I feel bad for twins.

I won't lie, I don't like playing as or against twins, I am not good at dodging Victor, and I always get dropkicked when I play as them. But twins did not need to get bodyslammed with nerfs. I hope they get some sort of buff at some point.
Society if Twins didn’t exist:
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meh. they kinda deserved ngl.
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They 100% deserved the nerfs they got.
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They got off pretty light honestly. Victor can still camp and tunnel. Victor can still slug. If you ask me they should go back and fix these before even considering any buffs.
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What did they do to twins? Seems weird to nerf them since they are already hardly used and pretty weak.
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Toy Sword, Stale Biscuit & Madeleine´s Scarf nerf were strange but the Switch from Victor to Charlotte and the attack cooldown are making Twins not worth playing.
You´re suffering 8s of doing literally nothing if you decide to swap after downing someone.
They´re still worth to play, once.
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I enjoy playing them but they definitely did not need nerfing. They're hard enough to play as is