Grim Embrace is cool concept however it has rather weak effect

Perks that motivate killers to hook everyone is good and healthy. However they should have some good benefit since hooking everyone once is very time consuming (usualy and for most killers) and difficult (you might not even see the 4th Survivor in that trial). The reward now is 10 seconds of all gens blocked per hooked Survivor for total of 40 when you collect all tokens. It's not worth it at all. It should be at least 60 seconds or something more than just blocking gens.
What do you think about this perk?
People have suggested that before, but the downside to that is basically 60 seconds means that killers get to camp a whole hook stage for free and there is nothing the survivors can do about it, cause all gens are blocked.
I'd rather the perk got some kind of secondary effect or it revealed the auras of all survivors for like 10 seconds. Killers will get 40 seconds of gen blocking + encourages them to leave hook cause they get to know every survivors current position. Atm if the obsession is your 4th hook, then you just get no value out of that aura reading.
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From my experience, it's mostly a "win harder" perk. Either you don't need it because you're already winning, or you're losing and it never activates because you don't get your 4 tokens. That said, the gen block duration shouldn't be increased. If it was 60 seconds then you can just camp an entire hook stage for free.
If it's going to stay as an all-or-nothing perk (where you either get 4 tokens or you don't get anything at all), then I think it needs additional effects added; a couple ideas I had were revealing all survivors instead of just the obsession (and potentially increase the aura-reveal duration) and giving the killer a movement speed buff for a limited amount of time, which would also encourage them to chase someone while the gens are blocked and not just camp for free for 40s.
But yeah as of now I see no reason to use this perk over NWO.
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Oh yes, that would help too. Something like "Now they can't do gens + now you also get this" to reward not camping the 4th person.
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This, plus I think it could be nice if it could be proc'd a second time. That way it could encourage and reward awlays going for fresh hooks throughout all the match.
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I agree, in principle - I'm a staunch defender of Grim Embrace, I think it's a fun and healthy design, but it needs a bit of a boost. I don't think the duration of the blocking should be increased, though, that could have some unpleasant side effects. Rather, I'd boost the aura reading to include all survivors, not just the obsession, and maybe boost the duration a little bit too.
Right now its biggest problem (outside of just, activating at a bad time) is that survivors just stealth during its duration because they can't work on generators. With all of them revealed, it's guaranteed there'll be a chase during the time the generators are blocked.
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One thing I dislike about Grim Embrace is that it activates when you hook the fourth survivor... but since all gens are blocked after that, you don't really need to pressure gens, so your best option on that scenario is to proxy camp, since the best place for most survivors to go will be towards the hook anyway, since they can't do gens.
So the perk gives you incentive not to tunel but then it gives you incentive to camp for 2 thirds of a hook stage. It isn't that healthy.
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I think it should be 60 seconds, but should only get tokens when someone gets unhooked rather than hooked. That way the Obsession aura reading part is always useful and you don't need to worry about camping. It should also probably activate twice a game when you double hook everyone.
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Being able to activate twice a game would be pretty huge, and a healthy buff to it imo. Since I try to spread my hook stages, I would probably run it at that point.
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There’s a difference between encouraging hooking all four survivors and requiring it. And when the fourth survivor was also your obsession, you really gotta ask yourself why you equipped this perk in the first place. Not to mention, we’ve all had the matches with that one immersed survivor.
Why wouldn’t you just run No Way Out? It provides more slowdown if you hook all four survivors at least once; and even if you don’t, it still activates, just for a lesser amount of time. And also tells you exactly where at least one survivor is upon activation.
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Grim Embrace, old BBQ, Dying light, make your choice, etcetc......
It could be an incentive if some of these perk effects of a design that encourages hooking evenly would be a base kit, making it a stronger choice rather than tunnelling.
(This is just a possibility. After all, the longer the four of them are free to move, the closer the killer is to losing, so it is impossible to erase tunneling altogether. Still, if all players can enjoy one game longer, so much the better.)
Now, a discussion about Grim Embrace encouraging even hooks but too small an effect. But the dilemma is that if the effect of the current time is increased, camping would be the best option.
My idea is to have a blocking or explosion retreat based on the progress of each generator's repair gauge at the time the fourth player is hooked.
But as already mentioned, the point is that this is virtually meaningless since above average survivors will complete 3 or more generators at the point of hooking an equal number of 4 people. This is also true for Dying light. When that PERK is in effect, you win without it. Hmmm.
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Requiring all 4 survivors to be hooked is never good, because there are too many games where at least one survivor is super immersed, and you won’t even see them until at least two other survivors are already dead. It also fails when someone DCs before getting hooked.
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What about this?
Grim Imbrace
After hooking all survivors once, this perk activates for 60 seconds.
▪︎Any pallet or window vaulted will either break or block respectively.
▪︎Survivors who perform rushed actions will have their aura revealed for 3 seconds.
When the perk activates or deactivates, the auras of all survivors are revealed for 3/4/5 seconds.
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Grim Embrace may as well reveal all survivors auras
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I've always thought about using this perk, and how on paper it could work decently with ruin (if it's still up). An aura secondary for all survivors at max tokens would be nice and different enough from BBQ. To keep some value on the Obsession part, they could become Oblivious for a time maybe?
Exposed would have a similar issue where there's no point if your obsession happens to be that 4th token.
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What if Grim Embrace only revealed the auras of Survivors not yet hooked? Reduces overlap with Barbecue but also raises chances of getting its effects.
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Well I'm pretty sure grim also reveals obsessions aura when all gens get blocked as well
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My suggestion is to keep it at 40 seconds, but also have it give all survivors hindered for that duration. That way it encourages killers to start a chase
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This would require the killer to still down and hook all 4 survivors though?
Which means the killer would need to not camp and tunnel to proc it's effect. It also promotes not camping since the Obsession's Aura is revealed when it procs.
Besides what you are saying can be applied to other perks as well. "You can camp a survivor for a full hook state with Blood Warden", "You can camp a survivor for a full hook state with No Way Out", etc.