Survivors are giving up more than ever.

Nearly every single match I load into, someone DC's or gives up on their first hook. Nobody wants to actually play. I have seen this happening since the midchapter update and it hasn't gone down at all -- if anything, it's worse than ever right now. I can't actually play the game like this when half of my teammates are gone within the first minute or two.
Please please do something about this. Morale is at an all time low for survivors and it's incredibly disheartening.
You can't make people enjoy something they don't want to enjoy.
I play solo survivor. I never give up or DC. I enjoy it. Even when I get sacrificed, usually.
Yet my team mates give up at the slightest inconvenience.
You can't make people grow a spine.
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Killer-sided state of the game is unbearable for survivors. Something should be done about it as soon as possible. Wesker is too strong
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I've had people quit mid-match three times this week in about 9 games. One of those times was Pinhead, one was Clown, and one was Legion. The Pinhead one the person quit before I even got into a chase, no idea why. The other two just got mad I downed them and DC'd.
It's almost all sore losing, no other explanation needed.
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Or you are just not that good
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this happens every time dc penalties are off. if every player has 3 things that they dc against, then almost every game will have a dc since its almost guaranteed one criteria is met
edit: dc penalties are back, but its the same logic with hook suicides, and people are used to just not having to deal with things they dont like since dc penalties were off
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You might be in low mmr from bad teammates I recommend the sole survivor and wakeup combo to escape through gates for better elo and better teammates.
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Couldn't have said it better myself. SoloQ is very enjoyable, As long as you play it how the game was originally designed, not expecting to survive. It's much easier to pip as a survivor than as killer in my own opinion.
Although at this rate killers might get thrown into a box on maps that they can't get out of, only able to attack survivors who go inside. Or, killers get cancelled and removed from the game entirely.
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Pinhead is incredibly frustrating to face when you aren't playing with a team.
Legion is so ######### boring that I stopped playing him because I felt bad.
Clown is...too powerful to be left alive.
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Honestly the only time I give up as survivor is for tunneling and camping. After having the 9th killer tunnel out of the game, it gets frustrating, boring, and its just not fun. So I let them have the kill because it seems like they need it more than ever. But if I get an actual skilled gamer who is playing well and challenging themselves as a killer, Im staying til the end. Won't care if I get sacrificed, as long as fun is had then all is good.
As killer I hook everyone once before I hook anyone twice, then I hook everyone twice before I sacrifice or mori anyone. Then I choose an order on how to sacrifice them. (i.e Top to bottom, Bottom to top, Middle then outside, Gals then Guys, Guys then Gals, Etc..) If I find it is still too easy I allow the survivors to reset, heal up, and maybe complete a gen. I will go to a far corner and count to 30 or 60 depending on how big the map is. I also try to scare the hell out of them or creep them out if I'm Myers or Pig or another stealth killer. Won't be toxic unless they are first (Tbaggers and clickers). Seldom do I ever have a survivor give up when I play like that. Most are happy AND they still gained points AND I still got the 4k. (not every time is a 4k, but they happen often)
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Is there really any way to fix this? If someone doesn’t want to play a match they won’t even if it means just going AFK
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"SoloQ is very enjoyable"
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Everywhere i see people cherrish that the dc penalty is gone and i really have to ask: Do you enjoy those real short matches? When a teammate or the killer dcs because of the slightest inconvenience?
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I think survive morale is gone, speaking for myself, I have no hope anymore they will fix the problems they themselves caused to begin with.
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thats just classic survivors. if a survivor gets outplayed they get mad and dc. the game isnt completely in their favor anymore? dc. something broken of theirs gets nerfed/fixed? dc. back when survivors werent dcing as much was when they had ALOT on their side. That caused killers to start leaving/giving up. once bhvr addressed killer issues it completely switched.
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Yep, had a teammate quit halfway through a match with a Legion. Got them off the hook, they stood there and got a deep wound, let the time on the deep wound put them in the dying state. Thankfully, the rest of us realized they'd gone down to DW and left them for the killer to hook again. I think the killer realized it too, they gave us space to get one more gen completed virtually uncontested and then it was game on as normally. Ended up a 3K (he let me have the hatch at the end), but at least the 4 of us still in the game managed to salvage something.
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Because they've removed the DC penalty so all the salty children ragequit if they see a map/killer they don't like or the first time they get downed/the killer makes a good play.
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This game in its current state is hard to enjoy. Ive been holding out hope maybe the devs will see whats going on. But when all you want to look at is stats, im afraid that ship may be sailing away. Solo Q is the most demoralizing way to play in any game ive ever experienced in my life, and for months all we get is radio silence. they are either out of ideas, or just too busy trying to create more content to water down the game even more.
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It's funny, I had exactly zero team mates DC while the penalty was off this week. First game tonight since the penalty is back, and there's a DC lol was against a Nurse but anyway, in general I don't see too many DCs at all. Certainly not more now than I have in the past