Hag traps pulling camera
Yeah, I really don't like Rusty Shackles because you're barely playing Hag at that point. When people say X Blight add-on or something "changes the killer's power", it's usually not. Rusty Shackles is more the type of add-on they're talking about.
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I don't know guys, he's convinced me. Having the camera spin around might be too much for players. I say we petition BHVR to change it to a 2s stun. Stops them dead in their tracks as their character is temporarily paralyzed with fear. Lore accurate, no disorienting camera movement, Hag still gets to hit if she reacts quickly. Seems like a win-win. I mean it's no worse than a pallet stun or flashlight blind right?
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Is it not an addon
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One of the many reasons Hag sucks to play against.
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You really played against a Hag? This should almost be in the news. Have not seen one in ages.
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But thats how the devs work. They use perks and little tricks to patch little design flaws.
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You should know by now that most survivors in this community will not be happy and think every killer is poorly designed unless they play like Nurse without any blinks.
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While killers complain that after they got more and more anti-loop-killers, people just run away without looping by holding w, and that dead hard even after a nerf still does something. Most killers think swf is op unless they drop in a chase after 15 seconds.
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Well coordinated SWF with outside communications is OP since the game isn’t balanced around it.
Anti-loop killers are a result of unfair maps with too many strong loops and tiles that need fixing and reworking.
Dead Hard is still a second chance perk that basically rewards a survivor after they got hit, albeit a bit more difficult to do now.
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This is one of the tricks I learned when I was going for her adept. it's a neat feature that you can counter if you're aware of it (at least on PC) and it makes Hag more interesting to play as.
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But people get motion sickness from that.