I hook the same player three times, sometimes two, it doesn't seem to count for much. So, from my perspective, as a killer, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. It also doesn't help that I'm being paired with other players, as the killer, that is, many multiples higher in their levelling than I am.
as a killer, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't
Welcome to the DBD killer experience.
Facecamping is frowned upon, but if survs are running right in to unhook after you hook, by all means let them have it. That's on them. People will accuse you of camping and tunneling all the time, and just as often as not it was just their crappy play.
But generally be patient with yourself, learning to apply pressure and stack hooks across multiple survs takes time. Like a lot of time. And you won't learn those skills while facecamping.
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I always try not to face camp but there have been more than a few games where people either run right across my FoV to the hook and it's an easy intercept or they harass and run me right next to the hook. I don't get it. Wait 5 seconds for the killer to maybe leave. Call me crazy.
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Sadly, your experience is partly why new players dont stick around.
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Intercepting is probably the happiest medium you can get. Lets say someone is on hook, you chase the first person that comes for them if you can't find anybody. Now there are 3 maybe 4 people depending on if it's solo queue or not, not on gens.. It's one of the best ways to apply pressure to a team. As others have said though, if someone goes for the hook in your face you aren't camping you are chasing them. Unless of course you were camping and they gotta go for the save in your face.
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>Sometimes they get saved right in front of me; That is frustrating
surv farm each other and just wait near to get an unhook. then whine bout camping.
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It happens every now and then where a killer decides they want to play but not play at the same time with face camping, or they're sweating hard like its a comp match. My best advice is to not struggle, just wait out the timer as you're gonna be wasting the killer's time while your team (hopefully) is completing all the generators or at least 2 people come to help to save you properly. If you don't run Kindred, I would say it's a great perk for these situations so your team can all see each other and the killer if close.
Killer side, you can do whatever you'd like. Camping can be an efficient strategy, especially if you have no pressure when they pop a ton of generators,, but if you're not okay with it you don't have to do such tactics.
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Agree 100%. Most survivors know better than to take a fellow mate off the hook while the killers terror radius is up. If they take them off in front of you well so what camp them. It's what they get for being impatient. That should be one rule in the "survivors handbook" if you take someone off hook in front of killer too bad be prepared to be downed.
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The worst part of been facecamped as a survivor imo is you have to completely rely on your teammates to beat it there's literally nothing you can do but sit there.
As for your killer problems they really skill issues no disrespect. As you play you'll learn what loops are playable and which ones are safe and you have to break the pallet right away. Mmr can be brutal as a killer and put you up against survivors way out your way.
Point of advice if you haven't injured the survivor in around 20 seconds maybe 30 if you really have to leave the chase and find a different target.
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Thanks all for the words of wisdom! The thing that bums me out is matchmaking. It's terrible. As a killer, I always get players whose skills far outpace my own. Yes, I know I need to get good, but it's hard even to practice correctly when you've got a seal team of survivors. I had a game once where, for the whole game, they were leading me into chases and standing in the way of the hook so that I couldn't hook the downed survivor. They ran me ragged; it wasn't fun but a chore. Of course, you don't want to DC as you get a time out and if you have too many DCs a ban. Matchmaking needs a severe overhaul. I don't get why it takes 2 minutes of waiting in the killer queue just to get matched with people who are way above me. Would an extra minute of waiting mean I could be against more on-par players? If so, they should do it.
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So what if someone rushes to the hook ? That actually harms the survivors, you can trade hooks and it snowballs pretty well if you don't make big mistakes.
No need to even try to grab, just smack the rescuer before the unhook and then 2nd hit right after the unhook.
End result is, you get a 2nd hook (Even better if scourge regression perk) & You start chasing the rescued survivor who is injured or even let it be and pressure the 2 teammates on gens.
If you managed to find one of the two, the situation is 1 being chased, 1 injured probably self caring or playing cautiously, one on hook and one going for the save/or not.
I am not saying this will always be the case, survivors can act differently but it's not as bad as you make it seem. You are still new and am guessing you don't have many of the current meta perks; So it makes sense that games might be a little hard for you but it will eventually get better.
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Tru3 literally put out a video recently showing how hook trading benefits the survivors, not the killer. It's fine for the survivors to hook trade, because they're pushing gens, then saving at the last second, and nobody is dead or getting 2-hooked. In fact, I thought it was generally accepted that hook trading was bad for the killer. Getting someone to 2nd stage is way more worth it than just another Pain Res. You have to get positives, not just trades, or you lose all your momentum.
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Do your best to go up in MMR , this is how all new players play. You'll see less of it as your MMR goes up
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Facecamping is very prevalent at low MMR. Here are some perks I suggest you go for and why.
Renewal: As long as you heal a survivor you will automatically heal yourself 20 seconds after being unhooked. This is a general perk.
Sprint Burst or Lithe: These are good exhaustion perks found on Meg and Feng respectively. After being hooked, your exhaustion resets so you can use it straight off hook.
Deliverance (found on Adam): After safely unhooking a survivor, your unhook self percentage become 100% but you gain the Broken condition for 60 seconds after.
Off the Record (found on Zarina): You get an Endurance state that lasts for up to 80 seconds or until you perform a Conspicious Action (gens, healing, etc). Plus which, you make no sounds from injury and the Killer can't read your aura for 80 seconds no matter how long your Endurance is up for.
Ideally, if face camped and nobody is coming, Deliverance, Sprint Burst, and Off the Record would let you outrun even a facecamping Bubba for the first few seconds. Then you have a chance to get away at least.
If somebody can rescue you, Off the Record and Renewal, paired with an exhaustion perk, will give you the chance to get away. If you can avoid being hit for 20 seconds you'll heal to full and, if the Killer is still chasing you, will need to hit you three times to down you (Healthy to Injured, Injured to Deep Wound, Deep Wound to Dying).
Don't forget to mend if you're in Deep Wound.
That was a bit long but I don't know how much of that you already know. Anyway, I hope it helps. Being facecamped sucks and it's much worse at low MMR since your teammates probably don't know how to save against a facecamper. Good luck.