sick and tired of this awful match making system

when I play as killer i'm constantly matched vs good survivors, even if its solo survivors they're good teams
when I play exclusively as solo survivor I am CONSTANTLY Matched with people that either have a few hours in the game or urban evade around the map and do nothing to help the team.
I'm forced to bring kindred every single game to atleast try and encourage people to go for saves and even then half the time I see them hiding in a corner/a locker or just not going for the save at all.
5 or 6 games this morning and every single one has either had a D/C within a few minutes or survivors who can't stay up in a chase for more than a minute even vs m1 killers.
What is going on with this match making system? i'm honestly close to just uninstalling now.
Yeah, same thing with me. That's why I completely stopped playing solo q. I'm a mediocre survivor getting matched with even worse players playing against Ralph and One Pump Willie, dudes playing for a living. Very fun getting slaughtered at 5 gens
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i'm getting tired of being matched against streamers with thousands of hours in the game "showing how good they are without perks" when i'm the same as you an average player being matched with complete beginners vs people who play none stop.
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That cause get mmr as killer is easy at low mmr, 4k = 20 * 4 = 80 mmr per game, 3 matches will give you 240 mmr, if person suicide on hook it means you're skilled, cause mmr counts only kills
When you're playing as survivor you can't get more than 20, also remember that hatch doesn't count as win / lose (60 mmr for 3 matches)
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P.S if numbers weren't changed, cause soft cap as i know is 1600
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I agree 100%.
It's also just russian roulette. You get a really good team against you round 1, and then you completely stomp the survivors or killer in round 2. There is just no exception between.
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That’s incorrect, the amount your MMR goes up or down is relative to the opposing player rating and some other factors, it’s not a flat number.
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We estimated that only about 6% or so of players are over the 1600 soft cap a while back based on assuming it’s a normal distribution with a mean of about 1000 and standard deviation of 400. There’s really not that many people over the soft cap.