The meaning of the kill rate stats is very simple:

Killers that dunk on solo queue players and have mandatory side objectives have the highest kill rates, even if they are horribly weak against good players and swf.

Plague: absolutely destroys solos due to cleansing and uncoordinated fountain use

Pig: can annihilate a solo queue team by simply tunneling the person who has a trap. post trap buff they waste quite a bit of time!

Pinhead: self explanatory. solo queue cannot beat him because there is 0 communication about the box. I can run to do the box and find out someone else got there 5 seconds before me. 30 seconds wasted

Sadako: is actually not bad in the absence of callouts (again, solo queue) and with good add ons. tape moving objective

Wesker: mandatory first aid sprays

The only conclusion to seeing sadako and pinhead (objectively WEAK killers against good teams) at the top of the "high mmr" kill rates is this: solo queue is in the worst state it has ever been, and direly needs something
