If you cleanse a totem in front of a Mikaela, you're just a bad person.

Don't break her heart 🥺
time stamped
EDIT: I lied, 1:00
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But my inner strength😦
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Just had a Mikaela waving at me so canceled cleansing. Just for her to cleanse the totem -.-
those were my 1K BP.
(also Mikaelas are kinda the new Meg-Heads, especially when in a group)
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But I like bloodpoints
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Oh well, I get my inner healing
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I don't care, if they want to boon totems so much then they should run small game
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Im guessing it because there is a tome challenge for booning as mikaela right now
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I was playing Mikaela once and had a Haddie in my team, she probably was cleansing every totem and finding them faster than me. I'm surprised I even managed to bless one.
That is pretty true. There have been so many noteworthy Mikaela moments I remember. Mikaela going around looking for boons and blocking me while I'm getting chased (it was an accident).
Mikaela trying to come save me from the hook and falling into a hole😂
Mikaela not doing gens 2-3 mins into the game cause they still can't find their boon.
Mikaela trying to unhook me and a zombie downs her.
I dunno if I should be mad at her, they're just hilarious.
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I have done it out of spite because team mates waste so much time booning it drives me mad. Sure, set up a boon but when a killer keeps stomping the same one and a team mate keeps booning over and over it is all time we could have spent on gens and already be in the next match.
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True, booning can be a double edged sword and people spending too much time doing that instead of gens, especially if they're bad at finding totems in the first place.
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The killer has already stamped out that boon spot twice, Mikaela. If you don't stop, I'm going to make you stop.
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Throw a coin to your Witcher
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I mori Mikaelas in front of totems
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Would I be a bad person if I boon a totem in front of Nancy?
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Delete this
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Early bird catches the worm. Nothing personal.
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As a booning Yun-Jin main, I sincerely wish we had a emote that symbolized I need a boon. XD
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Well ... I am a Mikaela who is cleansing totems xD
I have more fun with other perks than with boons so I almost never bring them. At this point the majority of players should have unlocked the boons , so if they want them they can bring them themselfes.
But if I am the only mikaela in a match and I hear the noise of a boon I feel pain because I know the killer will blame ME for it.
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These are hysterical 🤣
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LOL. I remember when boons came out, I had a buddy who Booned and played Mikaela. I was a Yun that brought Boons. Everytime we played, they ended up tunneling her, I felt so bad. XD Mikaela's can get swamped.