The meaning of the kill rate stats is very simple:

Killers that dunk on solo queue players and have mandatory side objectives have the highest kill rates, even if they are horribly weak against good players and swf.
Plague: absolutely destroys solos due to cleansing and uncoordinated fountain use
Pig: can annihilate a solo queue team by simply tunneling the person who has a trap. post trap buff they waste quite a bit of time!
Pinhead: self explanatory. solo queue cannot beat him because there is 0 communication about the box. I can run to do the box and find out someone else got there 5 seconds before me. 30 seconds wasted
Sadako: is actually not bad in the absence of callouts (again, solo queue) and with good add ons. tape moving objective
Wesker: mandatory first aid sprays
The only conclusion to seeing sadako and pinhead (objectively WEAK killers against good teams) at the top of the "high mmr" kill rates is this: solo queue is in the worst state it has ever been, and direly needs something
If enough survivors wasted time piling on the Box with no communication wed still be better off than we are now.
I would feel bad because I enjoy solo q so I can relate, but it's because I'm a Solo Qer that I know teams deserve to die because nobody bothers.
People are scared of the Box because they dont want to accidentally risk being the target of a tunnel or camp because all it takes is one down
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I'm not saying you're wrong or right but BHVR also used the top 5% of MMR; not 5% of the softcap but the actual top 5%. I always assumed that the top 5% would be dominated by SWF. If it actually does have a lot of solo players then solos can get to much higher heights of gameplay than I imagined previously. If that is the case then solo is much more manageable than what people like to portray.
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People love to assume that everyone playing Solo Survivor is bad at the game. Most people are just not as good at this game as they think they are regardless if they are playing killer, swfing, or playing solo.
I play mostly Solo Survivor and I can do well just by using Kindred. SWF is extremely overrated and usually comms are just super annoying and distracting anyway.
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FYI the estimates we calculated a while ago were 6% or so of the playerbase is over the soft cap. So it's probably roughly the same people.
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Whether or not people are good at the game - it matters, but it's not the main differential between solo and SWF. Kindred doesn't substitute for planning, knowledge of each others' intentions, and constant information sharing on every aspect of the game. It also lets you bypass the part of solo queue where you'll get matched with bad players or players who give up immediately and doom your match.
Comms are only annoying if you play with annoying people.
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That makes a lot of sense.
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Pinhead: 30sec wasted is only the time you get there, you have to spend another 30sec to get back to your Gen.
And your team lost 2/3 of a Gen progressing just with a single box.
And killers said info doesnt matter..
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Because how does that info help you get a down?
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How does Pig specifically tunnel better? Yeah it's harsher on the person with the trap on their head, but if she's tunneling them, what is she getting from her head trap? If you're tunneling the 1 person you'd otherwise have passive pressure on, and not bothering other people instead, isn't that the objectively worse play?
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I truly don't understand why they release these things.
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Because the extend of the match for another min favor killer?
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Then that's not just info.
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