The more I play against Hag the more I wish she had other powers…

I mean she is a witch, no?

Her power design is boring so I wouldn’t mind if she was faster and had less traps but also other cool witch abilities. Something like voodoo doll abilities, maybe something with fire (pyrokinesis), ability to set other type of traps using ground roots where survivors get stuck (similar to Trapper) but tree roots.. like her design could be so much more fun and scary.


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    That's a neat thought, because yeah, you really could go ham with those symbols of power. I don't have too much of an issue with how Hag currently plays, but if they were ever to limit her ability to camp hooks, something like this could be a great way to compensate her by giving her more power in other areas. I like the idea of tree roots, because her existing power is already based on mud and the power of the swamps, and something like strangling roots or quicksand would suit her well. Pyrokinesis, I think I'd rather give another killer, because that always struck me as an untapped full power idea and I expect to get a fire killer someday.

    On the other hand, while slowdown/you-get-stuck traps sound really cool and thematic... I can't think of many situations where I'd want to use those over an "I can teleport to this spot" trap instead, assuming both were available to me.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I'm all for making Hag as fun as imaginable !

    I currently like her power, but once you get past the people who've never faced her, it's so easy to feel powerless against survivors since she can be reduced to less than simply "M1 killer" because of her speed.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I think for me she feels boring because she feels one dimensional. Teleportation is cool but I would Love to see more out of her. I think she would have a higher pick rate and be more fun to verse too.

    I think the slowdown roots power would be something more for her chase potential. Sort of like a way to shut down a loop or slow down a survivor while in chase. She is currently the only “Witch” character we have in the game, so really she should shine when it comes to her abilities.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited October 2022

    It's a cute idea, but Hag is great. Still one of my most played killer, and if it wasn't for Dredge and Artist, my go to 'one last game, let's make it a good one' killer.

    That said, she's one of the killers that survivors often just refuse to play against, and that's frustrating.

    I find her pretty diverse - there's so, so many things you can do with her traps.

    The only area where she's lacking are her addons, which are either boring but effective, or useless.