Forum users pretending to be what they are not.

The same user made all this posts. I'm not going to mention any names (i don't think it's allowed), but u can go and search the trend by ur self.
The same guy who says: WESKER IS BROKEN, KILLERS OP, I'M 99% WIN RATE AT KILLER. This guy is also the one who says this:
And my personal favorite, this one:
The last one just shows how entitled of a player people can be.
Btw the point is not to ashame anyone, is just to show that people who say they have a "99% win rate" and they are "never losing as killer" are also the people who ware pleased to have no DC penalty so they can rage quit infinity, or the kind of survivor who complained about the flashlight nerf (even though It happened because epilepsy attacks).
Just please do not pretend to be a killer main when u are not, u can always give ur opinion but be honest that u don't play as the role.
And this thread will be closed in a matter of moments
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Maybe, but it's true, it's a big forum problem so I'm not ashamed at posting it. People are literally faking being killer mains to get killers nerfed, LOL
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His 99% winrate can't top my 42069% winrate
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I play soloQ and my escape rate goes up to 11.
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Plenty of people do that on the forum. Just take everything with a grain of salt.
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it's almost like the point is to aggravate people and not to create genuine discussion around the game. i think there's a word for it?
oh yeah! orc
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Just glad I'm not the only one who sees through it and what they are really doing.
It's gotta be the gaming chair though right? I must discover this secret gamer knowledge!!! 🤔